The Dork Legacy 4.5

Jun 30, 2008 22:24

Previously, on The Dork Legacy:

[ 1.0 | 1.1 | 1.2 | 1.3 | 1.4 | 1.5 ]

[ 2.0 | 2.1 | 2.2 | 2.3 | 2.4 | 2.5 | 2.6 | 2.7 ]

[ 3.0 | 3.1 | 3.2 | 3.3 | 3.4 | 3.5 | 3.6 ]

[ 4.0 |4.1 | 4.2 | 4.3 | 4.4 ]

Warning: Fairly heavy language in the beginning. And this update jumps around A LOT. Sorry about that.

Last time, Roman was cured of vampirism and made up to Margaret for sleeping with his own mother-in-law, and they welcomed the birth of Margaret's bastard child, Geordi. Willoughby went downtown in her jimjams to smustle. Jean Luc and Janeway both grew into children and shot each other with lasers.

Mr. Dumble passed away, and GladOS (whose name is apparently GlaDos but I'm not changing it now) attempted to have a baby, and failed. Thank God.


Roman: I hate that fuckin' cat...

Roman: Here kitty kitty, you little fucker, let me pet you.


Roman: Damn thing won't even fly.

Roman: Stupid cat, I hate this little fuzzy bastard.

Roman: Aww, I like the kitty! :D

Roman: Wait, no I don't, it's a fucker. D:

I caved.

Shelby: Strawberries, as you've never seen them before!

Shelby: You'll laugh! You'll cry! You'll want more strawberries!

Shelby: Buying these strawberries might be the best thing you ever do!!
Customer: Yes! Yes! Oh God, I'll take them!

Senile Customer: Hmmm...that does look pretty delicious and moist.

Senile Customer: Oh, what's this contraption? Is this one-a them new emmpeethree player thingamadoodles? I won't pay more than five dollars for it!
GladOS: ...

I just thought this kid was cute.

Jean Luc: I've gotten an A plus.
Me: Good job, creepy, now go inside.

Q Dance Spam:

Two-picture spam? Oh, you bet I did it. was Geordi's birthday, and Margaret went to go hand the kid to Willoughby. She...failed.

Willoughby: Well, now ain't that the darndest thing.

Geordi: Yeah. I'm floating. Anyone wanna come help?

Roman saves the day! And the incredibly cute toddler!

Willoughby Check out my sweet moves!
Margaret: Aaah!

Margaret: Whoa!

Willoughby: Being a Romance sim keeps you remarkably supple into your old age. :D

Shelby is still a wonderful grandmother.

Janeway: PEW PEW, you're dead, you hostile alien!

Q: Nuh uh! I have a +2 to my AC for having partial cover! And your attack bonus sucks!

Q: Aw, crap, I forgot about her expanded critical range!

...I has an escaping fish. D:

Geordi: Okay, dis one is...a sqwayoh. Dat means it goes...

Geordi: Inna sqwayoh hole!

Geordi: Oh wat da hell?! I got de wight hole!


Geordi: Okay, gotta be wesouwcefow. Maybe wemove some extwaneous edges.

Geordi: Nom nom nom.

Geordi: It went in!

Geordi: Yaaaay! :D

Hey look, it's Drizzt's wife, Autumn!

I gave her a makeover. If she's never going to die, I'd like her to look nice, lol.

Hey everybody, it's Lincoln Darwin, of the Darwin Legacy! :D

Speaking of incredibly hot people, here's Roman's new hobby...naked dancing.


If photobucket doesn't delete this picture...I might sue them myself. D:

They didn't delete those past pictures, but let me now present the ones they DID delete:

That's...not much better, guys. D:


Check out those glutes, though!

Yeah. Apparently nudity is only okay if it's with a little girl. Good job, photobucket.

Q: Dude, I caught something?!

Q: Oh, a gigantic fish! That's cool!

Q: I'll just shove it up my butt for later! *squish*

Janeway: Rain?

Janeway: Score!

I love when my sims are excited about weather. :P

Janeway: So...we meet again, Q. I guess now we shall see who is triumphant.

Q: lol this thing's green. :D

Roman: What are we doing again?
GladOS: The previous experiment failed, much to our disappointment. However, we at Aperture Science believe that you may provide us with better -

Roman: Mmmmfffflgl!

Me: *considers setting her ACR settings back to spouse-only*


GladOS: You are our best performing subject so far! Aperture Science thanks you for your cooperation!
Roman: Please tell me she isn't going to crush me with her robotic hand...

Roman: So...the memo said there'd be cake?
GladOS: Heh! Uh...hehehe...Yes! The cake! Of course, we are all throwing a big party, in your honour...


And, in case that wasn't bad enough, here are some elders in varying states of nudity, whapping each other with fish.

These two LOVE the piano. Whoever gets there first will play, and the other will dance. It's kind of obnoxious, actually.

Meanwhile, Q has found someone to share her love of fishing!

Roman: Give Daddy a kiss before he goes to Woohoo with mommy...

Q: Aw, dude, that was nasty. D:

Willoughby: And if you're good enough, sometimes they'll even buy you expensive jewelry!

Q: I HATE jewelry...

Q: Haha, just kidding!

Willoughby: Oh, look, I've caught a fish!
Q: Yeah, that thing's nothing compared to the one I caught was like as big as a train.


So...this lady just randomly walks onto the lot at like, 10, talks to Q's fishing buddy, and then takes the kid home. I've...never had that happen before. It was kind of neat.

And while I was capturing that, Filcher died. D:

Roman: So she ate the baby bear's food! Because it was juuuuust right!

Roman: Wait, wtf? She just EATS his FOOD?! He's A BABY! :O

Roman: So then, the mommy and daddy bears come home and rip the flesh from her bones and then play her ribcage like a xylophone. The end.

I can't decide whether I think she's hot...or scary. Or both.

Ericka Chin: I love makeup! :D
Me: I'm getting that impression.

These two Never. Leave. This. Bed. Not unless I tell them to. They're hooked on the snapdragons, I think.

And this is all these two do anymore, also. So expect to see a lot of the kids.

Especially Q.

Janeway: Hold your applause, Ladies and Gentlemen! Watch as I perform my stunning feats of...featiness!

Me: That is actually pretty amazing that she can defy gravity.

We're going to end this episode with birthdays! Here is Jean Luc!

Thomas Wilkie: Haaaaappy Birthday toooo youuuuu! *air guitar*
Me: Okay, where the fuck did you come from?


Naturally, this is the first thing he does. WAIT FOR YOUR MAKEOVER, K?

:DDD Not bad! And of course he had to be bald.

Janeway: Okay! My turn! Everyone watching?

...You look like a pumpkin.

And Geordi gets a whack at the cake, too!

Me: Um, Janeway, honey...everyone else is just taking slices...

After a makeover, I think she's looking pretty great!

Until I find Geordi's visor available for download, he'll just have to stick with nerd glasses. :P

And! That's all for now! Sorry for the shortness/non-continuity, but...hey, it's early, that counts for something, right?

legacy: gen4, legacy: dork

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