my life is so exciting, books, no value, scientific progress goes 'boink'?, theirloveissonaval, work, silly, recs, boredom

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  • C6D fandom for the win!

    meresy May 12, 2009 21:59

    Guys, guys, the C6D Porn Tag is complete!

    There were SIXTEEN awesome, porny fics in less than nine days. You guys amaze and thrill me. *admires porn* I mean, look at the variety of fandoms and characters! And the sexiness! Truly, it is an embarrassment of riches.

    Just look at this list here )

    c6d porn tag, i love you all, recs, \o/, squee

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  • Hey, look, porn!

    meresy May 06, 2009 18:56

    My porn tag game is underway! Already the participants have produced five fics (five!) since I taged the first participant Sunday. So far, we have one for HCL, one RPS, one in Sling & Arrows and two for Wilby! All very tasty indeed. \c6d/

    In other porn, I must rec
    Read more... )

    c6d porn tag, sionn probably needs her own tag now, recs, \o/, squee

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