doing the impossible

Jun 17, 2012 18:02

Title: doing the impossible
Author: Amata le Fay
Story: Force-Benders
Flavor(s): Chocolate Chip Mint 1 (shiny), Peach Pie 1 (to the stars through difficulties)
Toppings: Chopped Nuts
Extras: None
Rating: PG13, for language
Word Count: 357
Notes: Firefly universe, hence the chopped nuts. Also, different canon from my previous stories-since it's AU, though, you don't really need to know anything. Oh, and concrit welcome.

If the Independents had had her at Serenity Valley, they wouldn't have lost. That's what her mom said constantly, her bitter Independent mom who was always talking about the war even though it had been over for years. Isis would roll her eyes and then secretly glance around to make sure Feds were listening in. She liked pissing them off, even though there was always the threat of retaliation or security crackdowns. Whatever. Whatever they did, she could always fend them off. She was good at that sort of thing.

She was good at everything, actually. “You're more than just gifted-you're a gift,” her mom would say, usually right after making the Serenity comment. The Alliance had wanted her for that-offering to enroll her in some special school for geniuses or some crap like that. Isis had seen right through that particular lie, and she did not want to be brainwashed into a government-controlled superweapon, thank you very much. And besides, she neither wanted nor needed school. Hell, she didn't want or need this planet, for all its squeaky clean buildings and shiny technology and idiotic people.

What she wanted to do was get her hands on a ship and get out of this place, out from under the gorram Alliance's thumb, out to the border planets and beyond. To boldly go where no one had gone before-that'd be her, Isis Carlevaro, that insubordinate firebrand that nobody could take on, not the Feds or the Reavers or anybody else.

So, one night, she snuck out while the city was asleep and did exactly that.

The man at the shipyard had vehemently opposed her choice, a run-down, worthless piece of luh suh in the form of a transport ship, firefly-class. But Isis figured that, unless she started with nothing, there was no way for her to become something, and if she were able to make this ship fly she'd be doing the impossible, and that would make her mighty.

She crouched down beside the broken engine and glanced at all the parts, knowing exactly how they fit together. “Shiny,” she muttered with a grin. “Let's do this thing.”

[author] amata le fay, [topping] chopped nuts, [challenge] chocolate chip mint, [challenge] peach pie

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