my life is so exciting, books, no value, scientific progress goes 'boink'?, theirloveissonaval, work, silly, recs, boredom

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  • Here, have some random

    meresy Jun 06, 2009 14:14

    I should start looking for a new apartment, so, like, I have a place to live in the fall. But I dun wanna! I LIKE this apartment ( Read more... )

    music, my life is so exciting, i like tags, meh, wtf, look at this!, my kingdom for an attention span, theirloveissonaval, apartment-hunting saga, c6d, silly, argh, idek, books, fannish, no value, segues are for the weak, movies, random, birthdays, cbc

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  • Nothing's new

    meresy May 26, 2009 17:36

    No, really, nothing is new. Not with me, anyway. Here are some unconnected things ( Read more... )

    my life is so exciting, argh, durham county, meh, books, some people, no value, segues are for the weak, random, talking about the weather again, hugh dillon, the thing about me is i'm kind of a dork

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  • Books! I has them.

    meresy May 21, 2009 20:02

    I got a hefty box from Amazon in my door today, yayayes. It contained seven Aubrey-Maturin books, starting with The Ionian Mission because that's what I'm up to reading right now. I'll buy the earlier ones later. And the later ones later. :D? Yay for having books! Especially books with helpful diagrams; goddamn you and your jargon, O'Brian. Oh, and ( Read more... )

    my life is so exciting, i like tags, nos is awesome, books, consumerism, no value, fannish, theirloveissonaval, sionn probably needs her own tag now

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