Fic: Seminar, Chapter 35 (CSI/CSI NY/CSI Miami, Warrick / Flack, Nick / Greg)

Dec 04, 2009 20:07

Title: Seminar, Chapter 35
Fandom: CSI / CSI NY, CSI Miami
Pairing: Warrick Brown / Don Flack,
Ryan Wolfe / Eric Delko,
Nick Stokes / Greg Sanders
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Not mine, etc.
Feedback: Always Welcome
Banner by the lovely sexycazzy

CSI Las Vegas Main List
CSI Miami Main List
CSI New York Main List

Prologue Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 (NC-17) Chapter 4 Chapter 5
Chapter 6 (NC-17) Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10
Chapter 11 (NC-17) Chapter 12 Chapter 13 (NC-17) Chapter 14 Chapter 15
Chapter 16 Chapter 17 Chapter 18 Chapter 19 Chapter 20 Chapter 21
Chapter 22 Chapter 23 Interlude (NC-17) Chapter 24 Chapter 25 Chapter 26
Chapter 27 Chapter 28 Chapter 29 Chapter 30 Chapter 31 Interlude Chapter 32
Chapter 33 Chapter 34

Crime lab, Las Vegas
DNA lab

“Morning.” Don knocked on the doorframe and peeked his head into the DNA lab.

“Morning!” Greg was currently busy twirling around the room like a demented windmill, his hands full of papers. “Are you gonna start working here, because I think I’ve seen you here more often than I see Grissom….”
“I came to if Warrick has time for breakfast. Or even time to get away from here once in a while.”

“Not a chance, theyr case is blowing up like a Dumbo in an peanut factory.” Greg grabbed few more prints from his desk. “I gotta get these to Sara so I can move on to my special project.”
“You’re going to the field?”
“Nope, I need to assist Nick with this big DNA load.”
“You want one for the road?” Don opened the box of doughnuts.
“My hands are kinda busy right now….” Greg nodded down to the stacks of prints. “Just feed me one.” He opened his mouth wide.

Don picket a doughnut and squeezed into a round lump till it was small enough to fit in. He shoved it into Greg’s mouth and the tech mumbled his thanks.


“I come carrying doughnuts.” Don walked in carrying the doughnut box and a paper bag. “Are you anywhere near leaving?”

“Not for a while.” Warrick stopped tapping the keys of the computer and turned to grab a doughnut. “We got an arson case turned homicide. We’re waiting for a warrant to the vic`s accounts.”
“Can you take a break? I got coffee.” He pulled a take-away cup from the bag and handed it over to Warrick.
“Thanks. I’ve been coming and going all night.”
“That’s one of the pleasures of the nightshift. I slept like baby.”
“Babies don’t snore.”
“Neither do I.”
“Why do you think I wake you up when you start doing that?”
“Because you want some hot man-loving and you can’t wait till wake up?”

“That too.” Warrick laughed. He glanced through the window to the empty hallway. “Not that it’s much of a secret anymore, but can you try to tone it down a bit when we’re here?”
“Where’s the fun in that?” Don grinned. He sat down on the edge of the desk. “Besides, lab people are not normal people.”

“Thanks a lot.”
“I mean that once that cat’s out of the bag, they’ll move on to the next gossip. I already heard what it was.”
“The next big gossip?”
“Yeah, I heard it five minutes after I walked in. Wanna hear it?”
“Is it good?”
“I’m not sure, I have no idea who the guy is. It kinda takes the fun out of rumours.”
“Who is it about?”
“Never heard of him.”
“Well, according to my sources he works part-time in the days.”
“Your sources?”
“Well, not exactly mine. I was queuing in the cafeteria and I heard some injection filled old crow babbling about Lara from reception who had heard it from janitor Jimmy who had heard it from one of the MEs and he-”
“I got the gist. Get to the point.”
“Anyway, this O’Neal guy has a liking for women’s clothes.”

“That’s the gossip?”
“That’s not all. His wife caught him in her suspenders and garter belt.”
“That’s all?”
“And then she beat him with a pasta maker and run away with a three-legged dog called Skippy, how did you expect it would end?”
“So the guy got caught wearing his woman’s underwear? On Vegas scale that’s not even a bleep on the radar.”
“Maybe, but it knocked you off the front-page.” Don grinned. “And I heard some even more interesting pieces.”
“More cross dressers?”
“No. I heard a couple got caught fooling around in the supply room.”
“Supply room? That’s where I get my gloves!”
“So what?”
“Any kind of organic fluid will deteriorate latex gloves.”
“Not exactly where I was going with this…. Actually I was thinking you could show me the scene of the sordid CSI sex scandal.”
“It was one of the CSIs?”
“How would I know? They just said the couple was getting jiggly against the shelves and then one of the secretaries barged in.”
“Some of the lab rats?”
“Warrick?” Don sounded slightly frustrated.

“You can’t get out of here for hours and I bother to come all the way here to offer you a relaxing break and the early birds special: Coffee, doughnut and a blowjob in the storage room. But if you’re too busy-”
“Why didn’t you just say what you mean in the beginning?!”
“You’re a grown man with a dirty mind, you really should have figured it out by yourself.” Don got up from the desk and grabbed Warrick by the collar. “Hallway’s empty and the storage room is right next door. If I gag you, no one will notice.”

“Is that a promise?”
“No, I like you loud.” Don pulled Warrick into the hallway, opened the next door and guided him into the dark room. Before Warrick had a chance to say anything else, Don blocked his commentary with a kiss. His hands snapped the button of his jeans open and Don’s hands dived in. That was the point where his brain functions cut off.
They came back fifty-three seconds later when he heard someone barging in and the lights were turned on.

“What the hell….?” Sara eyed the two men. Don’s hands were still down Warrick`s pants and the situation was quite hard to misinterpret. “Guys, I don’t care what you when you’re alone, but at least lock the door.” Her eyes wandered over Don’s shoulder and her face turned bright red.

Don and Warrick followed her line of vision the other side of the room and to the two men who were in very similar situation as they were. Greg was kneeling on the floor, too stunned to do anything. Nick was in full-on panicky, pulling his jeans up.

“I don’t want to know.” Sara stated with a frozen look of horror on his face. “Didn’t you get enough attention last week?”

“We forgot to lock the door.” Greg shrugged. “But now that we’re on this topic, I think I finally figured out why my mom always warned me not to walk into dark rooms. You never know what’s lurking in the shadows-”

“Shut up” Sara grabbed a packet of Q-tips from the shelf and turned to leave. “Just shut up and wipe that stain from your cheek.”
“It’s just-”
“I don’t want to know! All four of you, get your pants up.” She marched out and slammed the door shut.
“That was you?” Don asked. “I never heard names, just-
“Don?” “Warrick interrupted. “Are you gonna pull your hand out anytime soon?”
“What?” Don glanced down. “Oh, right…. Nope.”

“Don’t bother on our account, we we’re just wrapping this up.” Greg grinned. “So the space is all yours.”
“Is this the DNA project you were talking about?”
“Yeah, I was collecting samples. Have fun!”
Greg walked out with Nick in tow. The Texan was still bright red and he kept his eyes firmly fixed on the floor. As soon as they were gone Warrick locked the door.
“I can’t believe this….”

“Me neither. Lock the door, that’s the basic rule of workplace humpage.”
“Not that! I just saw my best buddy with his stuff hanging out and Sanders was…. I’m gonna be sick….”
“Don’t forget: Sara saw yours.”
“Calm down. You got nothing to hide. And neither do those two-”
“Stop that. I’m fine with Nick and Sanders being together but I don’t ever wanna see them half naked and getting it on.”
“You must have seen them before in the showers.”
“That’s not the same! You think the department shrink could hypnotise me and wipe this whole thing from my mind?”

“You’ll get over it. And I know how to calm you down.”
“This is too traumatic to be fixed with a blowjob.”
“I can adapt.” Don assured. “We’ll just have to increase the dose.”
“How much?” Warrick couldn’t keep the crooked grin off his face.

Don focused on re-opening his jeans laughed.
“Just enough. You’re on a break, the door is locked and I know relaxation techniques your shrink can only dream about.”

Chapter 36

show: csi miami, csi/ csi ny/ csi miami/ series: seminar, pair: nick stokes / greg sanders, show: csi ny, pair: warrick brown / don flack, show: csi

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