Runaway Tales Index

Jul 20, 2023 18:35

Hi. This is an index of the stories I've written, images I have photoshopped, and occasionally, pictures I've drawn for Runaway Tales. The stories are listed in order in which they take place, with AUs at the bottom. More links will be added as I write them.

For The Omniscience:

How It Started - Before and during year 1, Omniscience Era. The story of Kyles Matteo Edgerton, the man behind the Omniscience; his search for a place in the world and some of the consequences of that.

First Impressions - . October 13th, 117 O.E. Lilah's grandparents, selected to marry each other by the Omni, meet in person for the first time.

Deferred - 147-173 A.E. "My dad was an apple salesman. Ever heard of as stupid a job as that?" The story of Tane Pond and the family he left behind.

Contradictions - February 24th, 173 O.E. The mastermind leans back and admires his handiwork.

science and yeah - 182 O.E. "Okay, I officially don't get it."

Pas de deux - September 24th, 185 O.E. "I see only two of you making eye contact."

Sweetheart - November 17th, 185 O.E. The sounds of an argument echo through the school hallways.

As It Seems - December, 185 O.E. Lilah reflects on life, love, and trickery.

Corsair - Photo manipulation. December 12, 185 O.E. Becca's rebellious period, in a rhymed couplet and a photo.

Sozzled - Photo manipulation. December 12, 185 O.E. Becca gets drunk.

Acid Hope - December 12, 185 O.E., concurrent with Sozzled. They told you two shots was enough to give you the time of your life or get you out cold.

Becca: Missing ( Gone / Line / Shut Up / Reflection Three) - August 18th-21st, 186 O.E. After several emotional breakdowns and spirals into depression, 16-year-old Becca disappears for several days, throwing those around her into a panic. Here are their thoughts.

A Prayer - Photo manipulation. Takes place during the Becca: Missing series. Becca's cousin Vincent turns to an ancient source of comfort and guidance.

Finding Her - Drawing.  August 21st, 186 O.E. Mark finds an unconscious Becca at the edge of a building after days of searching.

Upon her falling light - December 24th, 186 O.E. On Christmas Eve, Lilah prays for Anna to come home.

Limerick - May 12th, 187 O.E. Mark writes his girlfriend a love limerick.

Smile - Summer, 187 O.E. A relationship study of Lilah Ellerby and Delia Day.

Free - August 21st, 187 O.E. Becca stands on the rooftop and closes her eyes.

only under liberty - 187-188 O.E. Character study of Monika Holmes and the explosions that rock everyone's world but hers.

Final Project - The Great Gatsby - December 31st, 187 O.E. Inara's final project for film school, the project that would propel her to stardom.

Gentle Giant - January, 188 A.E. It's easier to be a gentle giant if you're a dog, as Hanson Gunther knows.

Deal - April 28th, 188 O.E. Inara Reynolds meets the legendary Jack Gallifrey.

inhale, exhale - May 2nd, 188 O.E. Becca and Mark discuss Mark's impending venture into the Omni.

Nevermore - Lilah dreams of old poetry. Dark poetry.

And Miles to Go Before I Sleep - The woods are lovely, dark, and deep, but the Omni has promises to keep.

Do Not Go Gentle - "Where are we always going?"  "Death?"  "No. Resistance."

Still I Rise - "Find something, something you love, and hold tight to it. Don't let go."

Whoa Whoa Wait - Everyone does a double take.

Singer - Jack spins a speech and a riot begins.

sustaining - after the official end of canon. Colin Day reflects on his new home.

Swords and Sorcery - Photo manipulation. Omni goes stereotypical medieval fantasy.
  • To the Future, My Love - The night before she is to enter the Ordeal Chamber, Lady Lilander has disturbed dreams.

For Force-Benders of the New Renaissance:

Dare - early-ish Camelot timeline. Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the first official meeting of the Force-Benders of the Renaissance.

Follow Me ( Becoming / Sighting / Beguiling / Controlling / Falling) - Camelot timeline. The tale of the Lady of the Lake, her sacrifices, and how she toppled an empire without even knowing it.

Libra Moon - takes place about a half an hour after "Fighting in the Rain" (Chapter Six). Amalia reflects on Andromedian astrology and what that means for her and Einan.

Hijinks - takes place a couple of days before the last chapter. Some of the more troublesome students decide to enchant themselves; what some consider hilarity ensues.

doing the impossible - AU, takes place in the Firefly universe. Isis chases her lifelong dream, despite what everybody else has to say about it.

Valor and Arms ( Valor and Arms / Discipline and Skill / Justice and Truth / Passion and Dread) - a series of pseudo-medieval AUs exploring a more personal relationship between Machiatrellos and Mattaso.

playing with fire - AU where Katalira and Machiavelli are Machiatrellos's children. The Aragonian royal family can't help but play with fire.

For Danse Macabre (RP):

The Sword - 1509 and 1525. "Is it your aim to make a mockery of me? 'Sblood, I will not have the Tudor line die with only two kings to its name!"

Le Bleu Stygian / Stygian Blue -  « Souviens-toi que tu n'es que poussière. C'est le temps pour retourner en poussière. » Remember that you are nothing but dust. It is time to return to dust. In both English and French.

Shadowed Dreams - January 13, 2011, with flashbacks to September 12, 2009. Spencer tells himself that sleep is for the weak. Only his subconscious knows that he's also avoiding nightmares.

Raising Hell - “You've been telling us stories since the dawn of time, warnings not to build ourselves wings and fly too close to the sun. You treat us like children, to be scared into good behavior. But none of us are children anymore.”

For Crossfire (RP):

Mon Enfance - 2407-2414. Monique did grow up quick and mean, but not the way Langston Hughes meant it. In both English and French.

The Conall Experiments - May 4, 2415 A.D. Conall's first memory.

Over the Carnage - Photo manipulation. Sometime during the 2415 Ospria Revolts. "Over the carnage rose prophetic a voice..."

Confrontation - February 2419. "I assumed you would lie or dodge the question or something. That's what I did."

Jav - Around 2429. It seems our favorite inspector has some... problems with his past.

Magic Shows and Miracles - Jav and Monique reflect upon their rather self-immolating relationship.

Tango - April 2, 2432. Monique and Silias duel for Morian's plans.

Gun Song (after Sylvia Plath) - April 15, 2432. "Rayn spent most of his time writing this poem--he was in some kind of frenzy writing, you could barely talk to him--and when he showed me the poem...oh, Flogoth, it was the most beautiful writing..."

Somewhere Ages and Ages Hence - April 24, 2432. Conall talks to her long-lost, finally-found daughter.

Skin Stars - An unspecified time in the future. Are you trying to be sweet? Stop trying to be sweet. It's ridiculous, you idiot.

Rocketgirl - AU May 9, 2432. "So, how good an impersonation am I doing?"

A Deeper Season Than Reason - AU crack!ship. Eyaf and Nyar's love is not at all rational, but it is fervent.

Death, be not proud - AU where Silias kills Morian. Because why not make myself curl up in a corner and sob uncontrollably for the rest of the day?

Plot-Induced Idiocy - AU, 2442. The Crossfire cast goes to see a play--the story of Crossfire, written by Linda, Katrina, Rebecca, and Amanda/Amata.

Ten Thousand Sorries - AU future. She still counts his apologies. He still sings when he's drunk. It's a good marriage.

For Ether Lands (RP):

25 - 32 to 56 A.E. Each year of Josu Gaman's life before he became Asher Lang.

Dead Men - September 1, 39 A.E. "You didn't have to kill 'em, y'know that, right?"

Origin Stories - January 2, 40 A.E. Drake's new crew trade theories on the captain's backstory.

Red Sky in the Morning - 45, 51, and 55 A.E. Hob always picks "dare," but neither fear nor courage will save what he loves most.

Soft October Night - October, 55 A.E. Asher/Josu in his study, seen through the eyes of his cousin Shakri.

Bloo-bare-ee - November, 55 A.E. Asher/Josu's cat speaks her piece.

Wanderlust - January, 56 A.E. Not all those who wander are lost. There are people like Captain Drake Zephyrson.

Everyone Is Jesus in Purgatory - ...I think the title explains itself.

For Coded Politics (RP):

la vie en colour - Second timeline, from beginning to when Farran and Luc are separated. A study of the relationship between Lucretia Borgia and Farran Gray/Stephen Sondheim.

Chess - Sixth timeline, backstory. Roderigo has before him a choice.

Runaway Tales ( I. Into the Woods | II. Chameleon Circuit | III. Vitruvian Man) - Sixth timeline, at various points in time. "There are a grand total of three people who've managed to escape the Borgia hacker ranks and not get caught for years." These are each of their stories.

The Prince - Sixth timeline, backstory. Cesare names his motorcycle.

To Avis Ladongale, On the Subject of Fixing Time - Timelines six to ten. Roderigo drafts a letter.

Scene from a Previous Life - Timeline Seven backstory. To neurosurgeon Roderigo, People are unique and beautiful minds to be dissected.

Five - The Borgia Family of Timeline Seven.


Almost Last Words - Charlotte Corday (RP): July 16, 1793. What Charlotte thinks is her final letter. "Remember me."

Give Me A Kiss - Crossover: Photo manipulation. Twelve couples and a mother and daughter kiss.

Ships That Pass in the Night - Crossover: None of these ships should have ever happened, and thank Flogoth they didn't. Eyaf/Nyar, Jack/Monique, Merlin/Roderigo, and an Asher/Morian/Javert love triangle.

A Ripple in the Abyss -  For an Ice Cream Truck starter here: Photo manipulation. The god of the dark creates a child out of the void.

Starving - For likelolwhat's Natural Forces universe. Photo manipulation. Nimue and Achan devour each other. Into darkness we fall.

organization, novel

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