Fic: Seminar, Chapter 17 (CSI/CSI NY/CSI Miami, Flack / Warrick, Nick / Greg)

Nov 07, 2009 15:31

Title: Seminar, Chapter 17
Fandom: CSI / CSI NY, CSI Miami
Pairing: Warrick Brown / Don Flack,
Ryan Wolfe / Eric Delko,
Nick Stokes / Greg Sanders
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Not mine, etc.
Feedback: Always Welcome

Banner by the lovely sexycazzy

Chapter 1                   
Chapter 2
Chapter 3 (NC-17)     
Chapter 4
Chapter 5                   
Chapter 6 (NC-17)
Chapter 7                   
Chapter 8
Chapter 9                   
Chapter 10
Chapter 11 (NC-17)    
Chapter 12
Chapter 13 (NC-17)   
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16

“So, are you going to work tonight?” Don asked. He was currently involved with the last pieces of a salami pizza, and his words come of out as an incoherent mumble.

“Yeah. Are you okay here alone?”
“No, I’m gonna have wild parties, get drunk and swing naked from the fan.”
“Okay, dumb question.”
“Besides, I showed you mine, aren’t you gonna show me yours?”
“I just did. Twice.”
“I mean the lab.”
“You could have said so.”
“I wanted to see that look on your face…. If you lend me you car I can drive you to work and pick you up in the morning.”
“You’d drive back and fort in Vegas?”
“How bad can it be at night?”
“Worse than in daylight. Besides, why do you wanna see the lab?”
“I just wanna see if it’s anything like ours. Freaky people bending over microscopes.”
“I said that with a lot of love. I played the tourist guide for you, it’s your turn.”
“Fine. We’ll leave early so I can show you the lab.”

“Great.” Don licked the tips of his fingers to get the grease of the pizza off. He noticed the glazed look in Warrick`s eyes. “You’re sooooo easy to get going, aren’t you?”


Crime lab, Las Vegas

“There’s the ballistics and Bobby. Say hi to Bobby.”

“Hi, Bobby.” Don replied obediently.
“Say Bye Bye to Bobby.”
“Bye bye, Bobby.”
Warrick dragged Don out of the room and into the hallway.
“And the next one is-”
“Wait a sec, why are you in a hurry? Your shift doesn’t start for another hour. Almost like you don’t want me to talk to people.”
“You just talked to people.”
“I said Hi and Bye.”
“Isn’t that enough for one day?”
“You know what I mean.”
“You talked with Nick and Sanders at the airport and in the car. And that was more than enough.”
“We got along great!”
“Bit too great. I think they know why you’re here.”
“I’ve known you a week, and my best friend just hooked up with the DNA Wunderkind. I have enough to deal with without the gossip.”
“It’s just lab gossip. Everyone here has some kinda secret.”
“You don’t know people here.”
“Doesn’t matter. It’s the same thing everywhere.”
“Maybe you got a point. But…. Just keep a low profile, okay?”
“No details about your-”
“Not a word about that.”
“Or your-”
“Or that.”
“What about-”
“And definitely not about that!”

“About what?” Catherine parked herself next to them and glanced at both men curiously. “And welcome back, we’ve missed you.” She grabbed him for a workplace-suitable hug.

“And you’re Holton, right?” She turned to Flack. “Did you get the page?”
“No and no.”
“Sorry, I thought…. They were supposed to send a replacement while they’re patching Owen up.”
“What happened to him?” Warrick asked.
“Nothing work related, just an old fashioned kitchen incident.”
“Waffle iron. Followed by an electric shock. Apparently the cord was frizzled or something like that, I don’t know the details. And you looked like a cop, so….”
“Well, you were almost right.” Warrick smirked. “He’s a cop, but not one of ours. Cath Willows, Don Flack. He works in homicides in New York.”
“Did you bring him as a souvenir?”
“He’s here on vacation.”

“Of course. Anyway, I need to go. I got three dead hookers.”
“Have fun.”
“Are we going for breakfast after the shift? We could gather the whole group.”
“Actually, I’m kinda depended on my driver-”
“Don’t worry about that.” Don placed his arm on Warrick`s shoulder and gave Catherine a wide grin. “I can pick you up from wherever your going and have some breakfast with your pals.”

“I’ll see you then.” Catherine left and Warrick gave Don a venomous glare.
“You did that on purpose.”
“Of course, I never say no to food.”
“You and Sanders in the same table. That’s a recipe for a real catastrophe.”
“We’ll behave.”
“Why do I find that hard to believe….?”



“Wait a minute…. Wait a minute….Okay, I’m done.”
“What were you doing?”
“What do I usually do when I say that? I’m playing with your semen.”
“Greg, I know cat’s out of the bag, but could you tone that down just a little bit when we’re working?”
“Hey, I’m doing my job right here! Without me you would have no idea that your semen stain in the sheet was from a former jailbird, currently on parole.”
“Good job, I’ll call-”
“Now comes the nasty part.”
“The stain is over two weeks old, which says a lot about the level of cleaning in that motel. You said your vic came to Vegas two days ago.”
“So it doesn’t have anything to do with the case.” Nick finished.

“But I could offer you some light refreshment to ease your stress.”
“In the supply closet again?”
“Not that kind of refreshment. I meant gossips.”
“I don’t want to know.”
“It’s about Warrick and his Boy Toy.”
“I do want to know.”
“He was here.”
“And the cop. He had a long talk with Brass. I think they got along great. Archie said he saw them showing off their scars.”
“Why was he here?”
“Getting the tour of the lab. He dropped in for a chat couple hours ago.”
“A chat about what?”
“Vegas, sightseeing, the lab, sextoys, weird cases-”
“Anyway, he’s a good guy. You should try to get comfortable with the whole idea.”
“What idea?”
“That Warrick is an insatiable bottom.”
“Just checking that you’re listening. You know what I mean. He’s gonna be here a while, so try to get to know him.”
“Okay, maybe you’re right. I’ll think about it.”
“Think fast, the shift is over in four hours.”
“I didn’t know I had a time limit.”
“We’re going to the diner for breakfast.”
“Who`s coming?”
“Pretty much everyone.”
“Is the cop coming?”
“Yep. By the way, you should have seen Catherine when she ran into him again.”
“Does she know about him and Warrick?”
“Nope.” Greg grinned like a Cheshire Cat. “She did her usual chest-out pose.”
“Her what pose?”
“She always does that when there’s a nice looking man around. She shoves her boobs so far out that they almost hit you in the face. I think it’s a reflex for her. Bit like that hair flip thingy.”
“And she’s in the dark.”
“Yep. I have a feeling it will be a really tasty breakfast.”

Chapter 18

show: csi miami, csi/ csi ny/ csi miami/ series: seminar, pair: nick stokes / greg sanders, show: csi ny, pair: warrick brown / don flack, show: csi

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