a Tuesday stream of consciousness

May 31, 2011 19:47

I feel exceedingly random today.

As it does, Summer has suddenly arrived here in this corner of of the continent. Nothing but rainrainrain and then, suddenly, today, 40 degrees and like a sauna. It reminds me that I really need a haircut and new shorts and someone to help me hoist my a/c into the window because, really, I complain all winter long about the cold and the wet and the short days but then THIS arrives and I remember that ice is my friend, really.

Went to a Lilac Festival at the RBG with my mom on Sunday. Delightful, though I think I like the dogwoods and redbuds better than the lilacs. Waiting for rhododendrons. I don't have pictures at the moment. Got sunburnt. I am waiting for it to peel (the only fun part of sunburns.) (It reminds me I should probably look into want it takes to get a referral to a dermatologist. I'm not worried at this juncture, but a variety of things make me a case of melanoma waiting to happen, and it's good to know doctors.)

The FPLC is busted. Again. And I keep finding new and exciting ways to make SPIDER not work (I am not much of a computer scientist, these scripts know it and throw incomprehensible errors to test me.) And it is JUNE. Where does the year go? We can't I hide in this comfortable in-between-deadlines place forever?

I think the heat has made one of my sun-catchers fall off the window. Now part of it is broken. =/

umbrella_half, I still intend to mail you something. I'm not crafty in that way that people stamp cards and put sparkles and things, but I'm thinking some evening I will misappropriate lab supplies and construct something interesting. Possible something interesting only to biochemists who get kicks out of making patterns in their tip boxes, but I'm told these sorts things have an inexplicable sciency cachet.

For some COMPLETELY unfathomable reason since the weekend I have stumbled (late as always) into reading ALL the TSN RPF. I think blame must lie with zeenell and kristiinthedark and subliminal messaging. I may have been reading this fic all day on my iPod (in between Trying To Do Science and cursing out the computer) and legit died of adorable. I also blame lingering existential WTFery keeping me from approaching SPN fic at the moment, and, well, Andrew Garfield. Because well. See sentiment in icon.

I really need new summer clothes, but then I remember I don't like clothes shopping or spending a lot of money on things other than food and the mall is in BFE. How do I deal with this problem?

Finally, I have Canadian indie music for you:

Rah Rah - Breaking Hearts

The Liptonians - You Know I Did

The Rural Alberta Advantage - Stamp

The Rural Alberta Advantage - Tornado '87

The end. :)

run-on sentence theatre, music, my life is so exciting, i like tags, my kingdom for an attention span, i want another degree for some reason, andrew garfield what is your everything, recs, talking about the weather again, rl, the thing about me is i'm kind of a dork, rambly, nature hates me, idek, tsn gives me a meta headache, fannish, no value, scientific progress goes 'boink'?, random, segues are for the weak

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