Things and showblog

Aug 18, 2010 16:02


How are you? I am well. Just got back from my five-week surgical followup and all has healed well and the final pathology confirmed that the alien babies weren't the dangerous kind. Huzzah!

I am going to Newfoundland on the 26th! Yay!

This made me LOL very hard: CSI: Normandy. The last panel made me snarf Coke, okay.

I finally got and read Tongues of Serpents. It is getting less and less historical, which I'm not sure I like? I mean, yay for exploring how the world would be different, and for aboriginal peoples all over not getting the shaft but... idk. In some ways I don't get how the timeline was so unchanged before when in the books it's turned sideways so rapidly.

Also it was not long enough. *looks at book until it magically grows 100 more pages*

I saw Scott Pilgrim vs. The World over the weekend. On balance, very amusing, and full of Torontoness that is very pleasing when you are in on the little jokes.

Um, I swear I had other things to say, like, false-starts I never posted that were nevertheless BRILLIANT. But I have a mind like a sieve. Whatever. I blame my kerfucked sleep schedule.


Awww, Neal is SO. EXCITED. that Peter is taking him on a date to a fancy restaurant. Too bad Peter is dense about that.

This Sara person starts out annoying, though the car lift was fun.

Aw, Neal's FACE in the plane hangar. *smishes him*

"She testified against me." "I testified against you." "That's different." Awwwwwwwe. It is love.

LOL, if Neal went into item recovery he'd probably end up forging things to get his fee and also just 'cause.

Get a visual on a black limo. In NYC. D'oh.

Man, what kind of crazy person would want to sleep on a cot in a glass office? Bright lights and janitors, augh.

Uh, hi, Matt Bomer's abs and hips. o_o *resolutely does not make cracks about guns in pants*

LOL, 'FBI Evidence' wine.

Yeah, I totally called the 'dead body at the apartment' building thing.

I don't like carnations either, but they are traditional for funerals. Also how much does she want from a corporation? I find I am not sympathetic to Sara's angst about her fake death.

"Glad my grasp of Gothic fiction is a source of amusement for you." Oh, Neal.

♥ for Peter and Neal making bets on one another.


I'm surprised the kid slept through the shouting AND the door-opening. I'll bet she needed the $100k for something relating to him...

Mozzie is all "but what's on the taaaaaaaape?" At least he got to impress Neal with a gadget.

Adoption shenanigans. Called it.

Hey, it's that guy! Lionel Tribby, crazy cricket-bat-wielding dude from The West Wing. :D

Uh oh, sketchy mob adoptions. That'll never end well.

Guy wouldn't notice the weight of a big ol' smart phone dropped into his pocket?

Jones is kind of adorable.

So is Mozzie, all worked up about the adoptees. ♥

LOL, nice sweater, Jones.

Oh, you are caught, Neal. I wonder what might have happened if he had just ASKED Sara for the tape? (Probably not much unless he gave up that painting she's convinced he has.)

Still not sold on Sara. I don't hate her, but her manner is... enh.

I heart Peter and Neal's half-spoken conversations.

I.. still don't really know how to play poker. Now, if there was Euchre for cash...

Well, it's only fair Neal gets to keep some of the winnings...

Aw, old married couple flirting. Peter/El = ♥

Ah, mobster with a soft spot for kids. And not being arrested.

Ooh, shirtless!Neal scene. *shallow*

Enhance the sound! More like unmix, Moz, but okay.

Dun dun dun! I... am still more interesting in the Case of the Week and the Peter/Neal flirting than I ever was by the Kate storyline. First missing without dimension, not fridged, still without depth. Meh.

my life is so exciting, white collar, i like tags, rambly, idek, books, look at this!, no value, my kingdom for an attention span, hilare, silly, random, movies, tv

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