Fic: Seminar, Chapter 5 (CSI/CSI NY/CSI Miami, Warrick / Flack, Nick / Greg)

Oct 13, 2009 16:34

Title: Seminar, Chapter 5
Fandom: CSI / CSI NY / CSI Miami
Pairing: Warrick Brown / Don Flack,
Ryan Wolfe / Eric Delko,
Nick Stokes / Greg Sanders
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Not mine, etc.
Feedback: Always Welcome

Banner by the lovely sexycazzy

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3 (NC-17)
Chapter 4

Friday 07:52
Third day of the Seminar
Warrick`s hotel room

Warrick kept his eyes shut, but he was pretty sure there was a warm body sleeping under him. The steady breathing sounded unusually loud in a quiet room. Don had planned to head over to his apartment last night, but he had fallen asleep. After several wake-up attempts, Warrick had come to a conclusion. Don Flack’s peaceful sleep was the equivalent of normal people’s coma. No matter how he tried to wake him up, blue-eye just murmured and continued his sleep.

The rhythm of breathing changed and Flack opened one blue eye.
“I know you’re awake.”
“And I thought they made you a detective because of your pretty face….” Warrick groaned and opened his eyes. “You stayed the night, man.”
“You got a comfy bed. And why didn’t you wake me up?”
“I tried, but you were like a dead body. No reaction, no matter what I did.”
“So you decided to sleep on me?”
“If you’re staying in my room, you better make yourself useful.”
“As a pillow?”
“Yeah, and by the way, you need more padding.”

“Sweet talking right after waking up…..” Don smirked. “It must be love.”
“Don’t count on it. What are you doing today?”
“Nothing much. I gotta handle some stuff for the afternoon lecture but nothing else. Except that I gotta stop by at my place at some point.”
“Is you offer still good?”
“What offer?”
“You offered to play a tourist guide.”
“Right…. Sure. I can handle my stuff after breakfast and then we have the whole day free. Unless you really wanna attend that lecture about interdepartmental co-operation-”
“I’m doing the practical exercises for that right now.”
“Great. Are we getting up?”
“Apparently.” Warrick`s hand wandered down Don’s body. “Shower?”
“Yep.” Don got up and headed to the bathroom.

“I’ll be right there.” Warrick picked up his cell phone from the nightstand. Three new messages, all from Nick. He snapped the first one open.

Need to talk to you. Call me.


Friday 12: 17
Don’s apartment

“What’s that look?”

“Nothing.” Warrick smirked. “You don’t spend a lot of time here, do you?”
“Show me one cop who has a lot of time to polish his pad.”
“I know, I know. You should see my place in Vegas.”
“I got all the necessities for the times I’m here. Couch, TV, fridge and bed.” Don headed to the living room and turned on his laptop. “I’ll just check my mails.”

“No hurry. Mind if I….?” Warrick pointed to the kitchen with his cell phone.
“Go ahead.”

Warrick walked to the kitchen and dialled a familiar number.
“Hey, man. You called me.”
“About ten times.”
“Did something happen?”
“Yeah. Pretty much everyone knows by now, and I didn’t want you to hear it from someone else when you get back.”
“What is it?”
“Tuesday night when you flew to New York and I couldn’t give you a ride because I had a date-”
“Right, I forgot that! How did it go?”
“We ran into some people from work.”
“Maybe run into was not the best description. We were coming out of restaurant and they caught us making out against my car.”
“That’s my boy.”
“We decided to tell people before it spreads all over the lab.”
“Wait, wait, wait. You decided? So it’s somebody from the lab?”
“Someone I know?”
“Come on, tell me. Joanne?”
“That brunette from the administration. The one who’s been giving you gooey eyes for ages.”
“No, it’s not her.”
“Brunette or blond?”
“Brunette who’s currently a blond.”
“That covers half the blonds in the lab! Just tell me who it is.”
“It’s…. It’s probably better if I just say it.”
“It’s Greg.”

Warrick took a deep breath. “Greg. DNA Greg?”
“Greg "stop-spewing-semen-on-me" Sanders?”
“Sorry, he said that to me when I kept bringing him more samples. Remember that cult case? Four men, three women, thirty-six kids and two bodies.”
“I remember.”
“So…. I guess I should ask…. Hmmmm….. How long?”
“Almost three months.”
“And…. Everyone knows now?”
“Everyone who matters. Grissom, Cath, Sara. Doc Robinson actually came and asked me about it when he heard the gossip. He said he would bake us a congratulatory pie.”
“Was that a promise or a threat?”
“He said he hopes it lasts. According to him, he’s fed up being in the minority.”
“What minority?”
“The ones who actually have a life outside the lab.”

“That’s a small group…..”
“So, are we…. okay?”
“Yeah, sure. I mean that was kinda….”
“Surprise twist?”
“Yeah. Congratulations.”
“If you two are still together when I get back, I’ll buy you both a beer.”
“With pretzels?”
“Man, you’re already starting to sound like Sanders….”
“What can I say, he’s infectious.”
“Like Ebola.”
“If I start wearing pink shirts and listening to that metal crap, please shoot me.”
“You don’t even need to ask. If you turn into Sanders 2.0 I’ll kill you without hesitation.”
“Thanks. I got to go now, see you when you get back.”
“Little wife calling?”
“Not funny. Bye.”

He snapped his phone shut and took a minute to digest the news. He didn’t even hear the footsteps behind him till a pair of hands landed on his shoulders.

“Ready to go?”
“Yeah, I guess.”
“Everything okay back home?”
“Okay. Weird as always, but okay. That guy you talked to on the phone….”
“Stokes. He hooked up with this annoying kid from the lab, and they kept it as a secret for three months.”
“So what? You wanted him yourself?”
“No, but I would like to know when my best buddy is getting it on with a guy I work with.”
“Did you tell him what we’ve been doing here? Again and again?”
“Have you told him what you usually do on your seminar trips?”
“No, but-”
“No buts.” Don turned him around and guided him to the door. “Sightseeing beckons.”

Chapter 6 (NC-17)

show: csi miami, csi/ csi ny/ csi miami/ series: seminar, pair: nick stokes / greg sanders, show: csi ny, pair: warrick brown / don flack, show: csi

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