'Carcinogen Crush (expanded)' [David Henrie/Joe Jonas/Nick Jonas]

Feb 21, 2010 00:23

Title: "Carcinogen Crush" [expanded]
Author: that_1_incident
Fandom: Misc. Disney RPF
Rating: R
Warnings: Drug usage (pot), sexual themes
Pairing: David Henrie/Joe Jonas/Nick Jonas, David Henrie/Nick Jonas
Word Count: 2,131
Summary: They’re shooting for Totally New Year ("And the award for Episode with the Craziest Fashion Disaster goes to…") and it’s hot under the studio lights. Nick escaped outside to get some air, ran into David, and...
Disclaimer: Oh no, I don't own the JoBros, yo... whoa. David Henrie is law unto himself and cannot be tamed or owned by anyone. The end.
Author's Notes: Written for farewells as part of jb_ficexchange. An expansion of this.


David takes a drag from his messily rolled joint, breathes in deeply, exhales. The smoke curls into Nick’s face and tickles his nostrils. It smells foul.

“I should get back.”

They’re shooting for "Totally New Year" (“And the award for Episode with the Craziest Fashion Disaster goes to…”) and it’s hot under the studio lights. Nick escaped outside to get some air, ran into David, and -

“Come on, Nick. Just do it.”

“I… we’re shooting.”

David lifts one hand languidly, waving it as if to say, who cares? “No-one minds if you laugh too much. They like that. They’ll eat it up.”

Nick toes at the ground with the tip of his sneaker. “Maybe just a -”

David inhales again, leans forward and presses their lips together firmly before breathing out. Nick almost chokes. He expected to be handed the joint or something (not that he’s complaining because this… this is nice). David’s an excellent kisser - deliberate, not too gentle - although Nick's throat kind of feels singed by the acrid smoke. He knows people do this to transfer the hit or whatever, but when David licks into his mouth and thumbs at his hipbone through his jeans it suddenly becomes clear that there’s another layer to the boy’s intentions.

Nick pulls back and releases the shallow cough that’s been absolutely bursting to get out, only to find that David has this expression on his face like he’s sort of impressed. Nick forces himself to look at the ground before smothering his grin.


When they get the shooting dates for “JONAS,” the first thing Nick does is text David about the WoWP schedule. There are three weeks where the two overlap, and Nick’s pretty pumped about it. He doesn’t really know what he’s expecting, if he’ll even see David outside of, like, passing in the corridors, not to mention whether David would even bring pot to work or if the awards show thing was a one-off.

Truth be told, it wasn’t even really about the pot. That part of their last encounter was okay, Nick supposes, except it made his mouth feel kind of weird afterwards, but the other stuff they’d done, the… kissing. That - that was nice.


The “JONAS” cast break for lunch on the first day, and Nick would be lying if he said he wasn’t a tad disappointed that David hadn’t contacted him again. But maybe he just forgot, or got busy, or decided to go corrupt Jake Austin instead.

“Nick Jayyy,” Joe drawls, coming up beside him and ruffling his hair. “Why the long face? I thought you were Trace Cyrus for a second.”

Nick makes a valiant attempt not to laugh. “It’s nothing, I was just thinking. Um, about the next scene,” he adds lamely.

Joe gives him a strange, steady look but doesn’t push it. “The school one? It’s a no-brainer. Just rock the man purse and you’ll be fine.”

Nick does laugh this time, and Joe claps him on the back and moves off again, leaving him to his thoughts. He doesn’t know why he didn’t tell Joe about the David thing. It’s not like Joe would freak - he’s totally smoked pot before - but Nick likes it being a secret, both the smoking and what he and David had done along with it. It all felt like a dream, kind of, with everything hazy except the press of David’s lips to his.

He jolts a little when his phone vibrates in his pocket, then takes it out and peers at it incredulously.

420 @ 2:30. usual place - y/y?

Nick grins and texts back his affirmative.


It’s not very glamorous, crouching behind a dumpster like this, but Nick can’t shake the feeling that he’s going to get caught. He’s not doing anything wrong, he’s just lurking, but when he hears a “Hey” above him he jumps what feels like a whole foot in the air and overbalances before registering that the voice belongs to David.

David’s shoulders are shaking with repressed laughter as he peers down at Nick, who is sprawled on the ground looking sheepish.

“Uh…” David begins.

Nick glares at him warningly before standing up and dusting the gravel off his pants. “You were saying?”

“Nothing.” David grins and slips his hand into his pocket. “You want your own, or you wanna share like last time?”

Nick tries in vain to keep the blush from blossoming on his cheeks. He can feel the heat at his cheekbones and ducks his head, but judging by David’s sly smirk, it’s already too late.

“Sharing it is, then,” says David. He lights the spliff, beams at Nick with a smug, cocky smile, inhales deeply, and leans forward.


They kinda… don’t really get to smoke much after all. What happens is that David grabs Nick’s jaw to like, line him up or whatever, and Nick really likes that, the sensation of David’s cool fingertips holding him firmly in place, so he kind of… makes a noise? And David stops moving, just stops for a second, and then makes a sound in the back of his throat and pulls Nick towards him, crushing their lips together.

David’s rougher than last time, his hands slipping down to the points of Nick’s hips and then his wrists, grasping them firmly. Nick reacts against it at first, tensing and pulling away on instinct, but David just holds them there until he gradually surrenders.

David’s kiss is more urgent this time too, like they’re not hiding behind the veil of getting high anymore - they’re doing this for real, and they’re both into it for what it is. Nick’s lip catches between David’s teeth and he gasps as David tugs at it gently, just rough enough for Nick to feel his pants start to tighten but gentle enough not to actually hurt.

Still holding him by the wrists, David guides him over to the back wall of the studio, and even though Nick knows both of their sets are way down by the other end of the building it still gives him a thrill to think about where he is. David pins him against the wall, kissing him openly, and the slight accompanying undulations of his body betray his own arousal.

Nick gasps a bit the first time he feels it, and David smiles against his mouth and kisses him deeper. When he tentatively rests his hand on David’s left hip, David pulls back just enough to look at him with a question in his eyes.

Nick’s not really thinking so much as feeling, and what David’s doing feels good and makes him want more of it. He sneaks his fingertips beneath the waistband of David’s pants, feeling daring, and David just lets him leave them there for a while as they kiss. The skin at David’s hip feels warmer and more sensuous somehow, and this small part Nick’s allowed to touch makes him imagine what David would look like naked, an expanse of skin just waiting for Nick to kiss and touch.

He’s getting more and more hard, but he only realizes David’s noticed when he feels David’s hand withdraw from around his wrist. He keeps his arm pressed against the wall without thinking about it - he just knows not to move it, and would never dream of it - and only jolts a little when David starts massaging his dick through his pants.

“What.. what are you…” he gasps out, but David just smiles a little wider and increases the pressure.

The small part of his brain that’s still functioning is kind of beginning to process where this is going to lead, but it still comes as a surprise to him when David starts tugging at his zipper, biting his lip in concentration. Nick almost loses it right there at how hot he looks, but he takes a sharp breath and attempts to pull himself together.

David looks up, eyebrows knitting in concern. “Cool?” he asks.

“Completely,” Nick manages in a voice as scratchy as sandpaper, watching with bated breath as David carefully delves inside. He doesn’t pull Nick’s pants down or anything, just eases his dick out from between the slit of his boxers and into the open air. It’s kind of a trip for Nick, seeing himself exposed like that, but he gets over that pretty quickly when David leans in and takes Nick’s cock between his lips.

Nick makes a fairly unintelligible sound and grabs at David’s hair out of instinct, before freezing and remembering that he’s supposed to keep his hands pressed against the wall. He returns them hastily and could swear he feels David smiling.

He decides it’s probably okay to lean his head back, close his eyes and just take this all in, so that’s what he does, making little mewling noises whenever David’s tongue catches a particularly sensitive spot (which he swears David’s doing on purpose). He doesn’t open his eyes until he hears a sickeningly familiar voice say his name.

His eyelids fly apart and he boggles at the person in front of him, hoping irrationally that it isn’t who he thought it was despite the fact that he’d recognize that voice anywhere.
David bobs off, wipes his lips, and gives a curt nod. “Joe,” he says cordially.

“…David,” Joe replies faintly, then, “um?”

“We were getting high,” David tells him by way of explanation, and Joe looks mystified but seems to accept this.


“Care to join us?”

Nick’s eyes almost pop out of his head, and he can see his brother’s having a similar reaction.
“What?” they ask simultaneously, and it would be funny if it wasn’t so absolutely insanely ridiculous.

“Come here,” David says easily, casual as anything. The biggest shock of them all is that Joe obeys, eyes repeatedly sliding away from Nick’s erection and darting back for quick glances. “I want you to tug on my hair with this hand,” David orders, touching Joe’s left palm, “and jerk yourself off with the other one. Just aim at my face when you come, okay?” He pauses, then grins. “I like that.”

Nick and Joe look at each other.

“Okay,” Joe says finally, placing his hand tentatively on the top of David’s head. “This okay?”

“Perfect.” David unzips his jeans and gets his dick out, and Joe and Nick both kind of boggle for a second because damn. “Just make sure you pull hard, okay?”

Joe nods and licks his lips a little, and Nick knows just how he feels because his own mouth is dry as a bone. When his brother starts to unbuckle the belt he’s wearing, Nick has a moment of surrealism before realizing that this is in fact happening, that they’re all here and it’s real - a thought that is confirmed when David’s lips wrap back around his dick.

Nick doesn’t close his eyes this time, just watches half-guiltily through lidded eyes as Joe takes himself in hand. He hears things sometimes on tour, rustling and murmuring from the adjacent bunk on the bus at night, but seeing it in all its glorious Technicolor… well, that’s almost as good as whatever David’s tongue is doing to his cock.

Nick can see Joe’s grip tightening in David’s hair as he’s getting into it, and the harder he tugs, the more voracious David gets with him. He’s so hard right now, harder than he’s ever been, and even though Joe’s hand in David’s hair and his own ministrations on himself are making David sloppier, it still feels so good.

Joe’s doing this thing where he looks at him - only for a second before breaking eye contact, except one time he doesn’t and they end up just staring at each other, psyching each other out while waiting for the other to look away, except neither of them does. Eventually Joe takes his lip between his teeth and Nick moans a little, causing David to glance up and smirk again, like he was waiting for this, like he planned it.

Joe’s moving now, shifting his weight. He points his dick at David’s cheek and Nick dimly registers what that means before he sees David’s smooth skin get splattered. David’s lips stutter over Nick’s cock, hitting the curves of the head just right, and Nick comes. He’d meant to pull out but everything overtakes him so suddenly that he ends up shooting straight down David’s throat, and David takes all of it before coming himself.


It isn’t until later that Nick figures it out, fiddling with Joe’s iPhone while his brother’s in the shower. There’s a text in there from David telling Joe to meet him outside in 15, and the timestamp makes Nick gasp and then chuckle. He should be mad, but somehow he just can’t be.


slash, rpf: dhen/nick, rpf: dhen/joe/nick

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