Fic: Seminar, Chapter 10 (CSI NY/CSI/CSI Miami, Don Flack / Warrick Brown)

Oct 31, 2009 00:37

Title: Seminar, Chapter 10
Fandom: CSI / CSI NY / CSI Miami
Pairing: Warrick Brown / Don Flack,
Nick Stokes / Greg Sanders,
Ryan Wolfe / Eric Delko
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Not mine, etc.
Feedback: Always Welcome

Banner by the lovely sexycazzy

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3 (NC-17)
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6 (NC-17)
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9

Saturday 20:46
Fourth day of the Seminar
Don`s apartment

Warrick knocked on the door and waited. The only sound coming from the apartment was the voice of a sportscasters. He pulled his cell phone from his pocket and typed a text message. Few minutes later the door opened and Don gave him an annoyed glance.

“If you want in, knock on the door. There’s no need to send a text message.”
“I did knock and you didn’t open.”
“I was watching the game. What do you want?”
“There’s no game on.”
“There’s a classics night on the sport channel. It’s the nineteen eighty-seven Superbowl.”
“What’s the point? You already know New York Giants won.”
“Of course I know that, why do you think I’m watching it?”
“Anyway…. I brought a peace offering.” Warrick showed him the bag of take-out cartons. “Are you gonna let me in?”
“What do you got?”
“Okay.” Don let him in and guided him to the living room.

Warrick settled down on the couch and started pulling carton from the bag.
“Is there something you don’t eat?" He asked. "Shrimp or something?”

“If you got shrimps in any form, I’ll throw you to the floor and screw you through the boards to the apartment downstairs.”
“What do you do if I don’t have any?”
“You don’t get to lay on my floor. Shrimps?”
“What are your downstairs neighbours like?”
“Two little old ladies who keep giving each other sponge baths.”
“Then it’s probably good that I didn’t bring any shrimps.”
“I got pork.”
“Good enough.” Don sat down next to him and grabbed one of the cartons. “Meat is the best possible peace offer.”
“I know, it’s the guy code.” Warrick mumbled through a mouthful of steamed rice.

“So how did you find here?”
“I asked Stella.”
“You called her?”
“Great, I’ll get a four page questionnaire when I see her again.”
“She already made me jump through hoops before she gave me your address.”
“What kinda hoops?”
“She kept talking around me till I said we had something going on.”
“Don’t look so expecting, I said something. I have no idea what it means.”
“What it means now or what it means when you go back to Vegas?”
“You sound just like her….”

“She has her good sides.” Don defended.
“As far as I know, they include Jell-O and some handguns.”
“She has other talents too. I once saw her do a double shift without taking a break to eat. By the time she let me take a break I was about to die from malnutrition.”
“After one double shift? Not possible.”
“That’s what she said...." Don smirked. "Nowadays I come prepared.”
“I stash candy bars in all my coat pockets.”
“Of course….” Warrick shoved another piece of a spring roll to his mouth. “What kinda case was it?”
“What case?”
“The starvation case.”
“It was this big society death. Hairbrained heiress killed in her own bed.”
“Let me guess…. The butler did it.”
“Then who did?”
“Let’s just say there’s a good reason why you shouldn’t put eight big football players into one bed.”
“You mean she got squashed?”
“Apparently groupsex is not safesex.”
“We’ve had some kinky cases but nothing like that.”

“You know that group called PETA?”
“Yeah, People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals.”
“There’s this one tech at the lab who keep preaching every time someone’s eating a ham sandwich. Anyway, I was thinking somebody should start a group called PETMRP.”
“No, PETMRP. People for the Ethical Treatment of Moronic Rich People.”
“Well, I’m not gonna join it. Those people make our jobs harder than they have to be.”
“I didn’t mean we should treat them well, I meant that all of them should have a person going with them all the time, keeping an eye on them so they won’t jump into bed with half a football team and then depart before they even come.”

“That was probably the longest sentence I’ve heard from you.”
“I see more than enough morons on the job, I have zero sympathy for them.”

“I can agree with that.” Warrick commented and munched a piece of pork in silence. “So…. Are we getting along again?”

“Apparently.” Don dumped the half empty carton on the table and headed to the kitchen. “You wanna beer?”
“Wanna watch the game?”
“Game’s over.”
“Really?” Don retuned with two beers and a bottle opener. “When did it end?”
“While you were preaching about dumb rich people.”
“Oh….” He snapped the cap off from one bottle.

“Actually… we could save those for later.” Warrick suggested.
“Is that why you came here?”
“Are you gonna start that again….”
“I’m asking a question.”
“No, I didn’t come here for that. I told you came here to make peace. Enough?”
“Enough.” Don placed the bottle on the table. “But you’re on parole.”
“What does that mean?”
“No cuffs for you.”
“Are you serious?”
“I can live with that.”

Chapter 11

show: csi miami, csi/ csi ny/ csi miami/ series: seminar, show: csi ny, pair: warrick brown / don flack, show: csi

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