
Aug 22, 2012 21:09

Title: Becoming

Author: Amata le Fay

Story: Force-Benders

Flavor(s): Chocolate Chip Mint 15 (distant), Peach Pie 15 (all for our country), Pomegranate 3 (transformation)

Toppings: Butterscotch, Sprinkles

Extras: None

Rating: PG

Word Count: 352

Notes: In this 'verse, Merlin is evil and the whole Camelot situation is... complicated. Reading this might help (or not). This is probably going to be the first in a series revolving around Nimuë. Concrit appreciated, as always.

The young woman drifts in the midst of her thoughts as if in a pool of water. Colors float in circles all around her, and when she looks down at her hands she finds them shimmering with blue light. She can't feel her fingers, though. She tries to float up to the surface, back into her body, but some force far stronger than her pushes her back under. Discomfort and soon resentment bottles up inside of her-she's drowning inside her own mind, even though her body breathes.

Katalira's warnings begin to echo in her mind. The effects of this process are drastic, life-changing. It won't be you in control of your body-your consciousness will be dormant, hidden underneath layers and layers of enchantment. Essentially, an entirely different person-a whole different mind-will inhabit your body for an indefinite period of time. You have to make sure not to run into anyone from your old life, lest they recognize you and trigger the return too early. No friends, no family, no support system. In all likelihood, the only person you'll be interacting with is Merlin.

Morgan speaks next, in the firm tones of a born leader. It's necessary, though. We're going up against an enemy whose powers are practically unlimited-mind reading, future seeing, battle magic, even necromancy. And it's vital that he doesn't suspect you.

The two voices intertwine and blur together as panic seizes her thoughts. I can't do this, it isn't going to work, ask someone else, I'm not strong enough and I'm scared to death- She tries to calm herself down, but her mind is racing at an unprecedented speed, desperately clinging to life.

Do this for your people, she tells herself. They're suffering out there. And you can change it. You just have to make it through this...

A feverish delirium falls over her and her thoughts grow sparser and sparser and she drifts further away from the shore. A shadow moves across the water, and after a moment, the darkness numbs her senses and swallows the whole.

When Nimuë's eyes next open, it's a different person seeing through them.

[topping] sprinkles, [author] amata le fay, [challenge] chocolate chip mint, [challenge] pomegranate, [topping] butterscotch, [challenge] peach pie

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