Doctor Who fic list: non-Doctor pairings (M-Z, crossovers)

Dec 21, 2007 10:14

Non-Doctor pairings for characters with names M-Z, plus crossover stories.

Any broken links, corrections, additions? Comment and let me know so I can fix them.

These are completed stories not yet on the
who_otp master list.

All my lists:
Doctor/Doctor, Doctor/Master, Master/Master lists
Doctors One-Five pairings
Doctors Six-Ten (or later) pairings
Non-Doctor pairings A-G
Non-Doctor pairings H-L
Non-Doctor pairings M-Z, crossover stories
To see links to all lists on one page, go here.

Non-Doctor pairings
Betting Is Not Allowed On Military Premises - phantomreviewer (PG-13)
Black on White - phantomreviewer (PG-15)
The One In Which Marion Is A Companion, Meets UNIT And Does An Old Skool - phantomreviewer (PG-13)
Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Alien - phantomreviewer (PG-13)

Double Martha (700 words) - persiflage_1 (Adult)

Angle of Reflection (2626 words) - elliptic-eye (PG-13)
Dancing (2157 words) - iko (NC-17)
Four Walls (570 words) - farawaylaughter (PG-13)
Icebound - zauberer_sirin (NC-17)
Insane (500 words) - Tennant_Tart (Adult)
Just the Sound of His Voice (748 words) - find_rightbrain (PG)
Now We Have A Map Of The Stars - zauberer_sirin (PG-13)
see how deep the bullet lies - zauberer_sirin (PG-13)
Sleeper (1850 words) - dining_alone (PG-13)
Something Like Escape (5266 words) (also Martha/Tom) - synecdoche (R)
A Subtle Kiss That No One Sees (1800 words) - kurosawa (R)
theme from "new york, new york" - zauberer_sirin (NC-17)
Untitled (short) - gothic_veils (PG-15)

(Alias) Smith and Jones (1500 words) - doyle_sb4 (G)
Fantasy - yasonablack (PG-13)

Indomitable Portrait (short) - lafemmedarla
Star-Cross'd (short) - smithy161 (PG)

Alright - _badly_drawn_ (PG-13)
Coffee on Torajii - _badly_drawn_ (PG)

A Charming Game (500 words) - Daxy (All Ages)
Brief Meetings (also Martha/Ross) - persiflage_1 (NC-17)

The Almost Last of the Time Lords Benevolent Society - netgirl_y2k(G)
A Bit Like Santa's Elves (also Ten/Romana, Romana/Sarah) (short) - ladyvivien (PG)
Second Fiddle (also Leela/Romana) - lizbee (PG)
Seven lessons Martha Jones learned from Time Lords (1202 words) - lafemmedarla (PG)
Stormy Weather (800 words) - livii (G)
Streams - lizbee (R)
Sugar And Spice (And All Things Nice) (4256 words) - agapi42 (PG-13)
A Timelord's Kiss (short) - jinxed_wood (NC-17)

Martha/Romana II
Clothing Optional (4900 words) - Concordiaadieu (Adult)
The Turn of the Universe - ionlylurkhere (NC-17)

and the big bad wolf (1998 words) - leyenn (PG)
Circular Motion (800 words) - such_heights (PG)
Competition, and Vortex (two drabbles) - wendymr
Forgetful (short) - thedeadparrot (Adult)
The Ghost of Wester Drumlins (1500 words) - frock (PG)
Girls' Own Adventures (direct link to fic) - katemonkey (PG)
Girls Who Saved The World (short) - melliyna (Adult)
Happiness and Satisfaction - netgirl_y2k (G)
Heroine Times Two (short) - melliyna (Adult)
if you turned around (4000 words) - cf33 (PG)
One Night In Casualty (2312 words) - elance (PG)
Playing Doctors and Nurses (1500 words) - ionlylurkhere (NC-17)
Scattered all Across the Sands (2700 words) - magicallaw (All Ages)
Somnambulist (250 words) - iamsab (G)
Strike (300 words) - netgirl_y2k (All Ages)

Brief Meetings (also Martha/River) - persiflage_1 (NC-17)

69 To Salvation (10 words) - honeymink (NC-17)
Four Times Martha Met Sarah Jane and One Time She Didn't Quite (2500 words) - wojelah (PG)
R & R - persiflage_1 (NC-17)
Something in the Air - kowarth (NC-17)
The Summer of Love - persiflage_1 (NC-17)
When in Rome (1782 words) - rhipowered (PG)

Second Chances - nancy_hartigan (PG)
We'll Watch it Transpire - magicallaw (PG)

All The World's A Stage (5 words) - magicallaw (R)
More Than Words (2267 words) - madkrazyghetto (R)
Untitled (451 words) - atraphoenix (R)

Martha/Son of Mine (Family of Blood)
No Winter Lasts Forever, No Spring Skips Its Turn (600 words) - Ghilanna Faen Tlabbar (T)

Bad Timing - calapine (G)
Healing (short) - firedancersoul (G)
He Paints a Picture (drabble) - magicallaw (light R)
Here and Now - magicallaw (PG-13)
Homecoming (290 words) - thistlerose (PG)
An Imperfect Plan (425 words) - rogue_planet (T)
In the Early Morning - wynterhawk (NC-17)
The Man in the Grey Pinstriped Suit - magicallaw (PG)
Meeting at Infinity (47,000 words) - Lurky McLurklurk (PG)
Mud Therapy (890 words) - jinxed_wood (NC-17)
The Office Party (drabble) - torn_eledhwen (PG)
Pieces - bewarethespork (PG-13)
A Second Chance (9744 words) - londonbeauty001 (NC-17)
Sew It Up, But You Still See The Tear (3687 words) - thedeadparrot (PG-13)
Skirt, No Knickers (2429 words) - radiantbaby (NC-17)
Soap and Toothpaste and Home (652 words) - wishfics (PG-13)
Something Like Escape (5266 words) (also, and primarily, Martha/Simm!Master) - synecdoche (R)
Surprises (3500 words) - ionlylurkhere (NC-17)
The Whole Earth (400 words) - livii (R)

Together, On This Same Earth - biichan (R)

On the Road (6000 words) - glinda_penguin (Adult)
The Wake (950 words) - biichan (PG)

A sea uncharted, on a lampless isle (7 words) - doyle_sb4 (NC-17)

Five "Morning After" Conversations Martha Jones Never Had (And One She Definitely Couldn't Have Had) - zauberer_sirin (NC-17)

Master pairings
See also calapine's Master fic list.

Father's Praise - Windchild (NC-17, rape)
it always has to come to this (short) - bluerosefairy and carla_scribbles (Adult)

Blinded Me with Science (900 words) - grittyfic (PG-13)
I Can See for Miles (1700 words) - grittyfic (PG-13)

Freedom (900 words) - witchofthedesk (All Ages)

Because Peri Has A Big Mouth And The Master Has a Big ... (23 words) - tearcreek (NC-17)

You're No Fun Anymore (short) - shannonsequitur (PG)

The Pleasure of Power (1700 words) - Lomia (Adult)
Saved (900 words) - Astrid (All Ages)

woke up a corpse - zauberer_sirin (R)

Master/Romana I
The Last Surprise (1157 words) - oltha_heri (PG-13)

Master/Romana II
Drumbeat - atraphoenix (R)
One Last Kiss for the Condemned Woman - atraphoenix (PG)
Silver Glass (1200 words) - Erica Snowdrop-Black (K)

(Ainley!)Master/Romana I
Power Play - lizbee (NC-17+)

The Final Meeting (685 words) - ChivaRae (K+)
Left Behind (135 words) - karaokegal (PG)
Revenge in Two Parts (short) - finkpishnets (T)

Turning Seconds Into Hours (600 words) - nonelvis (Adult)

The Light of Madness (255 words) - Saira Khan (K+)
Not Quite Simultaneous (short) - sinecure (Adult)
Untitled - Fer de Lance (Adult)
Want You To Be My Prize (short) - takethewords (Adult)

Say My Name (also Sarah/?) (2600 words) - KBox (Adult)

Lady in the watch (143 words) - doreyg (PG)

Roll Over and Play Dead (short) - ikindofrock (PG-13)

Hidden Needs (2400 words) - Lovechilde (Adult)

Velvet Obsession (3700 words) - lablackey (Teen?)

Honey Trap - eryaforsthye (M)

Surprise, Surprise - rebel_blue (NC-17)

Scream (short) - ASaint (K+)

The Pain (drabble) - Steve Wilson (PG-13)

The Replacements (short) - laurainn

Another Person (420 words) - oltha_heri (R)
Bitter (also Ten/Rose) - telegramsam (PG)
Five Reasons Mickey Smith is a better boyfriend than the Doctor - netgirl_y2k (PG)
Heaven is Overrated (also Nine/Rose) (drabble) - Xiana (All Ages)
My Rose (also Ten/Rose) - joely_jo (PG-13)
People As Places - netgirl_y2k (PG)
Save Her (very short) - aibhinn (PG)
Silk Scarf (343 words) - Lullabee (Adult)
Sitting - rosa_acicularis (PG)
She Will Be Loved (1650 words) - Terrifica Oneiroi (K+)
Triangulation (also Jake/Mickey) (1500 words) - ionlylurkhere (PG)

Historical Inaccuracies (510 words) - livii (R)

Narvin/Romana II
The Unplanned Pregnancy of Rassilon (1500 words) - lizbee (Teen)

Noah/Vira (The Ark in Space)
The Waiting-Room World (also Lycet/Rogin) (1642 words) - stunt_muppet (PG)

A Match That Burns (5300 words) - mary_pseud (Adult)

Nyssa/Romana II
Continuity (3570 words) - celievamp (M)

Believe (drabble) - plaidphoenix (R)
Doing a Trade and Other Things (drabble) - plaidphoenix (15)
Don't Get Nyssa Stoned (38 words) - plaidphoenix

Confirmation (drabble) - invasor
Dramatic Farewells - netgirl_y2k
Helping Hands (drabble) - purple-bug
Made to be Broken (drabble) - atraphoenix (G)
Nyssa And Tegan: Interlude On Castrovalva - Avalon (NC-17)
Second Base (drabble) - plaidphoenix (15+)
Seeking Solace (2900 words) - settiai (All Ages)
Unanyssapated (drabble) - echoalpha
Untitled (533 words) - atraphoenix (R)

Prevarication (500 words) - castrovalva9 (All Ages)

The Rest of Your Life (380 words) - vandonovan

Unknowing (drabble) - temporalgrace (G)

Convergence (14,800 words) - Tim (Adult)

Panda/Tom (Iris Wildthyme audios)
Heartless (drabble) - ASaint (K)

Payback (short) - QueenWho (Adult)

Wrong (very short) - tessavance (PG-13)

Lost in Translation (4000 words) - castrovalva9 (PG)

Cold Comfort (1500 words) - Wolfkissed (Adult)
A Flawed Man - wolfkissed (Adult)
Forbidden Fruits (2100 words) - Kitten (Adult)

Summer in the City - wishfulaces (PG-13)

Ringing The Passage Of The Parallels (1900 words) - livii (PG-13)

Rani/Romana I
Intrigued - atraphoenix (PG-13)

Rani/Romana II
Recruitment (1300 words) - lizbee (Teen)

Caress the Gold lost_her_sway (NC-17)
Common Ground - ninkasa (R)
Companion - ninkasa (PG)
Dans le Feu - ninkasa (NC-17)
Especial Friends (3857 words) - the_tenzo (Adult)
Next best thing (1100 words) - ionlylurkhere (Adult)
Warm (500 words) - becky_h (NC-17)

River/Romana III
Present Tense (950 words) - schildkroet (Adult)

Inerstitial (590 words) - nopejr (E)
In the Absence (3483 words) - mllelaurel (R)
Timelag - doreyg (PG)

A Bit Like Santa's Elves (also Ten/Romana, Martha/Romana) - ladyvivien (PG)
But We'll Always Have Paris - hhertzof (PG-13)

He laughs. She smiles. (651 words) - oltha_heri (M)
Reparations (1310 words) - dvlinareddress (R)

The president and the granddaughter - doreyg (PG-15)

Hidden (21 words) - magicallaw

Romana I/Romana II
One of a Kind (short) - ladyvivien (PG-13)
The Two Romanas (5000 words) - ionlylurkhere (NC-17)

Romana I/Sarah
In the Dust of These Stars - justspies (PG-13)
Like Water to Sky - tellitslant (NC-17)

Romana II/Rose
Out of Sequence (3100 words) - fading_echoes (PG-13)

Romana II/Sarah
But We'll Always Have Paris - hhertzof (PG-13)
History to the Defeated (1300 words) - rivrea (All Ages)

Romana III/Sarah
Untitled (short) - medie (R)

And We Danced Anyway - minerva_fan (R)
Exorcism (short) - tellitslant (Adult)
The Myth of Endless Adventure (194 words)- meltyoudown (R)
Not Settling (short) - coneyislandbaby (Adult)
Off the Record - minerva_fan (R)
Past and Present Tense (5000 words) - suzy_queue (PG)
Pushed Up Against a Wall (1529 words) - joanne_c (NC-17)
Shopgirls(short) - ladyvivien (PG-13)
Sweet Dreams (pretty short) - jelly_belly99 (PG)
Those Left Behind, and Those Who Walk Away (also Jake/Mickey) - pinkdormouse (15)
Waiting (472 words) - rolleson (PG)

Bright Young Thing (also Ace/Susan) (1200 words) - livii (PG)
The Light That You Shine Can Be Seen (1350 words) - Darth Loki (All Ages)

Wind and the Rotor's Rhythms (474 words) - kaffyr (PG)

Altered States - hhertfzof (PG)
I Might Like You Better If We Slept Together (39 words) - temporalgrace (NC-17)
Passing Notes (short) - hhertzof (PG-13)

Sarah/Will (Sarah Jane Smith audios)
Coffee - paranoidangel42 (PG)

Say My Name (also Master/Sarah) - KBox (Adult)

Gedankenexperiment (263 words) - brewsternorth (PG)

See also vandonovan's Tegan/Turlough list.
Attention - srichard (NC-17)
Back Home (15,000 words) - vandonovan
Bohemian Rhapsody (also Five/Master) (1500 words) - wishfulaces (Teen)
Paris Nights (16,700 words) - Tegan1980 (NC-17)
The Poker Game - Lost and Alone (12)
Rescue From The Pit (590 words) - livii (PG)
Unexpected Attachments (also Five/Tegan) - Tegan1980 (NC-17)

Gravity of Love (also Five/Tegan) - cersia2 (NC-17)

Tragan/f (Paradise of Death audio)
A Pair of Dice: Tragan (28,000 words) - marypseud (Adult)

Truths That Matter (250 words) - jedi_penguin (All Ages)

The Shower - lithrael (NC-17)

Post Traumatic Trion - lablackey (Adult)

A Dirty Daydream - SpaceCat (Adult)
A Painful Memory (also Five/Turlough) - SpaceCat (Adult)
Trion Summers (11,000 words) - lablackey

Lesson Learnt - tromana (PG-13)

Battlestar Galactica
Harmless as a Broken Ax - voleuse (Martha/Tory) (PG)

Afterimage - chicklet73 (Rose/Peter) (G)
Alone, So Alone - xebgoc (Rose/Peter) (MA)
An Anniversary Thing - jlrpuck (Rose/Peter) (M)
Another Bottle of Champagne - xebgoc (Rose/Peter) (MA)
A Baby Thing - jlrpuck (Rose/Peter) (K)
A Birthday Thing - jlrpuck (Rose/Peter) (T)
Dark Is the Night - earlgreytea68 (Rose/Peter) (G)
Deductive Reasoning (short) - chocolatcocaine (Ten/Carlisle) (NC-17)
A Dinner Thing - jlrpuck (Rose/Peter) (MA)
Early Morning Blues and Greens - chicklet73 (Rose/Peter) (G)
An Epilogue Thing - jlrpuck-fic (Rose/Peter) (Adult)
Hoarfrost Days - wildwinterwitch (Rose/Peter) (MA)
Lover’s Infiniteness - jlrpuck (Rose/Peter) (M)
A Near Thing - jlrpuck_fic (Rose/Peter) (T)
A New Thing - jlrpuck-fic (Rose/Peter) (Adult)
On His Mistress - jlrpuck (Rose/Peter) (T)
An Outdoor Thing - jlrpuck (Rose/Peter) (MA)
Resilience Day - chicklet73 (Rose/Peter) (G)
A Scar Thing - jlrpuck-fic (Rose/Peter) (G)
The Scottish Patient - chicklet73 (Rose/Peter) (M)
Spectacle - doona_rose (Rose/Peter) (Adult)
A Tea Thing - jlrpuck (Rose/Peter) (T)
A Tinn Thing - jlrpuck (Rose/Peter) (T)
A Watch Thing - jlrpuck (Rose/Peter) (T)
The Way of Things series - jlrpuck (Rose/Peter) (stories range in length; ratings are anywhere from All Ages to Adult, but most are Adult)
Who Says Girls Don't Make Passes At Boys Who Wear Glasses? - chicklet73 (Rose/Peter) (MA)
With Such Beauty on Show - xebgoc (MA) (Rose/Peter)

Crossing Asia - scarletts_awry (Martha/Buffy) (R)
Other Lives - redeem147 (Ace/Giles) (PG-13)
Perfect Imperfection - ladyyueh (Rose/Xander) (PG-13)

A Dance to the Music of Time - laurab1 (Jack/Inara) (Adult)
Fantastic (4400 words) - sahiya (R) (Nine/Inara)

Harry Potter
Of Man and Wolf (short) - jadekirk (Ten/Remus) (Adult)
Shelter from the Storm (1200 words) - Raven (Ten/Remus) (All Ages)
Strawberries and Submission - jadekirk (R) (Martha/Barty Jr.)
A Typical Day For Jack On The Valiant - jadekirk (Jack/Master/Barty) (NC-17)
Untitled - bartys_bitch (Ten/Master/Barty) (Adult)
Very Important Fic About How Romana and Tonks Are In Love (short) - lizbee (Romana/Tonks)

Horatio Hornblower
Dans Les Prisons de Nantes (1374 words) - Waterfall (Nine/Lt Bush) (G)
More Terrifying Than Napoleon's Armies (22 words) - whaffer (Benny/Bush) (PG-13)

The Days of Bore - andrealyn (Ten/Chase) (G?)
A Friend in Need - seldra (Martha/Chase) (PG-13)
Stranger Music - seldra (Romana II/Amber) (NC-17)

Life on Mars
the girl from tomorrow - zauberer_sirin (Martha/Sam) (NC-17)
If I Never See Your Face Again I Don't Mind (1500 words) - arewewinning (PG) (Donna/Gene/Sam)
If You Weren't Real [I'd Make You Up] (803 words) - arewewinning (Rose/Sam) (R)
Mirror Image (2129 words) - fiandyfic (Simm!Master/Sam) (NC-17)
One more dream, one more goodbye - finkpishnets (PG-13) (Donna/Gene)
Someone to Care For (1026 words) - fiandyfic (Simm!Master/Sam) (NC-17)
then i let go of everything, into another dimension (1221 words) - thirteenlives (Martha/Sam) (PG)
Three Times A Lady (short) - lookatmoiye7 (Martha/Sam) (PG-13)
Use My Name (1123 words) - fiandyfic (Simm!Master/Sam) (NC-17)
Winning the Battle (2400 words) - canape_rouge (Saxon/Gene) (NC-17)

Love in the 21st Century
Control (5357 words) - radiantbaby (Martha/John) (NC-17)
A Day in February (4148 words) - radiantbaby (Martha/John) (NC-17)
Home Is Where the Heart Is - persiflage_1 (Martha/John) (NC-17)
Making Christmas Brighter (1350 words) - radiantbaby (Martha/John) (All Ages)
Martha Jones, Storyteller - persiflage_1 (Martha/Dr John) (NC-17)
Not With a Bang, But With a Whimper (9016 words) - radiantbaby (Martha/Dr John) (R)
A Thousand Pieces (6507 words) - radiantbaby (Martha/John) (NC-17)
Trusting You - persiflage_1 (Martha/Dr John) (NC-17)

Sarah Jane Adventures
From the Ashes - selenay936 (Romana III/Maria) (PG)
Learning Curve - box_in_the_box (Martha/Alan) (R)
Sarah Jane's Girlfriend (200 words) - silly_cleo (Jo/Sarah Jane) (All Ages)

Stargate Atlantis
Escape From Reality - rhian_morwenna (Nine/John) (Adult)
Taking Time (8200 words) - janne_d (Ten/John) (PG-13)

Across the Universe (1608 words) - glinda_penguin (Donna/Tosh) (PG-13)
The Answer He Wanted - megans_writing (Ten/Ianto) (PG)
Apart (short) - megans_writing (Ten/Ianto) (G)
Beauty in the Strangest Places (947 words) - ice_feather (Martha/Tosh) (PG)
Being Anal (drabble) - ausmac (Ten/Ianto) (M)
Better the Devil - nyghtpet (Simm!Master/Jack/John) (NC-17)
A Birthday Picnic - fatchickengirl (Ten/Ianto) (PG-13)
Branches (290 words) - laurab1 (TARDIS/Rift Manipulator) (PG)
Choices to make - talcat (Eight/Ianto) (PG)
Crime and Punishment (565 words) - karaokegirl (Nine/Kathy Swanson) (G)
Dreaming Through the Noise - _usakeh_ (Martha/Tosh) (PG-13)
Endgame off the Board (Or, The Life and Times of Pieces Already Taken) (2043 words) - elliptic_eye (Peri/Yrcanos/Ianto) (PG-13)
Excessive (5000 words) - ionlylurkhere (Donna/Lynda/Martha/Rose/Penny/Gwen/Tosh) (NC-17)
False Pretences (drabble, scroll down to read) - never-more-fics (Nine/Owen) (PG-13)
The First Cut (325 words) - The Dark Princess (Simm!Master/John Hart) (Adult)
Knowing (drabble) - megans_writing (Ten/Ianto) (PG)
Luck Through the Cracks (300 words) - amaresu (Barbara/Ianto) (All Ages)
Needs and Wants - fatchickengirl (Ten/Ianto) (Adult)
Knowing (drabble) - megans_writing (Ten/Ianto) (PG)
The Last Victim (230 words, scroll down page) - karaokegirl (Lucy/Gwen) (PG-13)
A Love for the Ages (530 words) - Settiai (TARDIS/Myfanwy) (All Ages)
One Year Can Change You - megans_writing (Ten/Ianto) (PG)
Ordinary People - scarlettgirl (Donna/Rhys) (PG-13)
Parallel (37,000 words) - shadowbyrd (Fitz/Toshiko, also Jack/Ianto) (R)
Plague - megans_writing (Ten/Ianto) (PG)
Promises Kept (700 words) - becky_h (Jack/Estelle, Jack/Fifth Doctor) (PG-13)
The Rules - jt_fic (Ten/Ianto) (NC-17)
Smile Is All It Takes (short) - memory777 (Ten/Ianto) (PG-13)
Sung Above the Glass - derryderrydown (Martha/Tosh) (PG-13)
Sometimes There Are Yeti (500 words) - shinyjenni (Teen) (Nyssa/Suzie)
Text on a Screen (1200 words) - Daxy (Martha/Tosh) (All Ages)
Time After Time (drabble, scroll down to read) - karaokegirl (Ten/Gwen) (G)
Toshiko Sato's Comprehensive Guide to Romancing Aliens - atraphoenix (Chantho/Tosh) (PG)
Universes Apart - atraphoenix (Rose/Gwen) (PG-13)
Warriors (175 words, scroll down to read) - karaokegirl (Nine/Real Captain Jack) (PG)
your eyes are like stars (4000 words) - allthingsholy (Rose/Gwen) (R)

Blaze(1200 words) - astrogirl2 (Blake's 7: Nine/Cally) (Teen)
Chance and a Grey Sky (2100 words) - Rivendellrose (Babylon 5: Romana II/Susan) (Teen)
Day 10: 04:00pm - 05:00pm (1380 words) - nonelvis (24: Ten/Chloe) (Adult)
Demons (one) and part two - doublehelix20 (X-Files: Jack/Mulder) (R)
Dirty Pretty Things - jadekirk (Harry Potter and Casanova: Ten/Barty/Casanova) (PG)
Dreams Filled With Gilead Trees - scarletts_awry (Farscape: Ten/Zhaan) (R)
Dust Thou Art (And Unto Dust Shalt Thou Return - dirty_smudge (Buffy: Delgado!Master/Spike) (NC-17)
Envy (2398 words) - ninkasa (SJA: Jenny/Luke) (G)
Erogatorio - misspamela (Rome: Jack/Antony) (Adult)
Falls the Shadow - be_themoon (Narnia: Doctor/Susan Pevensie) (PG-13)
Forgive Us Our Sins (773 words) - nonelvis (Battlestar Galactica: Nine/Gaius) (Adult)
For the Less Travelled Way (3642 words) - sage_theory (Eureka: Ten/Carter) (NC-17)
The Girl From Mars (931 words) - magicallaw (Ashes to Ashes: Martha/Alex) (R)
If We Had but World Enough, and Time - scarletts_awry (CSI: New York: Martha/Stella) (NC-17)
Never Con a Con Man (630 words, scroll down to read) - karaokegirl (Knots Landing: Jack/Sumner) (PG-13)
Of Aliens and Angry Empaths - yo_mawari (Heroes: Nine/Peter) (PG-13)
Of All Places - dk323 (PG-13) (Supernatural: Martha/Dean, also Ten/Martha)
Parklife (1750 words) - st-aurafina (Hellblazer: Harry/John Constantine) (PG)
Passing Ships (short) - dz_crasher (Babylon 5: Jack/Susan Ivanova) (G)
Poor Planning - missperkigoth (Secret Smile: Martha/Brendan) (R)
Section 3-52 (1500 words) - atraphoenix (Star Trek: Zoe/Kirk) (All Ages)
Sensible Be (short) - atraphoenix (Supernatural: Sarah/Ellen) (R)
Sparkling Diamonds - laurab1 (Moulin Rouge: Jack/Satine) (Adult)
The Surprise (short) - rjchasez (Smallville: Ten/Clark) (NC-17)
Tactical Considerations - evilawyer_fic (Angel: Simm!Master/Lilah) (PG)
Twisting Timelines (1739 words) - amaresu (Highlander: Martha/Methos) (PG)
Two Jacks Are Better Than One (700 words) - jadelennox (Pirates of the Caribbean: Jack/Jack) (Teen)
Vaster Than Empires(1200 words) - astrogirl2 (Farscape: Jabe/Zhaan) (Teen)
The Visitation (3700 words) - sunsetmog (Sharpe: Nine/Richard Sharpe) (NC-17)
When Water Comes To Life (500 words) - livii (Pirates of the Caribbean: Romana I/Elizabeth Swann) (PG)
Worth the Monsters (423 words) - radiantbaby (Secret Diary of a Call Girl: Ten/Belle) (NC-17)

pairing masterlist, fanfic list

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