Nothing's new

May 26, 2009 17:36

No, really, nothing is new. Not with me, anyway. Here are some unconnected things:

- It's getting cool and grey out, which I appreciate but rain = do not want. I don't have appropriate footwear!

- I don't like it when people are... coarse, in public. Like, say, on the bus. It's like showing off, only it's even less classy. Then my inner Fraser gets all frowny.

- I think I might ask for some days off in June, after I get this last bit of data ready. Good idea, y/n? Nos, you should tell me what day's you're down hereaways, and we can hang. (Which, hey, aren't you home right now? Come visit!)

- In July, there is going to be more Durham County. Yay! Admiral Cain is in it. I bet you ten bucks she is crazycakes.

- It's hard to think of a good way to tell my stepmother that I do not want to loan my books to her student. I mean, I'm happy to recommend all the dorky fantasy he could ever want, and I'm sure he'd take good care and stuff, but I... don't like loaning out my books, okay! I've had some bad experiences! And I might want to read them again myself! It's hard to relate this because my stepmom is not at all the sort of person to get that impulse, and will make faces at me like she thinks I'm being a brat.

- I really, really reallyreally need to do groceries, but... mehhh. Maybe tomorrow.

my life is so exciting, argh, durham county, meh, books, some people, no value, segues are for the weak, random, talking about the weather again, hugh dillon, the thing about me is i'm kind of a dork

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