BTVS/ATS Fic list

May 21, 2004 18:44

These are stories based on the characters from the TV shows Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel the Series. Most of these are slash stories, meaning a romantic and/or sexual relationship between male characters, mainly Spike and Angel although others do appear. Don't like? Don't read. For other kinds of stories check here


05/03/2004 Damage Spike/Angel. A little broody story set after Damage. Ca. 1300 words
19/04/2008 Daño Spanish translation of Damage by vicenivi
11/03/2004 Release Spike/Angel. Spike tries to get Angel to lighten up a little. 4556 words.
15/03/2004 Ripper Spike/Giles. Dark fic. Warnings for rape and other nasty stuff. 1200 words
14/04/2004 69 Spike/Angel. My attempt to be funny. 1196 words
15/04/2004 Father Figures Spike/Angel et al. Spike's rather miserable existence from a certain point of view. 3018 words
29/04/2004 Peaches and Pranks and it's sequel Petting the Peach. Spike/Angel Starts out as a funnyfic but of course end up angsty 2064+2909 words
05/05/2004 Funny Fountain Spike/Angel. Includes a funnel and Angel's Delight
06/05/2004 Puppet Puzzle Obviously a Puppet!Angel story... mostly
24/05/2004 Leather and Lube The sequel to Release. Spike/Angel. Angel tries to keep his end of the bargain
21/07/2004 Have a Little Heart Spike and Angel watch some TV... mostly. Very silly fic. With pics!
24/07/2004 Resistance is Futile Ficlet written for strickens_girl. Angelus/Spike, Xander set BTVS S2
25/07/2004 Power Play Spike/Angel. ficlet written for greenstone_j
27/07/2004 Zoophobia Spike/Angel. Sillyficlet written for miss_c667
05/08/2004 There's a Thin Line Between Hate and Sex Spike/Xander written for bunnyohare
20/08/2004 First Steps written with vic_amy_z for heraldic_dragon. Spike/Angel
22/08/2004 Moonlight Serenade Spike/Angel. Very, very silly fic
21/09/2004 Never Leave written for the loving_angel_69 Spike/Angel Not Fade Away ficathon
29/09/2004 Verbal Wanking Spike/Angel, Gunn/Wes. Just what it sounds like
12/10/2004 Privacy Is Highly Overrated Spike/Angel. Written for dodyskin
15/10/2004 Giving In Spike/Angel. A schmoopy ficlet
07/11/2004 Hell Within An insano!Spike ficlet written for evilmaniclaugh
22/11/2004 Are You Lonesome Tonight? Spike/Angel. Written for the ats_endofdays ficathon
21/12/2004 Old and Lonely, Dirty and Cold for sickchicks 300 words challenge. Dark and depressive.
28/12/2004 As you wish... Spike/Angel. Vampire pornschmoop written for nihilistbear
08/02/2005 Coitus Interruptus Spike/Angel. A silly thing written for zinnydark
08/02/2005 An Acquired Taste Angelus/William. A sweet thing written for piksa
18/02/2005 The One In Question Spike/Angel. Written for tgray
23/02/2005 Hope(?) Spike/Angel? Written for snowpuppies
04/03/2005 A Wet And Evil Plan Spike/Angel. A short funnyficlet
03/04/2005 First Time Spike/Angel. Written with vic_amy_z for heraldic_dragon, which has now been moved over to as_always_
22/04/2005 Mirrors Spike/Billy Idol ficlet
28/04/2005 The Sound of Silence Spike/Angel. Written for spring_spangel
23/05/2005 Pie Porn Spike/Angel. Silly little thing for greenstone_j
24/06/2005 Home Entertainment Spike/Angel. Sillyfic. Again. With chickens!
08/08/2005 Green Lean Love-Meddling Machine Lorne, Spike genfic for miss_c667's birthday.
29/08/2005 The Search for Purpose Spike/Xander. Written for kitty_poker1
08/09/2005 Starting Over Spike/Angel/Buffy. A Katrina Relief story written for stars91
08/09/2005 The Enigma of Attraction Spike/Xander. A Katrina Relief Story written for kitty_poker1
05/11/2005 Deep Six A glimpse into Spike's journey from Africa.
23/01/2006 Seal It With A Kiss Lindsey/Angel written for killerweasel
15/02/2006 Happy Fucking Valentine Spike/Angel. Written for darker_spike's Valentine's Day Ficathon
26/03/2006 Steps Spike/Angel. Written for tx_cronopio. Smut. With peanut butter!
14/05/2006 Wicked Licking Spike/Angel. Written for bayouskye.
18/05/2006 Alone written for comedy42. Spike. Warnings for melancholy.
11/07/2006 A Cat In A Bear's Den Spangel schmoop for aschicca
06/08/2006 Plushophilia Spike/Mr. Gordo written for azure_k_mello for my Fetish Challenge
07/09/2006 Amychesiphilia Xander/Angel written for azure_k_mello for my Fetish Challenge
20/10/2006 Moriaphilia Spike/Angel written for hellziggy for my Fetish Challenge
24/04/2007 Crimson Moon Spike, Xander for hellziggy. Living with all those women is anything but easy. 3200 words.
25/07/2014 Trailing Some New Kill[AO3]. Supernatural crossover. Sam/Dean. Angel/Spike. Slaying demons, hunting boyfriends, the LA business. 7856 words.

Waking William (finished)
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13
My first fic. Spike goes to L.A. instead of Sunnydale after getting his soul

Drowning (finished)
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
Angel goes to Sunnydale and picks up a toxic package

Blackout (finished)
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 (epilogue)
Spike finds himself waking up in strange places and under questionable circumstances.

AU Human

31/12/2004 Surviving AU Human Spangel Ficathon piece written for piksa about a socialworker and his "protege"
07/05/2005 Sins Very dark AU human. Warnings for blasphemy among other things
31/05/2006 Summer Lovin' A lovely little teen!kiss story. Contains femslash and smoking pot.

Just Watching (finished)
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, Epilogue
AU Human. This is my Daddy series and it's locked on sickchicks. (Unlocked from chapter 21)
Young Spike is Angel's stepson

Just Watching (finished)(unlocked)
For those that aren't members of sickchicks

Differences Aside (finished)
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, epilogue
AU Human. Punk!Spike and Shy!Liam find out they have at least one thing in common.

Closer (finished)
1. Closer to God
2. Tear Down My Reason
3. I Broke Apart My Insides
4. The Hate That It Brings
5. It's Your Sex I can Smell
6. I've Got No Soul To Sell
7. My Absence Of Faith
8. Help Me Become Somebody Else
9. You Make Me Perfect
AU Human. Two strangers meet in a night club. First two chapters very dark.

Protect Your Soul (Abandoned fic, sorry)
1, 2
AU Human. Two teenagers on the run from reality. Warnings for sexual child abuse.

The Fire Within (finished)
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, Epilogue
Fireman Liam and rookie cop Will. One is out, the other not. This is never gonna work, right? Right?

On The Road To Somewhere (finished)
Part 1, part 2, part 3a, part 3b
Promising young artist Liam picks up teenage hitchhiker Spike on his way to New York. Written for spring_spangel


01/05/2004 Discipline Spike/Angel
03/05/2004 Mmmm, tasty! Spike
26/07/2004 The Oh-God-I-wrote-Spuffy drabble
28/07/2004 Fitting Pieces Spike/Angel for preetybird
28/07/2004 Clean Cut Lindsey/Wesley for catvampcrazines
20/08/2004 Office Sex Spike/Angel for o0_magz
22/08/2004 The Perfect Mix Spike/Angel for hellsbells
10/10/2004 Not the One for snowpuppies
31/12/2004 Small Comfort for the 2005 drabbles challenge
29/01/2005 Senses
17/02/2005 Reunion Angel/Spike schmoop for moonlitviolets
17/03/2005 Never Enough A little angsty Spike/Angel piece
17/03/2005 Tantric Trauma written for vic_amy_z to make up for the previous angsty one.
15/04/2005 I'll Do My Crying In The Rain Dark with a capital D.
15/04/2005 More dark NFA drabbles
17/04/2005 Feel Me
18/04/2005 The Wrong Word? Spike/Angel AU for strickens_girl
18/04/2005 Pout written for somecandytalkin. Spanish translation by vicenivi available in the same post, added 19/04/2008.
18/04/2005 Reflections Spike for miss_c667
19/04/2005 Cravings Spike/Xander written for nimenic
21/05/2005 Oh... Spike/Angel
21/05/2005 Baptised written for the Kill Spike Challenge (Consider yourself warned)
18/07/2005 Betrayal written for bittersweet_art
19/07/2005 Fruity Fornication written for tx_cronopio
20/07/2005 Hidden Pleasures written for zinnydark
20/07/2005 So Close... written for pet_23
20/07/2005 Brothers In Arms written for pet_23
24/08/2005 Betraying Bonerwritten for zinnydark
24/08/2005 Unspeakable Cruelty Spike for piksa
24/08/2005 Connecting Spike/Giles for willshenillshe
24/08/2005 Devious Games Angel for ely_jan
24/08/2005 Aftershock Spander for miss_c667
24/08/2005 Jealous? Me? Yeah, right. Angel for delmi
24/08/2005 Whispers In The Night Angel, Gunn/Fred for moonlitviolets
25/08/2005 Fabricated Fantasies Spike, Wes for strickens_girl
30/08/2005 Displaced Spuffy written for spikes_heart
30/08/2005 Spike-fever written for emmegirl827
06/03/2006 Loss Angel, Wesley written for ely_jan
07/03/2006 Bittersweet Victory Wesley, Gunn written for tx_cronopio
11/03/2006 Survivors written for alice23kate
20/03/2006 With Enemies Like These... Angel/Lindsey written for killerweasel
30/03/2006 Flicker Angel/Wesley
03/04/2006 A Dedicated Follower of Fashion Lindsey, Angel written for killerweasel
03/04/2006 To Catch a Watcher Angel/Wesley written for menomegirl
03/04/2006 Strokes written for nimenic
03/04/2006 The Power of Mercy written for verav
03/04/2006 The Element of Surprise written for hellziggy
26/04/2006 Superheroes Spike/Angel for bayouskye
26/04/2006 Pillow Talk Spike/Lindsey for killerweasel.
28/04/2006 Bath Time Spike/Angel for woman_of
29/04/2006 Just Like Old Times Spike/Angel for animebooklover
17/06/2006 Health Hazard Spike for verav
01/07/2006 Bibliophilia Giles for catvampcrazines
01/07/2006 Like Father Like Son Connor/Spike for nimenic Spike/Angel for secondalto
01/07/2006 The Burden of Proof
12/07/2006 First Kiss Spike/Xander for hellziggy
03/08/2006 Rest In Peace. Please. Like Now. Spike, Andrew for hellziggy
03/08/2006 Capture the Moment Spike/Angel for miss_c667
03/08/2006 Bondage Blunder Spike/Angel for piksa
03/08/2006 True Love Is Cruel Love Spike/Angelus for menomegirl
03/08/2007 Reunion Spike/Angel. Old drabble I forgot to post here. 100 words
03/08/2007 Hunger Spike. Another old drabble I forgot to post here. 100 words
03/08/2007 Abandoned Spike/Angel. Yet another old drabble I forgot to post here. 100 words
08/09/2007 Trick Or Treat A Differences Aside timestamp rabble written for catvampcrazines. 100 words.
08/09/2007 Eye Of The Beholder A Differences Aside timestamp drabble written for thatotherperv. 100 words

Original fiction

17/06/2005 Summertime Five wet drabbles
17/04/2006 Those Quiet Moments
06/01/2007 First Time drabble written for setje. 100 words

To be updated when something new comes along.

genre: au human, btvs/ats drabbles, drabbles, original fiction, fic, btvs/ats fic

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