Non-Doctor pairings for characters with names A-G.
Any broken links, corrections, additions? Comment and let me know so I can fix them.
These are completed stories not yet on the
who_otp master list.
All my lists:
Doctor/Doctor, Doctor/Master, Master/Master lists Doctors One-Five pairings Doctors Six-Ten (or later) pairings Non-Doctor pairings A-G Non-Doctor pairings H-L Non-Doctor pairings M-Z, crossover storiesTo see links to all lists on one page,
go here.
Non-Doctor pairings
Limes (1300+ words) -
lyssie (PG)
as if they thought of rain (1500 words) - Biichan (Adult)
A School for Scandal? (1400 words) - Azar (Teen)
Ace/Gwendoline (Ghost Light)
Let There Be Light (1100 words) - livii (Teen)
My nest of mercies (1800 words) -
lcsbanana Ace/Hex
A Bad Day (1000 words) - Megumi (All Ages)
Break Time (550 words) - Megumi (All Ages)
can't all be wedding cake (915 words) -
livii (PG-13)
A Change of Venue (1000 words) - amaresu (All Ages)
A Classic Love Story -
amaresu (PG-13)
double, triple shifts (725 words) - livii (NC-17)
Five Times Women Got It Going On (also Four/Leela, Ten/Romana, Seven/Mel, Jake/Mickey/Rose) (800 words) -
livii (NC-17)
In Which Ace and Hex Done Sex (300 words) -
kesomon Life Expectancy (1770 words) -
livii (PG)
Nightmares (470 words) - amaresu (Teen)
Plasticine and Shells (3000 words) - shinyjenni (All Ages)
Poison Ivy (315 words) - livii (PG-13)
Past the Last Exit (1120 words) -
livii (PG-13)
Punk Rock Girl (2300 words) -
livii (R)
Seven Stages (800 words) - livii (NC-17)
Sunrise (10 words) -
wishfulaces (G)
This Life (700 words) - livii (Teen)
Turning the Night Around (387 words) - amaresu (All Ages)
The World, The Universe -
doyle_sb4 (PG)
Roll Of Thunder (270 words) - livii (PG-13)
New Memories (short) -
pimpmytardis (15+)
Ace/Kaara (Survival)
Not Only the Rivers Dream (short) -
glinda_penguin Ace/Martha
Between the Potency and the Existence (fairly short) -
samfeasor (R)
Definite Articles -
sakuracorr (R)
Fire Answers Fire (1850 words) -
wishfulaces (PG)
Gelignite -
atraphoenix (PG)
My Country is the Whole World (or four women Ace never kissed) (also Ace/Mel, Ace/Romana, Ace/Rose) -
netgirl_y2k (PG)
My Country is the Whole World (or four women Ace never kissed) (also Ace/Martha, Ace/Romana, Ace/Rose) -
netgirl_y2k (PG)
Ignites on Contact (3000 words) -
avendya (PG)
London Calling (400 words) -
padawanpooh (PG)
Ace/Mrs Moore
Explosive (220 words) -
having_written (PG)
Collisions -
rivendellrose (R)
My Country is the Whole World (or four women Ace never kissed) (also Ace/Martha, Ace/Mel, Ace/Rose) -
netgirl_y2k (PG)
Something Fragile and Afraid -
celievamp (G?)
Amuse Yourselves (1050 words) - samfeasor (Teen)
My Country is the Whole World (or four women Ace never kissed) (also Ace/Martha, Ace/Mel, Ace/Romana) -
netgirl_y2k (PG)
Worlds Out There (1500 words) -
wishfulaces Ace/Sarah
Mending (891 words) -
justspies (PG)
Ace/Shou Yuing
Taking Her for a Spin (also Ancelyn/Bambera) (short) -
glinda_penguin Ten of the Sword/Sufficiently Advanced Technology (1800 words) - Lurky McLurklurk (All Ages)
Bright Young Thing (also Rose/Susan) (1200 words) -
livii (PG)
Doctor Who: Ace! - Christopher Cole (Adult)
In the Widening Gyre (also Seven/Ace) -
srichard (R)
Hardly Moving Yet -
ionlylurkhere (PG-13)
There Was the Singing -
feldjagerpistol (PG-13)
Dressing Up, Czarina Darling (400 words) - livii (PG)
Identity (short) -
animagiblender (NC-17)
The Benefits of a Traken Education (2200 words) - Rutan (Adult)
Honeysuckle Kiss (also Five/Tegan) (1700 words) -
cersia2 (Teen)
Just a Girl - Reuben (Adult)
Someone Special (1000 words, also Five/Tegan) - Penny (All Ages)
Unexpected Discovery (900 words) - Settiai (Teen)
Untitled - kathkin (G)
The Alzarian Sex Toy - Alden Bates (Adult)
You're My First (But You Won't Be My Last) (4 words) -
temporalgrace (NC-17)
A Man - xJasima (T)
Tempus Fugit (1200 words) -
castrovalva9 (All Ages)
Agatha Christie/Donna
Fantasy (415 words) -
cannibalcake (R)
Girls Like Mystery (334 words) -
scumorvillainy (15)
Innocent Mistake (202 words) -
cannibalcake (T)
Dancing (drabble) -
purple_bug (G)
Don't Know When (1730 words) -
karaokegal (R)
Untitled (short) -
fatchickengirl Ancelyn/Bambera
The History of the Kings of Britain (1300 words) -
livii (Teen)
Taking Her for a Spin (also Ace/Shou Yuing) (short) -
glinda_penguin The Unbearable Weirdness of Being UNIT (4300 words) -
biichan (PG-13)
Here and Now -
vail_kagami (G)
they are the lanterns (and you are the light) -
livii (PG-13)
Untitled (476 words) - atraphoenix (PG)
Love You Anyhow (950 words) - livii (Teen)
In Which Margaret Thatcher Doesn't Invent Soft Serve Ice Cream (720 words) - livii (PG-13)
Ann Talbot/Nyssa
Lace, Lace and a girl called Ann (drabble) -
plaidphoenix (Mature)
Arthur Eddington/John Smith
The Pursuit of Science (800 words) - nonelvis (Adult)
Astra/Romana, Astra/Rose
Time's Key (short) -
lizbee (PG-13)
Sparkles (500 words) -
flo_nelja (PG)
Gravity -
vail_kagami (G)
Teleport Malfunction (fairly short) -
cdybedahl Astrid/Yates
Untitled (708 words) - atraphoenix (PG)
Baines/Hutchinson (Human Nature/Family of Blood)
Just Two Mates -
fandomatemylife (R)
All Your Beliefs -
doyle_sb4 (PG)
Always (700 words) -
tigerkat24 (All Ages)
Amor est Vitae Essentia (3558 words) -
bibliophile1887 (PG)
At the Beginning (1046 words) -
paranoidangel42 (PG)
Bad Ideas -
morgeil (PG)
Beautiful (drabble) -
agapi42 (G)
A Benevolent Abduction -
dynapink (PG)
Bright Star (7728 words) -
eponymous_rose (R)
The Burden of Propriety -
minerva_fan (PG-13)
By the Light of the Two Moons (short) -
minerva_fan (G?)
Cocoa (very short) -
primsong (G)
The Dinner Date (drabble) - K.M. Wilcox (G)
Dreams of Hilarious Beauty (drabble) -
minerva_fan (G)
Embraceable You -
minerva_fan (G)
Eternity in an Hour (3000 words) -
ionlylurkhere (PG)
Fall Forever (350 words) - agapi42 (All Ages)
Fall into the sky (2000 words) - ClocketPatch (All Ages)
Fighting (drabble) -
agapi42 (PG)
Heroes and Heretics (6300 words) -
minerva_fan (PG)
Ian and the Beatles (2400 words) - ACleverName (K+)
In the beginning (drabble) -
agapi42 (G)
The Journey Itself (Is Home) (1524 words) -
agapi42 (PG)
Just a Question (97 words) -
bibliophile1887 (G)
Just Passing Through (550 words) - agapi42 (All Ages)
Leaving Footprints (500 words) - agapi42 (All Ages)
Le Temps Retrouvé (453 words) -
melengro (G)
Like This (also Ten/Barbara, 1020 words) -
livii (PG)
London Chapel (drabble) -
starbells (G)
No Hanky-Panky in the TARDIS -
dynapink Old Revolutionaries (1200 words) -
livii (R)
Once Upon a Time (1200 words) -
atraphoenix (All Ages)
Out of the Arena (2200 words) -
ionlylurkhere (Adult)
Paternity (drabble) -
agapi42 (G)
Photocopy (1200 words) -
agapi42 (T)
Relative Safety (400 words) -
minerva_fan Requiem -
vipersweb (PG)
Roman Holiday (1300 words) - yesjamie (Adult)
Sending a message -
agapi42 (G)
The Sensualites (drabble) - Alan Taylor (G)
Six Ways Barbara and/or Ian Might Have Died and One Way They Never Did -
agapi42 (PG)
Something to It -
albatrossjr (PG)
Sometimes Forever (1767 words) -
eponymous_rose (G)
A Spare Bed at the Chestertons (941 words) -
bibliophile1887 (G)
spells out our stories in sentences -
livii (PG)
Starlight (120 words) -
agapi42 (G)
Tactile (drabble) -
tigerkat24 (PG)
Taken -
agapi42 (PG)
Ten Times Trouble (8100 words) - TigerKat (All Ages)
Things Unsaid (2400 words) -
tigerkat24 (PG)
A Time For Every Purpose (1000 words) -
doyle_sb4 (G)
Two Planets (Pausing in Their Separate Orbits) (26,000 words) - Ishie (PG)
Unhappy the Land (112 words) -
agapi42 (PG)
Starlight (129 words) - agapi42 (All Ages)
When Not in Rome -
calapine (PG)
Winter Night (very short) -
starsbell (G)
Warm in the Night (550 words) - Lurky McLurklurk (All Ages)
Watching from the Wardrobe (650 words) - yesjamie (Adult)
Madeleine-Mary (350 words) - livii (G)
A Wicked Goldfish (8500 words) - VMG (Adult)
Barbara/Vasor (The Keys of Marinus)
Deal With the Devil (short) - Windchild (PG)
Doctor's Orders (600 words) -
vandonovan (All Ages?)
Awakening (1000 words) - vamplover82 (Teen)
Changes (short) - Elf Tree
Discomfort (900 words) - vamplover82 (Adult)
Lessons in Love (500 words) -
vandonovan Sweet Goodbye (3200 words) -
vandonovan (Adult)
Unknown title (short) -
chayaWashing Up (2300 words) -
vandonovan (Adult)
Certainty (2400 words) - mithrel (All Ages)
End of Devils (2200 words) - Sheila Adamson (All Ages)
Five Times Polly Patched Up Ben (And One Time Ben Got To Do The Honours) (3100 words) - vvj5 (All Ages)
Home Again (742 words) -vamplover82 (All Ages)
The Power of Pol (1751 words) -
vandonovan (PG)
Winterlude (also Two/Jamie) (12,383 words) -
vandonovan (G)
Ben Wainwright/Kathy Nightingale
Out of Time (also Larry/Sally) -
kennedy_unknown (PG)
A Rock and A Hard Place (1346 words) -
brewsternorth (PG-13)
Pretenders (2000 words) -
ponygirl Benton/Brigadier
Another day in UNIT - catelfemma (Teen)
It's All the Same Thing (2700 words) -
vandonovanStrikingly Absent (700 words) - witchofthedesk (Teen)
Their Love is SO Canon (1003 words) -
snapesbabe (15)
Untitled -
billytaylor (R)
The Body Predictable (530 words) - livii (NC-17)
Mornings (29 words) -
ravenous_pen (PG)
The Party (321 words) -
ravenous_pen (PG)
The Relaxed Side of Life (158 words) -
jb_wolfsies (PG)
Subtext and Soldiers (528 words) -
ravenous_pen (M)
Hidden Talents (400 words) -
vandonovan (All Ages)
Our Man In The Trenches (430 words) - livii (G)
Unity -
padawanpooh (PG)
As Ordinary Things Often Do (also Harry/Martha) (3500 words) -
doyle_sb4 (PG)
Crooked Line -
livii (NC-17)
tiger, tiger, burning bright (845 words) - livii (PG-13)
I'm Getting Married in the Morning (drabble) - Sceadu
Special Maneuvers (short) -
count_nickula Braxatiel/Pandora
Shadow Self -
lizbee (PG-13)
Needs Must (short) -
lizbee (PG-13)
Prodigal -
lizbee (PG-13)
Braxatiel/Romana I
The Miseducation of Romanadvoratrelundar (or Two Cobblemice in One Snug Hole) (850 words) - Biichan (Teen)
Braxiatel/Romana II
Glory (drabble) - rapunzelita (PG)
What’s beige and brown and green and red and yellow and purple all over? (1400 words) - blackhole (Adult)
Time lines, Schmime lines (6000 words) - Sleepy Sheep683 (Teen)
A Man In Uniform (700 words) - Honourable Jester (All Ages)
When the Brigadier Met the Captain - catelfemma (PG-13)
All these things that we've done -
netgirl_y2k (All Ages)
Cell Division (1460 words) -
skitz_phenom (G)
Five Times Liz Shaw and the Brigadier Saved the World (5500 words) - vvj5 (All Ages)
A Matter of Timing (800 words) - wj5 (All Ages)
Moving Forward (5000 words) -
settiai (All Ages)
No More Than a Feeling (12,300 words) - Sleepy Sheep683 (All Ages)
The Science of Love (1900 words) -
hhertzof (All Ages)
An Unexpected Education (11,900 words) - Sleepy Sheep683 (All Ages)
UNIT: Framed (31,000 words) - vvj5 (All Ages)
UNIT: How to Say Goodbye (3000 words) - vvj5 (All Ages)
UNIT: Unfinished (9000 words) - wj5 (All Ages)
Is There Honey still for tea? (short) - eleanorb (Adult)
Decree Absolute (8400 words) - Sleepy Sheep683 (Adult)
For some must watch, while some mayn't sleep (40 words) -
elliptic_eye (NC-17)
Found in Translation (650 words) -
ionlylurkhere (All Ages)
Chameleon (360 words) - jedi_penguin (All Ages)
The Charlotte Syndrome (drabble) - Metzger (K)
The Suitor's Dilemma -
sadbhyl (PG)
Stardust (700 words) -
having_written (PG)
Five Times Charley, Mel, or Glitz Almost Died (But Didn't) (2150 words) - amaresu (All Ages)
Hostile Takeover (281 words) -amaresu (All Ages)
Light Through a Glass Lens (1000 words) - amaresu (All Ages)
Strangers in the Night -
kowarth (PG)
Charley/Romana II
Not Nothing (1400 words) - jedi_penguin (All Ages)
Lost Girls (450 words) -
having_written (G)
Zagreus (2000 words, also Six/Charley) - Howlcastle (Adult, non-con)
How Very 1920s (3100 words, also Eight/Jamie) - Paranoid Seat (All Ages)
Chaudhry (UNIT audios)/Jo
A John Smith Situation (950 words) - carawj (All Ages)
Chin Lee (Mind of Evil)/Delgado!Master
The Benevolence of Dragons (772 words) -
snowgrouse (NC-17)
The Rush (233 words) - Serinity46 (M)
This could be the beginning... (1154 words) -
shadowbyrd (PG)
Opportunities (Let's Make Lots of Money) (400 words) -
shannonsequitur (PG)
Brazilian Morning (1300 words) - Primsong (All Ages)
Dancers (500 words) - schildkroet (All Ages)
Control/Redvers Fenn-Cooper (Ghost Light)
Lightyears from Zanzibar (267 words) -
brewsternorth (R)
C'rizz/Fazackerly (audios)
Bare -
kylielee1000 (R)
Inferiority Complex (895 words) -
teh_no (NC-17)
A Dalek on the Pull (1000 words) -
beer_good_foamy (PG-13)
Plaything of the Daleks (1450 words) - Dame Syrup (Adult, non-con)
Dalek Sec/Jack
That Jack/Dalek Fic What Liz Made Me Write (short) -
weaverandom David/Susan
Comes the Rain (791 words) -
eponymous_rose (All Ages)
Fade and Flower (2285 words) -
agapi42 (G)
A Family Affair -
alligatorade (G)
Letting Go (600 words) - Gary Merchant (K)
"One day, I shall come back." (drabble) -
spufidooWedding Night (1100 words) - montypython203 (T)
Dead Hand in Mine (969 words) - Dame Syrup (Adult)
Scientific Method (3000 words) - mary_pseud (Adult)
Interlude: Delta and the Bannermen - Adam (Adult)
Don't Tease the Pianist (drabble) - tangerine (All Ages)
Fall Fast, Fall Free (Fall With Me) -
livii (R)
Put Away Childish Things (4100 words) -
bibliophile1887 Donna/Jack
Command Performance (3100 words) - karaokegal (Adult)
Hitting the Jackpot (short) -
hllangel (NC-17)
Incentive (400 words) - ladyames (Adult)
Job Description Of A Secretary (short) - risti (Adult)
Just His Type (short) - alizarin_nyc (Adult)
The Man in the Blue Box, or, The Piffle We Teach Our Children (also Donna/m) -
amproof (Adult)
Time Storm (1700 words) - Darkerchild (Teen)
Forgotten Times (short) -
kit_kat1990 (G)
1/4 life crisis (570 words) -
scumorvillany (PG)
The Companions -
persiflage_1 (NC-17)
The Fundamental Things Apply (1300 words) -
ionlylurkhere (PG-13)
the girl from tomorrow -
zauberer_sirin (Martha/Sam) (NC-17)
Girls' Night Out, Girls' Night In (2700 words) -
ionlylurkhere (NC-17)
Hen Party -
darthsemicolon (R)
Life on Mars (397 words) - elliptic_eye (R)
The moments stolen from them (345 words) -
scumorvillany (U)
More Than Just A Cheap Trick (1700 words) -
magicallaw (All Ages)
Somewhere Only We Know -
vortex_drumkit (PG-13)
Stories of a Starbucks (300 words) - mellinya (PG)
What wouldn't Jack do might be a better motto -
molotovcoqtiz (NC-17)
Companion Loving, and Other Non-zero-sum Games (1500 words) -
ionlylurkhere (NC-17)
The Greatest Story Ever Told (37 words) -
lafemmedarla (PG)
Leather Gloves and Paradoxies (also Ten/Donna) -
magicallaw (PG-13)
The Ongoing Storm -
scarfman (PG)
Space Station (drabble) -
doreyg (PG)
Six Impossible Things -
netgirl_y2k (PG)
A Change is as Good as a Rest -
netgirl_y2k (PG)
Circle of Mirrors (700 words) - hafital (All Ages)
Grief (804 words) -
scumorvillany (15/18)
The importance of being honest (1475 words) -
scumorvillainy (Teen)
Intermezzo Course (550 words) - nonelvis (Adult)
Trapped in a Closet (1550 words) - nonelvis (Adult)
time and chicken curry (1800 words) -
ellisbelle (PG-13)
Bibliotheca -
xhecticbankaix (PG)
Time to Get Away -
netgirl_y2k (PG-13)
The Man in the Blue Box, or, The Piffle We Teach Our Children (also Donna/Jack) -
amproof (Adult)
Learn How To Be You In Time -
lizbee (PG-13)
Duggan/Romana II
I took the one less travelled by (2400 words) - Lurky McLurklurk (Teen)
Lover, Come Back To Me (180 words) -
livii (PG-13)
Paris, I Can't Forget (20 words) -
biichan (NC-17)
Anger (500 words) - tromana (All Ages)
Beauties Pass Before Thee (1100 words) - Glinda (All Ages)
Christmas in George Square (950 words) -
purple_bug (PG)
Garden Contemplation -
amaresu (G)
Next Life -
castrovalva9 (PG)
Open Secret (drabble) -
purple_bugShoes (short) - Missy (G)
Talking Without Words -
tromana (PG-13)
Face of Boe/Novice Hame
The Power of Devotion -
flora2313 (PG-13)
Untitled (short) -
rachel68620 Fey/Izzy (comics)
The Importance of Good Tailoring (976 words) -
glinda_penguin (12)
Finch/Sarah Jane (School Reunion)
Background Research (short) -
ladyvivien (R)
The Not So Unlikely Saga of Fitz Kreiner (also Fitz/Donna, Fitz/Hex, Fitz/Jack, Fitz/Susan) -
wishfulaces (PG
The Not So Unlikely Saga of Fitz Kreiner (also Fitz/Benny, Fitz/Hex, Fitz/Jack, Fitz/Susan) -
wishfulaces (PG
Fitzes (short) -
burnmybody (PG-13)
The Not So Unlikely Saga of Fitz Kreiner (also Fitz/Benny, Fitz/Donna, Fitz/Jack, Fitz/Susan) -
wishfulaces (PG
London, 1960 (450 words) - Settiai (All Ages)
The Not So Unlikely Saga of Fitz Kreiner (also Fitz/Benny, Fitz/Donna, Fitz/Hex, Fitz/Susan) -
wishfulaces (PG
Faithful Companion (680 words) - schildkroet (Teen)
Captivity (300 words) -
invasor (PG)
Fitz/Sasha (History 101)
Picasso (600 words) -
livii (PG)
The Not So Unlikely Saga of Fitz Kreiner (also Fitz/Benny, Fitz/Donna, Fitz/Hex, Fitz/Jack) -
wishfulaces (PG)
Comparing Notes (short) - lanyon
Francine Jones/Clive
The African Queen -
meilin_miranda (PG-13)
The News of All the Nations -
athousandwinds (15)
Untitled (1843 words) -
notadoctoryet (PG)
Second Chance (480 words) - agapi42 (All Ages)
She would burn like the sun… (150 words) -
ana_khouri (PG)