(no subject)

Jul 07, 2009 15:35


1. Survived another weekend getting drunk at the cottage with the family. The stepdad was feted as befits a guy turning 60 and good times were had. Got to tell my favourite joke to a new crowd and eat filet mignon (dubbed "puck steaks" but the brother, ain't he a wag) and see the fancy renovations on the cottages. Good times had by all, even if the weather was cool. Got a mite sunburnt, but that's par for the course.

2. Heard from Nos. She aten't dead! \nos/

3. More birthdays happened! belmanoir and kristiinthedark turned however old they are this year. I hope it was good times! And tomorrow is the birthday of THREE flisties: eledhwenlin, fillionaire and simplystars. Then hyzenthlay26 on Thursday! Holy July babies, yo! *twirls you all and gives you cake*

4. In book news, I am all the way up to Blue At The Mizzen now and I'm sad that the series is nearly over. I finished The Hundred Days last night and I can't believe that P O'B just killed off Diana AND Bonden like that! I mean, it's bad enough how he keeps maiming and killing the poor midshipmen, but he finally gets Diana with her head screwed on right for a book or so and being awesome w.r.t. telling Sophie she should sow her own oats, while not running off with gay Swedes herself, and then he has her take a header off a damned bridge. At least we did away with Mrs. W. in the bargain ('Here lies a ginormous bitch.' There's your epitaph.) but really. Off-screen, even, and poor Stephen definitely Not Thinking About It. *pets*

So that's bad enough in the beginning, but then they're fighting the Algiers galley in the end and oh, a twenty-four pound ball happens to bash in one of the gunports and the whole gun crew is killed including Bonden. Just like that. And not even a funeral scene! The guy is part of the Aubrey-Maturin family unit for 15 odd years and blam. I mean yes, suddenness of deaths in battle blah blah but BONDEN. *cry*

Not cool, Patrick O'Brian. Not. Cool.

Anyhow, emo and all, we still have to get to Chile, which as been in the works for BOOKS now. They'll be independent without Surprise's help at this rate./end spoilery book ramble.

5. Say, has anyone played the newer Civilization game? IV, I think it is? Have you any opinions? I've been playing ye olde version lately, and while it is good times, it's not quite diverting enough... I get bored somewhere between smiting any and all Vikings and the Industrial Revolution.

6. So, how are you all?

theirloveissonaval, the famn damily, birthdays, random, rl, books, no value

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