The Dork Legacy 2.0

Feb 06, 2008 15:53

(pretend that says 2.0)

Previously, on The Dork Legacy:


Last time, on the Dork Legacy, Caedmon got into the Garden Club and won a wishing well! Drizzt met his *~twu wuv~*, Autumn, who was fairly schitzo. Everyone got acne, Mr. Twinkles caught on fire, Caedmon got his LTW and LOTS of money, and everyone went to college.

We begin this update with Sheila Santander, who up until this update, was Einstein's Gee Eff:

Now you see her.

Now you don't! Because I moved her out. Her face was too pointy for my tastes.

And also because of Vanessa here. She and Einstein are lovey for each other.

Einstein: *does Term Paper*
Willoughby: *plays SSX3*

Vanessa: HA HA! HA HA! SNORT! Sorry, did you mean to say that James T. Kirk was better than Jean Luc Picard?

Vanessa: Whatever, let's dance.

Einstein: *CRUSHES*

Hi there, ACR.

Einstein: O_o?

Maybe he's weirded out that he's actually kissing a girl?

Vanessa: *Haha, I am so in this legacy.*

"Oh, look, a little robot!"

I want a Servo, and I figured this would be a good time to start on that badge.

Oh, look, a little engagement! And they're both fully dressed!


I wanted to show you that Autumn really was pretty, despite earlier, unflattering screenshots.

Einstein: So does this mean I can add you to my myspace?

Does anyone hear the rumbling of a distant montage? Oh, no, it's getting closer! *Benny Hill theme*

*Benny Hill theme Doppler effect*

That quote: *may have been the dorkiest sentence in this legacy so far*

Now, THAT'S a beautiful man. LEGACY LIST. NOW.

Llama: Bada shoova cots! Bada shoova - Hey, are you listening to me?

I just noticed how lumpy Einstein's face is...

After a while, Drizzt stopped rolling "write term paper" "do assignment" "graduate sophomore year" wants, and the wants to "Marry Autumn" "Additional Family Member" (Which is dormie Have a Baby), and other such wants were stuck there permanently. So I took the hint. He and Autumn dropped out to get a house together.

Bye, Drizzt. Thanks for the final hilarious transition picture.

That leaves the Dynamic Duo left to choose from (I ain't playin' no college dropouts, shoo). Apparently I like black ponytails and grey and black striped shirts.

Willoughby gets a celebratory makeover. I think she's just so pretty.

See? Perfect blend of her parents.

They spend all their time together, now. It's a little creepy, but endearing because of that. They're like an ambiguously incestuous brother and sister team that show up in various places. Like Cerulean City.

What is this?!

Ugly Hippie: The garbage just needs to be free, man, you know what I'm saying?

Oh no, Willoughby! The garbage is attracting roaches! What are you going to do?

...The Smustle? O.o Okay.

(P.S., I have just discovered that if you do "O,o", it looks like an owl!)


Willoughby: OH YEAH OH YEAH.

Gorgeous Dormie: Uh...wait, what?

You may have seen WannaBe Vampire Girl in the background of some of these pictures. Well, Willoughby decided to help her with her dreams.

Much better.

Willough: awesome...zzzzz...

Meet Drizzt's replacement. Sunny Player. Hmm.

Willoughby's Energy Bar: *is red*
Willoughby's Temperature Bar: *is blue*
Willoughby: *is a doofus*

But she is a doofus for love. Stinky Dormie and her have been ACR flirting and stuff all over the place. No secks though.

I eventually forced her to go to sleep. In someone else's bed. That's it, I'm re-rolling your aspiration.

Einstein: Hmm, I love a good game of chess.


Crisis averted.

The ambiguously incestual team head down to breakfast together.

Einstein: Oh, how I do enjoy college with you here, dear sister.

Willoughby: Quite! I especially enjoy our sumo wrestling class together.


...What the hell are you so excited about!

Einstein: I'm late! I'm late! For a very important date!

Oh, final exams.

Einstein: No! I have to "Hit On" a dormie I've never spoken to before!

...I see.

I see that went over well. Let's get that in slo-mo, shall we?

Yeah. Owned.

Don't blame you, though, Einstein. She's a hottie. A hottie deserving of a goth makeover.

There, now your look matches your clothing.


Willough: *woos*

And then he went to class. I hate dating dormies.

Next dormie makover victim: Sunny Player.

Goth Dormie: My life is overcast with a chance of snow...

Yet another person forced to live with the consequences of their choice of clothing.

Einstein: Okay, mom, I graduated. Come pick me up now.
Tara: *on phone* You're not going to have a party?
Einstein: Are you crazy? I'm a knowledge sim. I need to get home where there are better bookcases. And eggplant juice.

Einstein: I never think of the future. It comes soon enough.

LOL get it? Because Einstein actually said that. :D

Willoughby is obviously also going for the light blue motif, but with a hint of femininity.

So, who the hell is heir, right? Well, as you may have guessed:

It's Einstein!

And Willoughby!

I've never done double-heirship before, so it should be interesting. Coincidentally, Willough is now Romance with the LTW to Woohoo 20 Different sims, and Einstein is still Knowledge with LTW Become Professional Party Guest. Nice.

Also, say goodbye to the old house, and hello to the new!

Here are Caedmon and Tara christening Willoughby's bathroom.

Her bedroom.

The nursery, with a view of the garden.

The "Master" Bedroom, which is to say, Einstein's.

The kitchen/dining room.

The living room, complete with Einstein skilling up.

I apparently didn't take pictures of the kids room, or the old-people-and-pets room. You'll see them eventually.

Another thing to say goodbye to: The sexy.

Oh, ouch.

I like his makeover. I had to use that BV beard, just had to.

As she once said, Vanessa is so in this legacy. Einstein is very happy to see her.

Who knew graduating from college was so easy? (She has her diploma, and a graduated college memory)


Yeah, she's a good Dork.

Vanessa Bar
Knowledge (Yay!)
LTW - Become Game Designer

Neat: 2
Outgoing: 3
Active: 9
Playful: 7
Nice: 4

OH HELL NO. These two stood there swooning over one another for like five minutes. They have two bolts.

Enjoy those up-close boobs while you can, you old perv, because you are NOT ruining your son's future marriage.

Einstein is totally oblivious to the whole thing.

Caed: Hug me, hot future daughter in law!
Vanessa: No! I saw you watching me in the shower the whole time!

Seriously, every single time she takes a shower, Caedmon tries to use the SAME shower. Even when he's not dirty.

Except he's ALWAYS dirty. >.>

Vanessa: *has 2 neat points*

You can just stay fat this time, Caed. I'm sick of keeping up with you. :P

"Gravitation is not responsible for people falling in love."

Pretty offspring, if you please.

Willoughby: Pretty man, if you please!

Check and mate.

I love the wishing well.


Einstein: Did you get my message?
Vanessa: You mean making a custom Halo level where all the weapons were laid out to spell a giant "Marry Me?"
Einstein: That's the one!

Vanessa: Oooh!

Doesn't she look enthusiastic.

Vanessa: Mission accomplished.

Einstein: Congrats on accepting my proposal!



Willougby can't stand to see her (a little too) beloved brother with another woman, so she heads downtown. In her undies.



This is picture 666, and features a random girlfight.

What, is it like Monkey Day at this club, or what?

Monkey Dude: Hey! You're totally going into that photobooth!

Yeah, Willoughby doesn't have very high standards.

I didn't catch any more pictures of her dream date with M.D. because, honestly, I'd rather forget it happened.

Unfortunately, apparently that isn't possible, because while Willough is on a date with Count Shaun, this happens:


Note - he ONLY had a crush, and they weren't even best friends. Also note:

THEY DIDN'T EVEN WOOHOO. They just took pictures together!

Simultaneous crushing. The date ended soon after due to sunrise.

Tara: Why do I feel as though something horrible is about to happen?

Well, elderhood was kinder to you than to Caedmon, at least.

MUCH kinder. Trust me, I'd have loved to give Caed a sexy old man makeover. He just wasn't working it.

Monkey Dude: *sigh* What a dreamy date... :)

Monkey Dude: Except for when she got her picture taken with another man...

M.D.: I'll show her!

M.D.: This old lady fills me with rage at her daughter!

Einstein: HEY! YOU LEAVE THAT NEWSPAPER ALO - holy crap, is he the Missing Link?!

Vanessa: HONK BLARG.

That's a good ending. I like it. Anyway, I hope this was a presentable entry because it just took me AGES to get through all the captioning. >.< Next time should go a little faster/smoother.

A note on generation numbering:

If you're curious, I count the generation switchover as being when the kids move home from college, since that's when they're the new "head of household" sort of thing.

legacy: gen2, legacy: dork

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