The Dork Legacy 2.3

Feb 19, 2008 11:19

Previously, on The Dork Legacy:

[ 1.0 | 1.1 | 1.2 | 1.3 | 1.4 | 1.5 ]

[ 2.0 | 2.1 | 2.2 ]

Holy crap, a lot happened last time.

Last update, Einstein trapped Peanut, the Leader of the Pack, in a room with no doors, and ended up becoming a werewolf, which totally turned his wife on. Einstein also gave birth to his alien baby, Bao-Dur! He also rode an elephant.

Wander and Nariko became toddlers, and also children. Bao-Dur also made it to toddlerland.

Willoughby won at both parenting and romance simming, getting to 12/20 woohoos, but got herself knocked up in the process (Dante was the name of the offspring). We discovered that her ex-fling had a limecat tattoo on his arm.

Whew. That was a mouthful. Onwards!

Willoughby is still going for that gold badge!

She shoots, she scores! *rubs hands together evilly* This is an excellent development...

Okay, seriously Caedmon? I don't have to let you live. LEAVE HER ALONE.

Nariko: See that behind you? That's the Narrator. She watches over us all the time.
Wander: ...
Me: ...!

Wander: LOL, you're real funny, sis! I know there's nothing like that in these forsaken lands...

I thought I'd give you a rare treat: the kids in their everyday clothing! From now on you will pretty much ONLY see them in school uniform or jimjams.

In case you'd forgotten how adorable Einstein is.

Einstein: WHA?! OH GOD!

Willoughby continues to be the best parent in the house.

Vanessa: Tara smells so bad, I think I'll be sick!

Nah, just kidding. She's pregnant!

Dear Ms Universal Chauffer: Staring lovingly into Vanessa's eyes while you drive is not really a good idea.

Seriously, they just stared at each other like this until the car disappeared off the lot.

Wander: A B+? I was sure I'd beaten that Colossus in a better time than that...

Oh, hello, Pichu. What are you doing here.

Pichu: *stands there forever*
Bus Driver: *honks horn endlessly*
Nariko: *is stuck on the bus*

God, some children are retarded. And why don't the friends your kids bring over ever have homework? That would fix this problem.

Nariko: Ugh, finally. Thought I'd be stuck there forever.

Nariko brought home one of the Budge kids from school. don't remember his name. Sorry.

Pichu: Heh, I'm an astronaut.

Wander: lol yeah right.

Yay bookcase! And now we can set him off to get his actual LTW.

Nariko learns to study! I'm so glad I figured out how helpful that is.


Willoughby: You mean once I turn it on, I can have sex with it?

Willoughby: Ooh, you are super-hot.

HK-47: "Enamoured Statement: Hello there, Master. For a meatbag, your asthetic appeal is overwhelming."

Wait, WHAT?! Willough, are you serious?

...I'm holding you to that.

Willoughby: HK, I'd like to work on your protocol settings, if you know what I mean.
HK-47: Alluding Statement: Of course, master. Please tweak my settings to your personal preferences, if you know what I mean.

HK-47: *Action: Becomes Smitten*

Willoughby: You know, I always did well in Sex Ed.

13/20, btw.

A promotion? Then, of course you know what comes next:


I had no idea Anne Bonny was part Native American.

I like that Bao-Dur is completely obscured by Tara's head. Also, Vanessa? Einstein? That is so totally not your baby.

...I think I have a fear of that, too. O.o


HK-47: Assessment: This date was quite satisfactory, Master. My protocols show that meatbags show thanks in this manner.

Willoughby: *seconds later* Hey Algren, wanna come over?

Bao-Dur grew up! And he grew into his cheeks all ready. I love him.

Oh, thank you, HK.

HK-47: Sarcastic Appeasement: There is no need to thank me, Disembodied Force, designation Narrator. I exist only to serve and assist meatbags.

What? I thought you two had a dream date! Cheapskate.

...Not that we really need anymore bouquets.

Algren arrived. Willoughby was very happy to see him.

Willoughby: I know this seems a bit soon, but, will you marry me?

Algren: Really?!

Algren: Of course I will. You're my forever girl, baby.

Willoughby: Honest? Excellent, let's get married then, before I change my mind.

Willoughby: Put the ring on! Hurry!
Willoughby's Mind: OhshitohshitwhatamIdoing?!

Willoughby: Oh, okay. This isn't so bad.

Willoughby: Yeah. I feel pretty okay!

Awww, he wanted to marry her, too! <3

Willoughby: Oh crap.

Note - I don't know why this shot is so dark. It' Willoughby's life just got a little bit darker?

While his mother was off getting married in the front yard, Dante was doing a little growing up.

Day 29: Still the best parent.

Here's a good look at Dante. He's pretty cute.

Here's his makeover.

This picture commemorates the first time EVER that a sim in this household has touched their Xbox 360. It also represents the first time this television has EVER been on. Thought I'd mention.

I don't know WHY I want more babies, but I DO...

That is one beautiful man.

Willoughby: *has hot undies*

O hai thur, Drizzt. Nice of you to stop by. >.>

Must have been that eggplant juice.


Vanessa: Oh, yes, I'm practically retired.

Drizzt: That's cool! I work a desk job!

No you don't!

Willoughby's Butt: *is in this shot*

Group skilling! Aww.

Drizzt: Another white-haired sim? I can't have any competition. I'll drown it.


Zzort! I don't like taking pop pictures, really, but it's better than just surprising you with births.

This thing is a lifesaver. Thanks, Paladin!

Wander: Dude, there's an elephant in our room!
Nariko: I KNOW RIGHT?!


I didn't take this for any particular reason. Just think she's cute.

Also, she was apparently sick. And a GENIUS.

HK-47: Exasperated Plea: Juvenile meatbag, if you do not take this medicine then I shall be forced to activate my assassination protocol.

This is so cute.

There are many things wrong with this picture. Not the least of which is that half of Dante and Grump has gone AWOL, and also, what the hell is Nariko doing?

Bao-Dur: Hey, Auntie Willough, do you want to play Red Hands?
Willoughby: Sometimes I get the feeling that I'm being contacted by an alien life force...

Willoughby: Oh, hey, a little alien! Ugh, don't touch me! You might give me the alien disease!

HK-47: Fearful Protest: Do not lay hands on me, strange meatbag! I have no desire to catch your alien software virus!

It's time for birth to happen. Please note Einstein in the background of these pictures:

Einstein: Oh now WHAT is THAT?!

It's a baby! Her name is Katamari!

Vanessa: Take this baby so I can have another one.
Einstein: *gingerly closes book* Yes, dear...

And this is a boy! Kilik.

Not long after...

I thought it was Motherly Makeover time.

I love Vanessa because she looks gorgeous no matter what I do to her hair.

HK! Stop feeding the baby! Note the bottle on the floor, not even bad yet!

Don't judge by this picture. The love is still in their marriage.

I gave Einstein a haircut, btw. Don't like it, though.

Golliwog Budge! You leave that newspaper alone and get back to school RIGHT NOW.


I briefly tried a new default alien skin. I didn't like it as much.

Yay Algren! Also note the Headmaster being greeted in the background.

Headmaster: Woo I love this house!

Me: *blush*

Headmaster: I believe in being friends with the families attending my school...

Caedmon: Hey guys, I gotta pee really bad, what's going on?

Vanessa: The headmaster was just saying he wanted to be friends.

Headmaster: Yes, I need them for my promotion.

Caedmon: Oh, really, a promotion?
Einstein: Oh wait, this is really a bad time to turn into a werewolf!!

Apparently the headmaster doesn't mind werewolves too much.

Vanessa: *gets fat again*

And Caedmon gets what's coming to him. NOT SO CLOSE TO THE BABY.

And with that, we finish!

So last time I asked how everyone felt about the size of the screenshots, and pretty much everyone said that I should just leave them the size that they are. So I did! But I did get the suggestion to lighten the pictures a bit, so for this update I've added a lightening function to my cropping action, and also I used Sharpen on them, since that seems to be all the rage these days. Now, I'm really not sure whether I prefer them Sharpened or not, so I turn to you, dear readers!

Here's a comparison:

legacy: gen2, legacy: dork

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