Here, have some random

Jun 06, 2009 14:14

I should start looking for a new apartment, so, like, I have a place to live in the fall. But I dun wanna! I LIKE this apartment. >:( >:(

I am listening to old CBC Radio 3 podcasts and it makes me happy. You should all listen to them, too. Free Canadian indy music, guys! It is filled with awesome. Also, Grant Lawrence is my radio boyfriend. I'm trying to let the podcasts make up for the fact that I probably won't get to Sound of Music this year. (No, not THAT SoM, the festival one. In Burlington.)

I have been clicking around the internet a LOT. I'm bored, and that leads to be ending up in places I did not even expect.

Certain memes seem to be around every fandom, lately. Take the hilare song I'm On A Boat. Seriously, take it. If you haven't heard it yet, I don't know where you've been. Obviously the newly-enlivened Star Trek fandom was all over that, to great eefect. And now, today, I see it on the Aubrey-Maturin comm, because what better fandom...? (Excepting how offended Jack would be at having the Surprise referred to as a boat.)

Even weirder, you have Chris Pine drawing a direct connection between Kirk/Spock and Aubrey/Maturin. Guys, I can't even.

("Jim, you have debauched my sloth!")

I'm just waiting for the "On A Boat" thing to turn up re: Mounty on the Bounty.

Eh? Eh? Anyone? Bueller?

Memes, guys. IDEK.

Anonymous kink memes! Why don't we have one of those in dS/C6D, hm? Is it just 'cause we'd all be completely NOT anonymous? (I could probably spot
sionnain at a hundred paces, yo. :P) Still, it'd be fun, yes? Free-range porn? Support for that weird idea you thought NO ONE would be into?

In other news, "yclept" is kind of a great word, you know? I want to use it some time.

Yesterday was the birthday of primroseburrows and rchelsea2005! *twirls you both* Hope there were good times and cake. TOMORROW is the birthday of the inestimable
scriggle, my very, very firstest LJ friend! If the world was at all fair, Callum would show up at your door wearing a bow tomorrow. I hope at least there is picspam. ♥

Oh, and I should go shopping, y/n? Giftage is needed soon, as there are family birthdays and things. Sigh.

music, my life is so exciting, i like tags, meh, wtf, look at this!, my kingdom for an attention span, theirloveissonaval, apartment-hunting saga, c6d, silly, argh, idek, books, fannish, no value, segues are for the weak, movies, random, birthdays, cbc

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