1 Delaware [Updated to Full Credit]

Feb 10, 2013 10:24

When I made my original post about Delaware I had been in the state once, in which I had never gotten out of the car and was in fact asleep for the entirety of my brief stay. During my 2012 baseball road trip I drove through the state two more times (once south, once north), but while I was awake for this pass, I did not step out of the car at any point on those trips, leaving me at partial credit.

I moved Delaware to the full credit list by taking advantage of the 'ate a meal' rule. One of my fraternity brothers in Philadelphia has a big Super Bowl party every year. I flew in on Friday and stayed with Mike & Meredith. Their house is a mere three exists from the Delaware state line. Mike is a good friend and indulged my ridiculous request to have lunch in Delaware so that I could cross it off my list.

Having grown up in the Philadelphia area (ok, New Jersey, but he's Philly to the bone) Mike is a connoisseur of cheese steak sandwiches. Some quick searching on his part found the Claymont Steak Shop, which claims to have the best cheese steaks in the state of Delaware. Mike being Mike, this is exactly the kind of claim that he needed to investigate, and since it was only two exits over the border it met all of our requirements. We drove down for lunch on Super Bowl Sunday before heading to the party.

I'm pleased to say that the offerings of the Claymont Steak Shop met Mike's stringent requirements. In fact, we codified the rules of cheese steaks based on our observations there, namely that any restaurant that claims to have cheese steaks had better have big grill full of prepared meat visible to the customer. If it doesn't, it can't actually have good cheese steaks.

So now you know where I was in Delaware and what I ate. What did we discuss during lunch? Computer programming, of course. We're both geeks that way. As it happens, Mike was also in the car with me for both of the 2012's drives through the state, so it appears that if I'm in Delaware there's a 75% chance that I'm with Mike.

Full Credit - 38: Delaware ( original post), Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Georgia, Massachusetts, Maryland ( original post), New Hampshire, Virginia, New York, North Carolina, Kentucky, Tennessee, Ohio, Louisiana, Indiana, Mississippi, Illinois, Missouri, Michigan, Florida, Texas, Wisconsin, California, Minnesota, Oregon, Kansas, West Virginia, Nevada, Colorado, North Dakota, South Dakota, Montana, Washington, Wyoming, Utah, New Mexico, Alaska, Washington D.C.
Partial Credit - 6: Connecticut, Alabama, Iowa, Nebraska, Idaho, Arizona
No Credit - 7: South Carolina, Rhode Island, Vermont, Maine, Arkansas, Oklahoma, Hawaii


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