Complete (and Unabridged!) Fanfiction Directory

Jan 01, 2017 13:16

Fics are categorized in alphabetical order according to fandom and then title.

Tags are categorized in alphabetical order according to fandom and then pairing.

No warnings for same-sex pairings because a) you can tell by the pairing and b) same-sex is my default.

For a simpler format, check out the pairings masterlist.

AFI (2)
tag: afi

Breakfast in Bed
(Davey Havok/Jade Puget, PG-13, ~2,900)
Sometimes, breakfast in bed is more than just a friendly gesture.

Wenn Nichts Mehr Geht (When Nothing Else Works) [Tokio Hotel crossover]
(Bill Kaulitz/Davey Havok, Bill Kaulitz/Tom Kaulitz, NC-17, ~2,800)
He was clad entirely in white, and his sleeveless shirt exposed two toned arms - muscular but not over-defined - that were completely covered in a variety of colorful tattoos. At a cursory glance, Bill could make out pumpkins, ghosts, a stone wall, and an assortment of oddly shaped buildings. He had to fight back the urge to laugh as the man tilted his head and his eyelids sparkled. Glitter eyeshadow. Bill would have to try that sometime.

American Idol 7 (4)
tag: ai7

Better Late Than Never
(David Archuleta/David Cook, PG-13, ~1,300)
David might have got over everything quicker if Cook didn’t insist on talking about her every five seconds.

Can't Stop My Heart from Calling You // Part Two // Part Three // fanmix by wovenindelibly [Jonas Brothers crossover for jb_bigbang]
(David Archuleta/Nick Jonas, PG-13, ~27,500)
Nick Jonas is straight. Very much so. And David Archuleta’s Mormon, so… he sort of has to be. But when the two meet backstage at the 2008 Teen Choice Awards, they lay the foundation for an enduring connection that neither of them expects.

(David Archuleta/David Cook, PG, ~1,100)
Mamihlapinatapai is a word from the Yaghan language of Tierra del Fuego, listed in The Guinness Book of World Records as the "most succinct word," and is considered one of the hardest words to translate. It describes a look shared by two people with each wishing that the other will initiate something that both desire but which neither one wants to start. This could perhaps be translated more succinctly as "eye-contact implying 'after you...'" A more literal approximation is "ending up mutually at a loss as to what to do about each other."

Second Place Victory
(David Archuleta/David Cook, PG-13, ~1,900)
Cook looks right at you and his eyes are dark with a mix of concern and something else you don’t recognize. The intensity in his gaze makes you shiver with a tingle that goes right down your spine.

American Idol 8 (3)
tag: ai8

Du Bist Mein Schmetterling (You Are My Butterfly) [10 prompts]
(Adam Lambert/Kris Allen, Adam Lambert/Major Dick Winters, R, 800)
“Just one, then,” Adam bargains, touching Kris’ hand hopefully. He rubs the pad of his index finger across the other man’s thumbnail. “You’ll carry a little piece of me wherever you go.”

Faithful As I Faltered
(Adam Lambert/Kris Allen, PG, ~600)
He takes in every detail of Kris’ appearance: the warm brown eyes, the modest beard, the mussed hair. The occasional errant droplet shimmers ominously at the end of a strand, threatening to drip onto the smooth, perfect plane of his chest.

Life's A Drag (or, Adam & Kris are Twitterific) [Twitter!fic]
(Adam Lambert/Kris Allen, PG-13, ~300)
There are only so many things one can do on a tour bus before beautifying Arkansassy.

Anthemic (1)
tag: anthemic

Maybe Tonight
(David Cook/Neal Tiemann, NC-17, ~7,000)
When they play together like this, it doesn’t sound like two guitars any more than it feels like they’re two different people. They feed off each other, intertwining to create a gorgeous musical entity comprised entirely of sex and noise. He senses Neal looking at him, gaze smoldering against his cheek as the other man makes sure that it’s good for him, that it’s working. It makes him wonder whether Neal would be as attentive in bed.

Britannia High (3)
tag: britannia high

Dirty Little Secret [for britannia_fic]
(Jez Tyler/Stefan, PG-13, ~900)
Jez isn’t normally the kind of person to make the first move, so pinning Stefan up against the mirrored wall in their rehearsal space comes as something of a surprise to him. The fact that he’s kissing Stefan while this is going on comes as even more of one.

Let's Get These Teen Hearts Beating (Faster & Faster) ["High School Musical" crossover]
(Jez Tyler/Ryan Evans/Troy Bolton, R, ~1,700)
And oh, yeah, Ryan-or-Brian is definitely gay (or at least seriously questioning) judging by the way his arms are thrown into the air, hips bumping up against the swell of Jez’s ass in time with the music, so Jez smirks and reaches backwards, clamping his hands against the small of the other boy’s back, encouraging, guiding his movements. Troy’s in front of both of them, facing towards them, and he tilts his head like he’s considering something before swaying his hips from side to side and moving closer.

(Jez Tyler/Jonas Singer, PG-13, ~1,400)
“You’re vile, d’you know that?” the boy spits, obviously not believing a single word as he turns to leave in a huff, and then Lola’s sticking her nose in again, all sanctimonious, something about lessons and being nice to people, which Jez totally is already - he works hard to be - so all he can really say is “Great,” before he stomps off all dejected-like because what was supposed to be a nice, restful lunch has somehow got all dramatic and he doesn’t have a single sodding clue as to what happened or why but now somehow he has to fix this.

California Diaries (2)
tag: california diaries

China in Your Hand
(Ducky McCrae/Bud the Cro Mag, R, ~3,500)
You picture a new life. A house than can actually be a HOME, even without Mom and Dad. Guy friends your own age.
It COULD happen.
So you say yes.

Ducky, Diary 2.5
(Ducky McCrae/OMC, PG-13, ~8,000)
None of the teachers at Vista actually READ these journals. They were an assignment without a due date. (You wish every assignment came without a due date.) So why are you going to all this trouble to “edit” your life? Who are you trying to hide from?

Chasing Life (2)
tag: chasing life

Match Point
(Brenna Carver/Greer Danville, PG, ~400)
When Brenna told Greer she was going to take her down on the tennis court, she didn't mean literally.

Unexpected Places
(Brenna Carver/Greer Danville, PG, ~600)
Honestly, she and Greer barely even know each other. They played that one game of tennis and watched that movie, but Beth and Kieran were at the movie too and it wasn't like any of them actually had a chance to talk much because, duh, it was a movie, so Brenna's not sure the movie even counts. And now Greer's texting her.

Cold Case (1)
tag: cold case

Stitch This World Together (Piece by Piece)
(Lilly Rush/Scotty Valens, PG-13, ~1,500)
As soon as she’d woken up from being knocked out in Christina’s motel room, Lilly had called Scotty. Of course she’d called Scotty.

Criminal Minds (3)
tag: crimi

(I Always Feel Like) Somebody's Watching Me // Part Two [Jonas Brothers crossover]
(Joe Jonas/Spencer Reid, PG-13, ~16,750)
"I'm just - I'm a bit worried, you know..." Reid begins, stalling the inevitable, and Joe kisses him again, sweet and quick. "We're in a hot tub," he continues, only just managing to state the obvious before Joe repeats the motion. There's the unmistakable tang of chlorine on his lips. "And it's, uh." Reid's beginning to lose his train of thought here. "We're," he tries again between kisses, "pretty much exposed."

A Drop in the Ocean, A Change in the Weather ["Rizzoli & Isles" crossover]
(Jane Rizzoli/Maura Isles [plus background Derek Morgan/Penelope Garcia], PG-13, ~10,200)
Denial, Jane thought, was like bubble wrap. She cocooned it around herself like a blanket and felt utterly invincible, but that only lasted until Maura came along and started popping the pockets of air, one by one, just by virtue of existing - and the worst part was that there wasn't a damn thing she could do about it.

Close our eyes, pretend to fly // Part Two // accompanying art here by astral_angel and here by kymericl [Morcia AU for cm_bigbang]
(Derek Morgan/Penelope Garcia, PG-13, ~16,500)
It was raining the morning Reid stepped into the shop with a stranger, his light brown hair tousled with water. There was a bell above the doorway that tinkled gently every time someone entered or exited, and when Penelope glanced up, she froze. The newcomer was tall and mocha-skinned, with an impressive musculature obvious even from beneath his leather jacket. He looked around for a few moments, taking in the ambience of the place as Reid wiped the raindrops off his glasses with the sleeves of his cardigan, and when the unfamiliar man's eyes met hers, she immediately looked down at the cups and saucers she'd been collecting from a recently evacuated table and hurried behind the counter to take their orders, hoping her blush wasn't as pronounced as the hot sensation on her cheeks suggested.

Eyewitness (3)
tag: eyewitness

At Night, Alone
(Philip Shea/Lukas Waldenbeck, R, ~1,650)
Philip had looked at the other boy's high cheekbones and floppy hair, felt a familiar thrill deep in his chest, and thought, This will end badly. Then he imagined himself sitting on the back of Lukas' bike, hands planted firmly on the other boy's slim hips, and said, "Sure."

Burning One Hell of A Something
(Philip Shea/Lukas Waldenbeck, PG-13, ~700)
Philip's talking to the ceiling - it's easier that way, doesn't make him feel quite so dizzy, and if that happens to mean he can't make eye contact with Lukas, well, maybe that's for the best. He needs the question to sound as offhand as possible, like, oh, hey, by the way... and if Lukas sees the look in his eyes, he'll see the fear there too.

Love in A Photograph
(Philip Shea/Lukas Waldenbeck, PG-13, ~1,600)
"Whoa," is all he can say as he revels in the clunkiness of what was considered cutting-edge technology in decades past, turning the Polaroid camera over in his hands. It's definitely older than him, older than both of them, and Lukas bought it for him, and Philip wants to be cool about that but there's a stubborn warmth inside his chest that refuses to be ignored.

Fall Out Boy (5)
tag: fob

Because the Night
(Patrick Stump/Pete Wentz, PG-13, ~1,700)
Patrick sighs. He reminds himself that Pete is trying to sound heart-rendingly pathetic on purpose (Pete’s good at it - he’s had a lot of practice). He reminds himself that at times like these, Pete looks at him in terms of body-heat and nothing more (it’s impersonal, Patrick, so brutally impersonal). He reminds himself that Pete is older than he is, that Pete has been alive for over a quarter of a century, that Pete should have got over the fear of sleeping alone by now (but he hasn’t, Patrick, he needs you).

Highs in the Mid 20s
(Patrick Stump/Pete Wentz, PG-13, ~1,000)
Patrick used to look at the monochrome swirls on Pete’s arm and wonder why the inked sleeve wasn’t bright colors like Andy’s. In time he grew to realize that the tattoos were the only things black and white and definite about Pete - that everything else was shades of gray.

looking up through ice
(Patrick Stump/Pete Wentz, PG-13, ~1,900)
Pete thought of the ICE number again. Of looking up through ice in a frozen pond. Of a hand reaching down into the murky darkness, open, grasping, expectant. He thought of numbness. The Arctic white of the ceiling. Ice floes. Avalanches.
He pressed the goddamn speed-dial.

The Grim Adventures of Patrick & Peter [AU]
(Patrick Stump/Pete Wentz, PG, ~4,100)
“What enemies?” Patrick asked scathingly.
“Uh,” Peter said in a tone of voice that implied he couldn’t believe Patrick didn’t know. “Hook?”

We're the Chemists Who've Found the Formula to Make Your Heart Swell & Burst
(Patrick Stump/Pete Wentz, PG, ~1,000)
When Pete first told Patrick he was going to write a screenplay, Patrick said to him in his steady Patrick way, “Cool, okay, that’s cool.”

The Fosters (5)
tag: fosters

A Single Step [Part 1 of Steps]
(Callie Jacob/Cole, PG-13, ~1,400)
In the grand scheme of things, Rita making Callie switch rooms wasn't as bad as kicking her out of the house altogether (as long as she wasn't moving in with Daphne). Callie figured at this point, she should take what she could get - and in this case, that was apparently a transgender roommate.

A Step Back [Part 2 of Steps]
(Callie Jacob/Cole, PG-13, ~1,800)
Seeing Callie with her boyfriend had just kind of messed Cole up, was all. He'd given up on ever having the chance to feel love like that a long time ago, but that didn't mean it was easy to see someone else experiencing it.

The Next Step [Part 3 of Steps]
(Callie Jacob/Cole, PG-13, ~2,200)
When Callie, Kiara and Daphne return from Daphne's apartment to find an ambulance in the driveway of the group home, Callie knows. She just knows, and her heart sinks into her stomach as she sees Cole being wheeled out through the front door on a gurney.

The Final Step [Part 4 of Steps]
(Callie Jacob/Cole, PG-13, ~1,600)
When Callie gets back from the funeral, Cole takes one look at her face and knows better than to ask how it went.

Toward the Light
(Callie Jacob/Cole, PG-13, ~6,300)
Callie is familiar with the concept of hitting rock bottom. It's something she associates with drug-users or alcoholics, people spiraling out of control who wake up one day and realize they have nobody and nothing left except the hole they dug for themselves. So when she boards a bus in the middle of nowhere and has to get off in the pitch-black darkness at the end of the line, the name of the stop is unfamiliar, but she knows exactly where she is.

Hawaii Five-0 (6)
tag: h50

Ahi A Me Wai (Fire & Water)
(Steve McGarrett/Danny Williams, PG-13, ~3,500)
There's nothing quite like a hostage situation to fan the flames of a slow burn - except maybe a boat-jacking and a shark encounter on the open water.

Ho'omaika'i (To Be Thankful)
(Steve McGarrett/Danny Williams, PG, ~1,300)
As the Hookman's well-aimed shots ricochet off the walls around him, Danny senses the distinct possibility of death in his near future - but Steve's got everything under control.

Hoikeana (Revelation)
(Steve McGarrett/Danny Williams, PG-13, 2,800)
While Steve's away hunting Joe and Wo Fat in Japan, Danny leaves him a voicemail every day.

Kaua (Fight)
(Steve McGarrett/Danny Williams, PG, 2,000)
Toward the beginning of 2x23, "Ua Hala (Death in the Family)," Danny's wrestling with how to handle the petition that would modify his custody agreement with his ex-wife. By the end of the episode, he's determined to do whatever it takes to keep his daughter on the island. Here's what happened in the interim.

Mālama (To Care For)
(Steve McGarrett/Danny Williams, PG-13, ~1,500)
Remember the final scene of 2x14, "Pu'olo (The Package)," when Danny's at the hospital gazing forlornly at newborn baby Charlie and Steve pops up like a Pop Tart and suggests they go get food? Yeah, this is the aftermath.

Mauka (Toward the Mountains)
(Steve McGarrett/Danny Williams, PG, ~900)
The mountains sweep upward around them in broad, vivid strokes, resplendently verdant against the bright blue of the Hawaiian sky, the sun luminous through the clouds.

High School Musical (22)
tag: hsm

Drabbles for hsm_100 (Ryan Evans/Troy Bolton):
  • & It's Louder Than Lightning In This Room of Mine (PG-13)
  • A Confrontation (PG)
  • An Intrusion (PG)
  • An Observation (PG)
  • As Illusion Dies I See There Is So Much To Be Revealed (PG)
  • A Step Too Far (PG)
  • Giving Thanks (PG)
  • I Am Troy's Complete Surprise (G)
  • Into the Fire (PG)
  • It Was Only A Kiss, It Was Only A Kiss (PG)
  • It Was So Easy Not to Behold What I Could Hold (PG)
  • Morning After (PG-13)
  • Ride on Time // Part Two // Part Three // Part Four (PG)
  • Snowball (PG)
  • Sweet Little Lies (PG)
  • The Clock Strikes Twelve (PG-13)
  • The Value of Pie (G)

    (Ryan Evans and Gabriella Montez [gen], PG, ~350)
    “He talks about you in his sleep.”
    Ryan blinks. “Excuse me?”
    “Don’t make me repeat it.”

    Know Thyself
    (Ryan Evans/Troy Bolton, NC-17, ~2,800)
    Ryan stares at him in silence for almost a full minute. His eyes blaze hatred and hurt. “What are you doing here, then? Get out. Go back to your boring heteronormative life with your sports star status and perfect girlfriend. Just don’t expect to be happy.”

    Let's Get These Teen Hearts Beating (Faster & Faster) ["Britannia High" crossover]
    (Jez Tyler/Ryan Evans/Troy Bolton, R, ~1,700)
    And oh, yeah, Ryan-or-Brian is definitely gay (or at least seriously questioning) judging by the way his arms are thrown into the air, hips bumping up against the swell of Jez’s ass in time with the music, so Jez smirks and reaches backwards, clamping his hands against the small of the other boy’s back, encouraging, guiding his movements. Troy’s in front of both of them, facing towards them, and he tilts his head like he’s considering something before swaying his hips from side to side and moving closer.

    Lying is the Most Fun A Boy Can Have Without Taking His Clothes Off [sequel to Let's Get These Teen Hearts Beating (Faster & Faster)]
    (Ryan Evans/Troy Bolton, NC-17, ~3,300)
    He flashes back to an image of the previous night - his eyes rolled up to the ceiling, fluttering open and closed as Ryan did something to his neck and collarbone, something involving the other boy’s tongue and lips and teeth and eventually his hand, which molded itself gently to the curve of Troy’s neck for just long enough to make him realize that he really, really liked that before Chad had stumbled into the bathroom to pee or throw up or both, and they leapt away from each other like they’d been burned.

    Start of Something New // Part Two // Part Three // Part Four [AU]
    (Ryan Evans/Troy Bolton, R, ~20,000)
    “Well, hi, Ryan,” Troy says sarcastically. “Are you going to, like, give me your entire life story now, or can I go back to what I was doing?”

    Jonas Brothers (6)
    tag: jobros

    (I Always Feel Like) Somebody's Watching Me // Part Two ["Criminal Minds" crossover]
    (Joe Jonas/Spencer Reid, PG-13, ~16,750)
    "I'm just - I'm a bit worried, you know..." Reid begins, stalling the inevitable, and Joe kisses him again, sweet and quick. "We're in a hot tub," he continues, only just managing to state the obvious before Joe repeats the motion. There's the unmistakable tang of chlorine on his lips. "And it's, uh." Reid's beginning to lose his train of thought here. "We're," he tries again between kisses, "pretty much exposed."

    Brotherly Love
    (Joe Jonas/Nick Jonas, R ~3,800)
    "It's... not that kind of big kid stuff," Joe says faintly, with a sinking feeling that he's said the wrong thing. "Your body has to be ready to do it, and yours isn't yet. You're too young."
    "Like when we go to Six Flags and I can't ride the rollercoasters 'cause I'm not tall enough?"
    Joe has to chuckle at his little brother's analogy. "Yeah, Nicky, something like that."

    Can't Stop My Heart from Calling You // Part Two // Part Three // fanmix by wovenindelibly ["American Idol" crossover for jb_bigbang]
    (David Archuleta/Nick Jonas, PG-13, ~27,500)
    Nick Jonas is straight. Very much so. And David Archuleta’s Mormon, so… he sort of has to be. But when the two meet backstage at the 2008 Teen Choice Awards, they lay the foundation for an enduring connection that neither of them expects.

    I'll Be Fine Alone
    (One-sided Joe Jonas/Nick Jonas, implied Joe Jonas/Kevin Jonas, PG-13, 200)
    Somehow they honestly think that you haven’t yet picked up on it despite them always hugging for just a second too long, or the fact that their hands always seem to accidentally brush just before they walk onstage (which you would believe if it didn’t happen every night), or the way they cram together on back seats and couches even though there’s usually plenty of room.

    Nothing Rhymes with Circus // Part Two // accompanying art by squigglepie: cover, David, Kevin, Nick & Joe [AU for rpf_big_bang]
    (Joe Jonas/Nick Jonas, David Henrie/Nick Jonas, Miley Cyrus/Nick Jonas, R, ~21,000)
    They begin with a small list of tour dates, just a summer thing along the coast in order to do something their father calls “gauging interest.” Paul Kevin Sr. doesn’t want to brand them as just a gymnastic act so he appoints a skeptical Kevin as ringmaster and even involves little Frankie in the proceedings, despite him being just five years old. The Jonas Brothers Circus soon grows to accommodate some of the Jonas Brothers' real-life Disney compatriots as it tours across the country, leaving good and bad memories in its wake.

    Shameless [for the song title fic meme]
    (Joe Jonas/Nick Jonas, R, 438)
    If I had any sense / I guess I'd fear this / I guess I'd keep it down / So no one would hear this ... We better have a good explanation / For all the fun that we had / 'Cause they are coming for us, baby / And they are going to be mad.

    Law & Order (1)
    tag: l&o

    (Abbie Carmichael/Toni Ricci, PG-13, ~350)
    A series of vignettes illustrating the evolution of Abbie and Toni's relationship - working and otherwise.

    Law & Order: SVU (3)
    tag: l&o:svu

    Connection in an Isolating Age
    (Alexandra Cabot/Olivia Benson, PG-13, ~2,200)
    Alex hasn’t drunk alcohol in more or less forever, so she’s a little light-headed after only two beers. She doesn’t think it’s noticeable until she stumbles a little on the way out of the bar, the fresh snowfall taking her by surprise, and Olivia’s hand shoots out to grab her, lightning-quick.

    Serendipity ["Rizzoli & Isles" crossover for the Rizzles Girls writing challenge]
    (Jane Rizzoli/Olivia Benson, PG, ~2,200)
    “Dare I present the hypothesis that you may be feeling more than a platonic attraction towards this woman?”
    Jane sets her beer down with a clunk. “Excuse me?”
    Maura shrugs, then delivers her findings in that annoyingly calm, confidently accurate way of hers. “Your orbicularis oculi cannot lie, Jane.”

    Where the Love Light Gleams // Part Two // fanmix ["Rizzoli & Isles" crossover]
    (Alexandra Cabot/Olivia Benson, Jane Rizzoli/Merch bartender, R, ~19,000)
    A detective from Manhattan and an attorney from Boston switch homes for the holidays to take a break from their tumultuous love lives.

    Misc. RPF (9)
    tag: rpf

    Another Buffed & Pretty Face
    (Robert Downey Jr./Zac Efron, NC-17, ~1,100)
    It's dark outside but not completely; the sky's a luminous cobalt blue pierced by the inky silhouettes of the surrounding trees, the air still but for the clinking of the ice in their glasses. They're way up near the Santa Monicas but Efron's house is still raised, what, a good extra ten feet off the ground. Robert guesses the kid likes his privacy and kind of can't blame him, considering the cacophony of paparazzi that follow his every move.

    Carcinogen Crush // Carcinogen Crush (expanded) [for the song title fic meme and jb_ficexchange]
    (David Henrie/Nick Jonas, PG-13 & R, 252 & ~2,100)
    David takes a drag from his messily rolled joint, breathes in deeply, exhales. The smoke curls into Nick’s face and tickles his nostrils. It smells foul.

    Come On Get Higher [for the Zac Efron RPF meme]
    (Mitch Hewer/Zac Efron, R, ~1,600)
    "Well, you're on holiday," he says finally, like he's figured out the meaning of life or something. "When in London, and all that."
    "But I'm working," Zac protests. “And that’s Rome.”
    "Not at the moment, you're not. Right now you're in a dressing room with a bloke who has some pot and, more to the point, is offering you some." He takes in another lungful of smoke and regards Zac with a beatific smile. "Come here."

    Got 180 Degrees & I'm Caught In Between [for the Zac Efron RPF meme]
    (Corbin Bleu/Lucas Grabeel/Zac Efron, NC-17, ~1,900)
    “Sex with you is great,” he says tenderly, running a fingertip down Zac’s bicep, and Zac can’t help but beam like a schoolboy with a crush. “And with you it’s awesome,” he continues, turning to Corbin and flicking his curls fondly. Zac’s blush fades. “So I thought…” He trails off and waits for them to figure it out for themselves. They don’t. He rolls his eyes. “You,” he begins, looking at Zac, “and you” (he turns his attention to Corbin), “and me.”

    One Reason Lucas Shouldn't've Dyed His Hair, & One Reason He's Glad He Did [for the Zac Efron RPF meme]
    (Lucas Grabeel/Zac Efron, R, ~900)
    Neither of them is quite sure what happens next. Lucas looks down just as Zac lifts his head, and Zac’s nose ends up bumping against Lucas’ jaw. It shouldn’t be awkward - they’re fairly tactile with one another anyway - but somehow… somehow it is.

    Something That Will Stay
    (Gotye/Nick Jonas, PG-13, ~650)
    It’s one of those hugs that kind of linger, and just as Nick starts feeling awkward, Gotye pulls away - which, weirdly, is a little disappointing. Gotye’s cheek brushes against Nick’s and he hasn’t shaved in a couple of days, and his skin is warm and the air around them is cold for L.A.

    Storm in the Heartland // Part Two // accompanying art by karneol_vision [for rpf_big_bang]
    (Angie Harmon/Stephanie March, Angie Harmon/Kristin Chenoweth, Angie Harmon/Jason Sehorn, R, ~15,000)
    In the late 80s, high schooler Angie Harmon dreams of becoming a model, traveling the world, and wooing hunky Kieran March from the senior class. But soon after her modeling aspirations begin to take flight, she finds herself unexpectedly falling for another member of the March family - Kieran’s younger sister. We follow her from the tumult of a lesbian relationship conducted against the backdrop of the conservative Texas heartland to her time in New York City, where she meets the footballer she goes on to raise a family with, and finally to Hollywood, where she makes a friend who may turn out to be a little more than that.

    Totally Not Gay [for the Zac Efron RPF meme]
    (David Henrie/Zac Efron, R, ~1,000)
    What he means to say is, yeah, it’s fair to say he’s desperate, which is the only reason he makes a noise as soon as David’s lips curve around him. The only reason. Shit, he’s not a girl.

    You Could Call It Superpowers [for the Zac Efron RPF meme]
    (Kevin Jonas/Zac Efron, R, ~1,500)
    "Dad thinks it’s a gift from God and Joe likes it because I can get him the remote when it’s on the other side of the table and he doesn’t want to move. Why aren’t you freaking out about this?"

    Murder in the First (1)
    tag: mitf

    This is the Thing
    (Hildy Mulligan/Kami Keefer, R, ~1,300)
    Hildy's breath catches in her throat. She knows Kami likes her, that she has for a while, but it's never gone beyond flirtation and innuendo before. She doesn't know what to say.

    My Chemical Romance (2)
    tag: mcr

    Dependency [for mcr_100]
    (Bert McCracken/Gerard Way, PG-13, 100)
    Bert tries not to let it get to him, this widening gap between he and Gerard.

    Pale Pink Lips, Fingertips
    (Gerard Way/Mikey Way, PG-13, ~1,200)
    It’s not like he didn’t try to stop it. Really, he wants to say to anyone who will listen (except nobody knows because he hasn’t told anyone and nor has Mikey - neither of them ever will so the only one who knows is God, but that’s already one person too many).

    NCIS (1)
    tag: ncis

    Dawn ["Rizzoli & Isles" crossover]
    (Kate Todd as Maura Isles, PG-13, ~1,500)
    Kate wakes up in the hospital with an armed guard sitting by her bedside. He’s lounging in one of those stiff, uncomfortable hospital chairs, reading a newspaper with a headline on the front page about the 2008 presidential primaries. As far as she knows, it’s 2005.

    Panic! at the Disco (9)
    tag: panic

    (Backstreet) Boys Will Be Boys
    (Ryan Ross/Spencer Smith, PG-13, ~3,200)
    Finally, as the chorus blared, they shuffled forward, jumped up, parted their legs and - “Backstreet’s back ALRIGHT!” yelled Spencer - slowly brought their hands up in front of them, freezing in place as the closing strains of the song faded out.

    Brendon Urie & the Super-Secret Fort
    (Brendon Urie/Spencer Smith, PG, ~1,000)
    Brendon sighs, but the expelled air is captured by the cotton of his sheets so it comes out as more of a huff. When he realizes that’s not going to make Jon go away, he rolls his eyes and, sounding most perturbed that Jon totally just invited himself into his super-secret fort (which nobody’s supposed to know the location of even though it’s in Brendon’s bunk), says witheringly, “I’m being emo, Jon Walker,” as if it’s the most obvious thing in the world.

    Panic! Meet The Press
    (Brendon Urie/Ryan Ross, PG-13, ~1,200)
    Ryan was amazed - three questions in, and Brendon already had some of them on his side. That was another reason Ryan loved Brendon; he had the ability to endear himself to almost everybody he met.

    Raindrops on Roses
    (Brendon Urie/Jon Walker, PG, ~550)
    Brendon shakes the cereal box experimentally. Jon raises his eyebrows. “Is there a toy?” Brendon inquires.
    Jon nods somberly. “There was. Spencer took it.”
    Brendon narrows his eyes. “Spencer,” he says murderously. “Spencer’s mean.”

    Silver White Winters That Melt Into Springs, These Are A Few of My Favorite Things
    (Brendon Urie/Ryan Ross, PG-13, ~1,100)
    Ryan stood up from the couch and walked over to the sliding door that led out into the garden surrounding the cabin. He had half a mind to throw his thesaurus at Brendon for saying “rain” three times in five words, but he restrained himself. He couldn’t, however, restrain his lips from curving up ever so slightly at the sight before him - Brendon, hair sopping wet and slicked against his forehead, was twirling crazily around the garden, stumbling every so often in the long grass.

    The Wii Incident
    (Brendon Urie/Jon Walker, PG-13, ~1,700)
    “Excuse me,” Spencer said from the armchair that Brendon had designated to be the Winner’s Throne (but later stripped it of the title as soon as he realized he wasn’t going to win, like, ever). “I can hear everything you’re saying, you know.”

    This Is A Love Story In My Own Way
    (Brendon Urie/Ryan Ross, PG-13, ~1,350)
    “Hmm,” Brendon murmurs lazily against the warmth of Ryan’s body, “so you looked at those pictures of Pete, huh?” He feels Ryan tense slightly - not a lot, and only for a second, but it’s there.
    “Did you?” Ryan is an expert at fielding questions.
    “Hell yeah!” Brendon is an expert at having no shame.

    You & Me
    (Brendon Urie/Ryan Ross, PG-13, ~5,000)
    “You like him, he likes you. And you need to fucking call him back so I don’t end up on the phone all night comforting him. We actually had to do shit in Chem today so I didn’t get to take my usual nap. I need my beauty sleep, you know.”
    “…Dude, beauty sleep? I’m the gay one here.”
    “Fucking call him, Ryan.”

    You're My Big Bird, Ryan Ross
    (Brendon Urie/Ryan Ross, PG-13, ~1,500)
    The conversation is closed as far as Ryan is concerned. He goes back to tapping out IM’s on his laptop - Pete, always Pete. He could have killed Pete for telling that one magazine (he forgets which it was - they all blend together after a while) that 90% of the time he’s on AIM he’s messaging Ryan Ross of Panic! At The Disco, but in the end that’s just the way Pete is, and he doesn’t know when to keep his mouth shut anymore than Brendon does.

    RENT (1)
    tag: rent

    Kiss Me, It's Beginning To Snow
    (Angel Dumott Schunard/Mimi Marquez, PG-13, ~1,200)
    “Do me a favor, baby - don’t go talking to that man again, okay?”
    Mimi broke eye contact and tried to turn her head away, but Angel’s smooth hand cupped her chin, making her face forward.
    “Those potions he’s peddling - those powders…” She caught Mimi’s eyes and held them firmly. “He may dish them out like candy, but they’re not nearly as harmless.”

    Real Housewives of Atlanta (1)
    tag: rhoa

    So Tight That I Can't Breathe
    (DJ Tracy Young/Kim Zolciak, R, ~4,000)
    She meets Tracy at her hotel, and the other woman is shorter than she's expecting, with sparkling blue eyes and a short, chic haircut. They go up to Kim's room to talk about the track for a while, and Tracy's bubbly, effusive personality instantly puts Kim at ease. It isn't long before she's spilling the whole sorry Poppa story over her third glass of wine.

    Rizzoli & Isles (5)
    tag: r&i

    A Drop in the Ocean, A Change in the Weather ["Criminal Minds" crossover]
    (Jane Rizzoli/Maura Isles [plus background Derek Morgan/Penelope Garcia], PG-13, ~10,200)
    Denial, Jane thought, was like bubble wrap. She cocooned it around herself like a blanket and felt utterly invincible, but that only lasted until Maura came along and started popping the pockets of air, one by one, just by virtue of existing - and the worst part was that there wasn't a damn thing she could do about it.

    Dawn ["NCIS" crossover]
    (Kate Todd as Maura Isles, PG-13, ~1,500)
    Kate wakes up in the hospital with an armed guard sitting by her bedside. He’s lounging in one of those stiff, uncomfortable hospital chairs, reading a newspaper with a headline on the front page about the 2008 presidential primaries. As far as she knows, it’s 2005.

    Serendipity ["Law & Order: SVU" crossover for the Rizzles Girls writing challenge]
    (Jane Rizzoli/Olivia Benson, PG, ~2,200)
    “Dare I present the hypothesis that you may be feeling more than a platonic attraction towards this woman?”
    Jane sets her beer down with a clunk. “Excuse me?”
    Maura shrugs, then delivers her findings in that annoyingly calm, confidently accurate way of hers. “Your orbicularis oculi cannot lie, Jane.”

    To Something New, To Something Strange
    (Barry Frost/Frank "Frankie" Rizzoli, Jr. [plus background Maura Isles/Jane Rizzoli], PG-13, ~5,500)
    Frankie's taller than Frost, somewhat burly, with kind eyes and a very genuine sort of face. Frost doesn't know him very well, but when the two have had occasion to speak, Frankie listens with full attention, takes everything in. He's a quiet type of guy - not shy but stoic, and respectful enough to let others have their say without immediately butting in with his two cents, unlike a lot of the people Frost works with.

    Where the Love Light Gleams // Part Two // fanmix ["Law & Order: SVU" crossover]
    (Alexandra Cabot/Olivia Benson, Jane Rizzoli/Merch bartender, R, ~19,000)
    A detective from Manhattan and an attorney from Boston switch homes for the holidays to take a break from their tumultuous love lives.

    And check out Angie Harmon RPF here.

    Scream (7)
    tag: scream

    Do Not Disturb
    (Audrey Jensen/Brooke Maddox, R, ~2,400)
    Audrey's body feels like it's on fire, like there's a crescendo building inside of her and every inch of her skin is ablaze, every nerve ending, every muscle. Every organ sings for Brooke, for this moment, for the faint taste of strawberry and the scent of expensive shampoo.

    (Audrey Jensen/Brooke Maddox, PG-13, ~1,100)
    It's Emma's first day back at school, but she's not the only one Audrey's worried about protecting...

    (Audrey Jensen/Brooke Maddox, PG-13, ~900)
    Audrey's actually weirdly fascinated by how Brooke's trying to fill the soulless power vacuum left at the top of the school's social hierarchy after Nina's death, how she's sharpening her curves and brandishing her edges. She's not Nina, though. She has too much humanity to be Nina, and the way she kinda let her guard down tonight proves that.

    (Audrey Jensen/Brooke Maddox, PG-13, ~1,000)
    So Brooke's in the shower, and Audrey hates herself. The blood that dripped off Brooke's body as she walked to the locker room, the blood she's washing off her face and out of her hair, it's all on Audrey's hands, and Audrey hates herself. She's seen Jake's dead body twice now, and that's two times too many.

    (Audrey Jensen/Brooke Maddox, PG-13, ~1,600)
    Generally speaking, Audrey's not the order-taking type. She doesn't dress the way she should, doesn't wear her hair like she should, doesn't date who she should and, more to the point, doesn't care about the people who are dictating the shoulds - the "us" to her "them," the insiders who leave her on the sidelines. Turns out she likes the sidelines. So when Brooke tells her, "Do me a solid: Do not let the unwashed masses into this house," Audrey's initial reaction should be "Fuck you," but what comes out of her mouth instead is "Aye-aye, Captain."

    (Audrey Jensen/Brooke Maddox, PG-13, ~500)
    Brooke has always reminded Audrey of a deer, with long legs and big eyes and an ever-present frenetic energy that crackles around her like the hum of an electric fence, the feeling in the air before a storm.

    This world you must've crossed
    (Audrey Jensen/Brooke Maddox, PG-13, ~4,600)
    It can't be a hallucination, but it also can't be Brooke. By process of elimination, it must be some girl who lives on another floor of Emerson College's Little Building, maybe down the street at Piano Row or across the way at the Paramount. Some girl with a different major to Audrey's, who takes classes in different buildings, because Audrey's definitely never seen her before. She'd remember seeing someone like that.

    The Academy Is... (1)
    tag: tai

    Some Things We Can't Escape
    (Tom Conrad/William Beckett, PG-13, ~2,000)
    He isn't being accusatory, not really, and if he sounds like he is then, well, he isn't. Bill gets that. He can tell Bill gets that by his nod, by the way his face stays perfectly composed. When someone says something Bill doesn't like, Bill blinks. Tom knows this. He and Bill used to be in a band together.

    Tokio Hotel (6)
    tag: tokio hotel

    A Song From Far Away
    (Bill Kaulitz/Tom Kaulitz, PG-13, ~1,000)
    "When he told the truth it never sounded like the truth but it felt like the truth. It sounded like a song from far away, in another language, poorly translated and delivered haltingly through a long tunnel filled with cottonballs. It sounded like he was telling you about the song that was inside your own head already."

    Best of Both Worlds // Part Two [AU]
    (Bill Kaulitz/Tom Kaulitz, NC-17, ~12,000)
    She's Germany's biggest teen star and everyone loves her, including Tom. But what he doesn't know is that she's actually his twin brother...

    Bushido for President! // accompanying art
    (Bushido and Gustav Schafer [gen], PG-13, ~1,000)
    “The fact is, Mr Ferchichi, running for president isn’t as easy as it looks.”

    Nervig (Annoying)
    (Bill Kaulitz/Tom Kaulitz, PG, 300)
    Bill nodded, his big doe eyes filling with sadness. “I’m the second most annoying German of the year.”
    “Didn’t you get number one last year?”
    “Well…” Tom shrugged. “Then number two is an improvement, right?”

    Totes Too Many Abbrevs
    (Bill Kaulitz and David Jost [gen], G, ~1,100)
    “Six hair appointments, D,” Bill corrected, pulling out some lip gloss for a quick touch-up and barely restraining himself from rolling his eyes. He was proud of how undemanding he was being. After all, he hadn’t made a single comment about the uneven number of apples and oranges in the fruit basket in his last hotel room, even though he’d specifically requested four of each, not five and three, seriously.

    Wenn Nichts Mehr Geht (When Nothing Else Works) [AFI crossover]
    (Bill Kaulitz/Davey Havok, Bill Kaulitz/Tom Kaulitz, NC-17, ~2,800)
    He was clad entirely in white, and his sleeveless shirt exposed two toned arms - muscular but not over-defined - that were completely covered in a variety of colorful tattoos. At a cursory glance, Bill could make out pumpkins, ghosts, a stone wall, and an assortment of oddly shaped buildings. He had to fight back the urge to laugh as the man tilted his head and his eyelids sparkled. Glitter eyeshadow. Bill would have to try that sometime.

    Without A Trace (1)
    tag: without a trace

    The Little Things
    (Danny Taylor/Martin Fitzgerald, PG-13, ~2,700)
    Martin kind of assumed the whole “Hi, my name is … and I’m an addict” thing was a product of Hollywood’s overactive imagination, much like two-thirds of the stuff he sees in TV crime dramas, but it turns out it’s legit. When it’s his turn to stand up in front of everybody, his hands start shaking harder than when he’s going through withdrawals. Danny’s are clasped in his lap and Martin looks at them when the left one twitches, almost like the other man wants to move it but doesn’t dare.

    Wizards of Waverly Place (4)
    tag: wowp

    A New Fantastic Point of View
    (Alex Russo/Justin Russo, PG-13, ~1,100)
    “I can totally do this!” Alex exclaims, her badly shaken confidence burgeoning in her chest once more as she executes the perfect left turn.
    Justin, who is balanced on the passenger side of the flying carpet, looks pleased. “I knew you could.”

    Potion Commotion
    (Alex Russo/Justin Russo, R, ~4,300)
    A love potion meant for Alex's crush gets into the hands of her brother.

    Precious [for the song title fic meme]
    (Alex Russo/Justin Russo, PG-13, 406)
    He’s convinced he remembers the day she was born. Vaguely, of course, because he was terribly young, and he doesn’t recall images of that time so much as feelings. Suddenly he wasn’t the only child anymore - there was another little being, one who sapped Mommy and Daddy’s attention, and he hated that, absolutely hated it. She’s complicated his life from the very start and yet somehow, inexplicably, he’s fond of her.

    The Price of Silence
    (Alex Russo/Justin Russo, PG-13, ~350)
    If they’re going to be honest with each other, Justin definitely forgot how to breathe for a good ten seconds the first time he saw his sister in her Quinceañera dress.

    not!fic (1)
    tag: not!fic

    Sweet Potato Pie
    (A profile of my nephew, ~250)
    He’s never sick, he’s dying, and he’ll beat you at Monopoly every time.
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