Fanfiction meme snagged from
koalathebear: Name the fics that you've written this year, a little bit about them, and what inspired you to write them or
why you wrote it. Provide a link if you wish.
Holy... this could take a while, I've written so many ficlets this year...
Get some hot chocolate/coffee/tea/whatever, oh flisters, you could be here a while. ;D
Quiet (SG-1 - Daniel/Vala): This was a prediction fic written before Season 10 aired, based on the spoilers that had been posted on Gateworld. It's rather angsty and weirdish, written from Daniel's point of view and how his feelings regarding Vala have changed in the year she was off trying to survive in the Ori home galaxy.
Universal (SG-1 - Gen): This was written as a post-ep. for Ripple Effect, how Sam, Daniel, and Teal'c were effected by meeting the alternate Janet and how they were finally granted some closure in regards to her death back in Season 7 *meeps*. Naturally, those episodes still bring me to tears. RE has become a favorite of mine not just because of that, but also because it has multiple alternate realities, which is a plot device that I love. I even managed to inject a small AU!Sparky moment in at one point. But, really, I just wanted to add a little more of a wrap-up for RE and given what AU!Janet learned about her other self's death, I thought she might do just this for the people who loved her and obviously missed her so much.
Under Siege (SGA - John/Elizabeth): This little drabble miniseries for The Siege, Part 2 were some of the first Atlantis stuff that I wrote. Looking back, I think that these aren't my worst, though I also think that was because they were so brief. Thank goodness for that.
Between Sleep and Awake (SGA - John/Elizabeth): An episode tag for The Long Goodbye, I wrote this for much the same reasons everyone else wrote a tag for this episode: just what John and Elizabeth had to deal with in the aftermath of their possession. Nightmares are probably a given, and thus Elizabeth ended up with one. The ending is kind of sappy, but I could have mucked it up far worse, I suppose.
Wrongs Set Right (SGA - John/Elizabeth): A post-ep. fic for Conversion, this was written much for the same reasons as Between Sleep and Awake. We know that John didn't remember everything immediately from the episode itself, and we never got to see if he recalled what he did to Elizabeth when he had gone almost completely Bug. Given that several weeks had passed between when Carson finally made the antedote and when John apologized to Teyla for jumpinig her, I figure it was feasible for John to have remembered that he did Elizabeth a little damage as well and had to deal with that. This was my take.
In the Evening Quiet (SGA - Caldwell, John/Elizabeth): Set as a prediction fic for what happens post-Allies, I figured that, given the look on Caldwell's face at the end when John has vanished from the sensors, there might be a story for him to tell, which he did. He recognizes that there might be something between John and Elizabeth, but he also admits that if there is, it won't be where anyone can see it. Kind of dumb, but hey. *shrugs*
As it Should Be (SGA - Teer, John, Elizabeth): I seem to be a bit obsessed with doing episode tags. *headdesk* A fic dealing with the points of view of these three characters in Epiphany as well as a blatant attempt to inject more John/Elizabeth ship into an episode of which 90% drove me up the wall. But it was fun, I guess.
8. Five Firsts -
Part 1,
Part 2,
Part 3,
Part 4,
Part 5 (SGA - John/Elizabeth): Written for the
stagesoflove challenge, this is just a bunch of fluff with little redeeming value. First meeting, first date, first kiss, first fight, first time. You do the math.
The Way It Is (SGA - John/Elizabeth): A fluffy future fic set on Elizabeth's birthday. It's an established relationship fic, and John shows just how sweet he can actually be while kind of lamenting that the normal happily ever after ending will probably never happen for them. But given what they have, he thinks he can live with that.
These Moments (SGA - John and Elizabeth friendship): A brief ficlet spanning the moments between The Storm and The Eye, I tried to imagine what was really going through John's head in those moments. Even though many J/E shippers have their own idealized idea of just what he was thinking (myself included), I took into account just where John and Elizabeth were at this stage - perhaps tentative friendship.
Ten Seconds (SGA - John/Elizabeth): A drabble for The Siege, Part 3, giving voice to Elizabeth's thoughts in that brief moment when she and everyone else in the Control room thought John had just blown himself up. Brief and too the point. Thank goodness.
First Time (SGA - John/Elizabeth): A fluffy prediction fic for after the resolving of the whole Wraith Heading to Earth crisis at the beginning of Season 3. Possibly the fluffiest thing I've ever written. *facepalm*
Monday Morning (
wildwest_lantis - John/Elizabeth): This was the opening fic for this AU, serving as a sort of pivet for the fics to come. Of course, I look at it now, and I just want to smack myself for some of the stuff in it that I should have obviously put more thought into. Ugh.
Bureaucracy (
wildwest_lantis - Gen): An attempt at a bit of world-building for the AU, to move beyond the pairings it started out with and show that - yes - other stuff did go on in the little town of Atlantis, Colorado.
Returning (
wildwest_lantis - John/Elizabeth): Just a bit of John/Eliabeth AU fluff. *shrugs* Meh.
Explosions (
wildwest_lantis - Sam/Jack, Jacob): Another WWA fic with Jacob the retired Sheriff at the helm. And his faithful dog, Selmac. Hah.
To Touch the Stars Above (SGA - John/Elizabeth): Originally a one-shot partially inspired by
irony_rocks's amazing story, Salvation (before she dropped multiple plot twists on my head *g*), this story became the first in a series that has become known as Lantean Grace. Due to an accident, Elizabeth is buried alive and dies before they can get to her. But when the grief-stricken crew finally uncovers her body, they discover that something comletely different has happened - that she has followed in Daniel Jackson's footsteps and Ascended with the help of the city itself. This is probably my favorite story that I've written. *pets*
The Quilting Circle (
wildwest_lantis - John/Elizabeth, Sam/Jack, Daniel/Vala): A bit of fluff introducing Catherine Langford into the AU as Daniel's foster-mother, as it were. Much fun, since I love Catherine and having her put the gossipy old ladies in their place.
Too Late (
wildwest_lantis - John/Elizabeth, Daniel): A continuation of
miera_c's fic, Dance Partners, Daniel sees that he's too late in warning Elizabeth away from gun-fighter John. Far too late. Hah. Daniel just can't win.
Midnight Musings (SGA - John/Elizabeth): A post-ep. established relationship fic for The Hive, I gave John a chance to reflect on the events of the episode as well as get a nice little hug from behind from Elizabeth. Heh. Angsty fluff much. :D
Noticing (
wildwest_lantis - Ronon, Ronon/Janet, John/Elizabeth, Sam/Jack, Daniel/Vala): I wanted to play with Ronon, as well as the unexpected pairing of Ronon/Janet. Hee, that pairing is probably one of my favorite things about this AU. :)
Survivor (
wildwest_lantis - Vala, Jack): A continuation/addition to
mentalmichael's story, Taken. There was a mention of Vala getting into a spot of trouble, and I just couldn't resist expanding on it. I like that I was able to give Vala a bit of substance in this AU, since although she was as fun as she is on the show itself, she needed at least some hint of a background.
23. Field of Daisies -
Prologue, Parts 1 & 2,
Interlude, Parts 3 & 4,
Interlude, Parts 5 & 6,
Part 7, Epilogue (
wildwest_lantis - Gen, John/Elizabeth): There had been a popular wish to introduce Teyla and the Athosians by the time I wrote this. When I'd first begun writing it, I'd also had in mind a separate fic for introducing some background on John, but it soon became obvious that I didn't exactly have enough to write an entire fic. So, I thought I'd just combine the two, and it made me like what I'd written much, much more. :)
Averted (SGA - John/Elizabeth): I was most psyched when Season 3 began, especially after Misbegotten and its famous scene where John Sheppard defends Elizabeth Weir's honor. Hee. Naturally, I had to write some sort of angsty fluffy post-ep. fic. This was the result.
Heaven's Field (lj user="wildwest_lantis"> - Sam/Jack): Set during the fever epidemic arc, I made a tough decision and wrote in the death of Jacob Carter, as well as give the relationship between Sam and Jack something of a push. I admit I had more fun writing this than I thought I would (I don't often write character deaths), since I managed to incorporate some stuff from the episode Threads.
Delayed Reaction (SGA - John and Elizabeth friendship): A tag fic for Irresistible. I was rather offended by the episode in general (aside from one or two scenes that I actually liked, but they couldn't save the episode for me), so I sought to make some good come out of it and wrote a fic that had some people rather pissed off about the events.
In the Most Desirous of Dreams (SGA AU - John/Elizabeth): Part 2 of the Lantean Grace series. This didn't come out until some time after the posting of its prequel, but it spawned the desire to write more for this series. It was rather fun, playing with an Ascended Elizabeth and a John in captivity as he struggles to hold onto reality after being drugged. I also like showing that even though she is Ascended, she keeps a close watch on those she cares for the most.
Light Sleeper (SGA - Ronon/Elizabeth): A tag fic for Sateda and my first attempt to write for this pairing. It's been a particular kink of mine for a long time, so I was particularly pleased with myself for finally writing something for the pairing. :)
Long Time (
denver_legalWanted (SG-1 - Daniel/Vala): A post-ep. fic for Morpheus, I really wanted to go into what Vala went through in this episode (attempts to bribe her to test her loyalty, dealing with shrinks, et al while Daniel and the rest of SG-1 were off getting into trouble). And since I'm a total sucker for Daniel and Vala, it wasn't hard to put this little scene together. *hugs ficlet*
Hate (SGA - John/Elizabeth): A predicton fic for Common Ground, based on the preview aired a week before the episode itself. That thing nearly gave me a heart attack, seeing what was happening to my baby. *hugs John tightly* And I could tell that Elizabeth (and everyone else) was actually being forced to watch it happen, so this popped into my head.
Cry (SGA - John/Elizabeth): A tag for Common Ground, after I saw the episode. The writers were so mean in ending the episode before the gang got back from Atlantis, leaving us to wonder what Elizabeth did when they brought John home at last. So, like everyone else, I had to write my own version.
Not Surprised (SGA - John/Elizabeth): Yet another tag for Common Ground. This episode really got the Rodney!Muse going. And I wanted another hug between these two. ;)
In the Fullness of Time (SGA AU - John/Elizabeth): The third fic in the Lantean Grace series. The first two were from John's point of view, so I thought I'd go a little different route and play with Ascended Elizabeth's point of view instead. Which, in turn, led to Janus making an appearance. *g* My Ancient bf. Hee.
Turning the Corner (Eureka - Jack/Allison, Stark/Allison): My first Eureka fic, a post-ep. for Primal. I really have come to love this show, and it's rather fun to play with the characters in the fics.
Thoughtcrimes Drabbles (Thoughtcrimes - Brendan/Freya et al.): This movie is so much fun and it had so much potential that I am somewhat sorry that it didn't get picked up as a TV series (though not completely because that would have meant no Joe Pretty on Atlantis). I amused myself in writing for this drabble tree.
Alone (Thoughtcrimes - Gen): A missing scene for the movie, just after the highspeed chase through the streets of New York. Brendan did not react well and I just couldn't help but think of what was going through Freya's mind.
Morning Chill (SGA - John/Elizabeth/Teyla): My first attempt at writing a threesome fic, and for the John, Elizabeth, and Teyla ficathon over at
more_than_1. This fic was a real challenge to write in the beginning, but it was definitely worth it. I'm rather proud of this progression in my ability to write various pairings, even the little snippit of John/Teyla, which I've never really had the desire to write.
Not Alone (
stargate_ren - Gen): My first fic for this AU (and the only one I've written on my own - with the excellent editing skills of both
melyanna and
miera_c), I was able to set up some of the background for
melyanna's story, Ascension of the Queen. This AU is one of my current obsessions - and a reason I often feel compelled to rip my hair out. ;D
Five Argumetnts (Eureka - Stark/Allison): Requested by
bluebanrigh, I was especially happy to write this fic, since my love for Eureka has in no way diminished. :)
Visits (Thoughtcrimes - Brendan/Freya): Written at the request of
jazmin22, this was just the first of the many Thoughtcrimes requests made when I opened the door for fic reqeusts. *grins* Five times Brendan visits Freya's apartment.
Here and There (SGA/SG-1 - hints of John/Elizabeth and Daniel/Vala):
jazmin22 requested 'Five times John hung out with SG-1 during The Return, Part 1. I loved writing John as he interacted with the team (the episode with Teal'c was probably my favorite), and intermixing those interactions with John's own longing for his own team and his home. *pets John* Poor baby.
It's All in the Delivery (SGA - John/Elizabeth):
irony_rocks requested 'Five things Elizabeth Weir would not normally wear.' She asked and she received. I loved writing this because it's not often we get to see the humorous side of Elizabeth.
Dealing (Thoughtcrimes - Brendan/Freya unrequited): At the request of
ladysunflow, I wrote 'Five things Freya wanted Brendan to think... but didn't." Ah, angst is so much fun to write. Especially with characters like Freya who just beg for angst. *cackles*
Perfection (Eureka - Carter/Allison): A post-ep. fic for the season finale, Once in a Lifetime. I completely adored the episode, showing what could have been and what had to be undone to save everything. Henry lost his chance to save Kim, but at least he has no memory of the life he could have had with her. Carter, on the other hand, has the memory of those four years of watching his daughter grow up, marrying Allison, and preparing to have a baby with her. And he had to let go of all that to save the world. Tragedy at its best.
Loose Ends (SGA - Gen): I am very, very proud of this fic. Even though it was yet another tag for Common Ground (my fourth, I think?), I managed to make this one almost completely gen, sticking to the current canon relationships between the characters. Plus, Lizzie got to threaten Ladon some more, and give him a friendly piece of advice. *smirks* Not to mention, I was able to sort of resolve the conflict between Ronon and Elizabeth just a bit.
Progression (SGA - Ronon/Elizabeth): Another fic for me to be proud of - my first attempt at smut.
miera_c requested 'Five times Ronon touched Elizabeth' and this is what she got. I'm glad I was able to surprise her with the smut section, as she'd been nudging me to write it for some time. *giggles* Well, there was only so much nudging I could resist!
For all the World's Possibilities (SGA AU - John/Elizabeth): Part 4 in the Lantean Grace series. I'd originally thought that this would be the final part in this series, but then I realized that I had two ideas for the series that just wouldn't mesh together in one fic, so I decided to make it a five-part series. Since the first two parts were from John's point of view, and the third from Elizabeth's, I decided to keep with that and go with Elizabeth again. Or, rather, an AU!Elizabeth's point of view. It was rather unusual, playing with events from the eyes of an outsider, even if she is Elizabeth in a way. She got to see John's pain at having to go on without his Elizabeth, as well as find the courage to deal with her own problems. Much fun! :)
Reasons (Thoughtcrimes - Brendan/Freya):
so8lue requested 'Five times Brendan wished he didn't have his photographic memory. This one was a tough one to write for. I started out and got the first time down, but then suffered for some time from writers block. Eventually, I overcame that and returned with a whole different perspective on the fic, but kept the first one I'd written. As a result, it seems kind of choppy and different in some places.
Nothing at All (Thoughtcrimes - Brendan/Freya): Another request for
so8lue, she asked for 'Five ways Brendan says, 'I love you,' without saying it out loud.' *g* I did my best. :)
51. Friend or Foe -
Part 1,
Part 2,
Part 3 (
stargate_ren - hints to John/Elizabeth, Carson/Laura): I co-wrote this with
miera_c and
melyanna, and though it took us forever due to the fact that all three of us are perfectionists on speed, we ended up very pleased with the results. Renaissance Stargate.
melyanna has such good ideas. :D
Unable to Endure (SGA/SG-1 - Gen): My first real attempt at writing apoca!fic. Written for the
15minuteficlets weekly challenge, I actually enjoyed myself writing this while watching the clock.
He Waits (SGA - John/Elizabeth): Another response to
15minuteficlets, I got a chance to write a long time wish of mine: to have John feel some of the anxiety he puts Elizabeth through week after week. *g* I was most happy with this.
54. Uncharted Shores -
Part 1,
Part 2,
Part 3,
Part 4 (
stargate_ren - hints of John/Elizabeth, Carson/Laura, Lorne/Kate): Another collaboration between myself,
melyanna, and
miera_c. This one was probably even more fun to write together because there was, and I quote, "smooching". Hee!
Omg... that's it. At least for now. Some more stuff coming up in the near future.