My fanfiction

Sep 24, 2006 00:06


Buffy the Vampire Slayer / Angel the Series Fanfiction

This includes both regular fanfiction as well as AU human stories. Almost all of them are slash, meaning a relationship between two male characters, which mostly happen to be Spike and Angel because I kinda favour them. (Spangel OTP 4evah!1!1!!1eleventy!1!!) Ehem. Here you will also find drabbles (100, 200, 300, 400, 500 words stories) and horrible bloodyawfulpoetry which really shouldn't be mentioned at all. Also, because they're still so few they don't deserve their own page, you can find a couple of original stories here.

Rating from G to NC-17. That means porn, people.


RPS stories featuring BtVS/AtS actors

RPS means Real Person Slash and yes these are stories where real people (mostly male) are pictured as having a romantic and/or sexual relationship. Obviously I don't know these people and have no idea what they do in their spare time and therefor this is all fiction (gotta love Wikipedia) and however much I might like to I don't really own the boys or keep them chained up in my basement. It's all for fun and giggles and the occasional hard-on so please, if that doesn't strike your fancy, simply don't click the link. It's as simple as that.

Now we've got that out of the way... These stories mostly involve James Marsters and David Boreanaz but others, such as Chris Kane and J. August Richards do make an appearance or two. I'm also working on a Big Damn Table for fanfic100 involving James and David. It's going very slowly.

Rating from G to NC-17. Porn and not always pretty.


BtVS/AtS Icondrabbles. Including RPS

Sometimes I like to do drabbles inspired by people's icons. Here's a list of those which belong to the Buffyverse as well as the RPS of that verse.


Supernatural Fanfiction

Well, the show has two hot guys on it and so naturally I slash them. The fact that they happen to be brothers doesn't really matter to me. So yes, here you will find incestuous stories, or what we destined-for-hell people like to call Wincest. Sam and Dean Winchester, fighting evil and looking mighty fine while doing it. And when I say doing it... yeah, I mean "doing it".

Anyway, the list isn't that long yet but I'm working on that. Here are both fic and ficlets as well as drabbles. Thankfully they have escaped the bloodyawfulpoetry even if I suspect Dean to scribble a poem or two into his journal. Then, of course, he salts and burns them. Be thankful. You don't want to know the words he lets rhyme with Sammy.

Rating from G to NC-17.


RPS Stories featuring WB/CW actors

WB is the TV network that's now called CW. There we find the actors Jensen Ackles and Jared Padalecki as well as some others. Chris Kane pops his head in there too, being bestest buddies with Jensen and all. I don't really have to explain RPS again, do I? And for these guys... well, frankly they can't seem to be able to keep their hands off each other so really who can blame us for taking things a little further? Again, it's f-i-c-t-i-o-n and I'm not gonna apologise for writing down my fantasies.

Fic, ficlets and drabbles. Rating from G to NC-17.


Supernatural Icondrabbles. Including RPS

Again drabbles inspired by icons, this time from Supernatural and its actors.


Other projects of mine are Felis' Fetish Challenge which has a little bit of this and a little bit of that. The title really says it all.

Then there's as_always_ which is an RPG I play in with vic_amy_z. I play Spike (cavemenwin), she plays Angel (angel_vamp). They bicker and tease and angst and occationally hump like bunnies. Much fun. It's a slow game so don't hold your breath waiting for updates.

Finally I have a community called thepoetryslam which is for the shameful bloodyawfulpoetry. It's not a place for serious pouring outs from your heart. It's for silliness and bad rhyming. That doesn't mean it's not poetry. It's just... very bad poetry.

I think that's it. Enjoy.

genre: rps, genre: au human, ficlists, drabbles, bloodyawfulpoetry, fic

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