Title: Turning the Corner
Rating: PG
Pairing(s): Carter/Allison, Stark/Allison
Spoilers: up through Primal
Summary: It was nearly two a.m. and the dance was still going fairly strong.
Author's Note: My first Eureka fanfic. Hopefully it isn't too terrible.
It was nearing two a.m. and the dance was still going fairly strong. Spencer was still playing his music without slowing down, and there were still plenty of couples still out on the dance floor. Different groups of people were also seated at the various round tables, deep in conversations they all seemed to be enjoying.
The music was great, the decorations were superb, everyone was having a good time. The dance committee had done a wonderful job this year.
Allison glanced around the room again, her eyes resting on Taggart and Jo, of all people, still dancing up a storm together. That was an interesting development. She idly wondered how far it would go, then shook off the thought. She should have better things to do than wonder about something that would soon turn to gossip by lunchtime later on.
She'd enjoyed herself a great deal this evening. She'd come to the dance stag, as there hadn't exactly been time to find a date for this thing, but she'd spent a great deal of time dancing with Nathan. Allison shook her head. It was ironic. They'd spent nearly the entirety of their marriage arguing, but now that he had finally agreed to sign the divorce papers, she felt closer to him than ever before.
"Having fun?"
Allison turned and found Henry smiling at her, two cups of punch in hand and one being held out to her. Reaching out and taking the offered cup, she replied, "Thanks, Henry. And yes. This has been a great night." She grinned at him. "I take it you, Spencer, and the rest of the committee enjoyed yourselves building this up?"
The scientist and handyman laughed. "Oh yeah, definitely." He took a sip of his punch and looked out among the sea of bodies still on the dance floor. "Though, we did have some new blood on the committee this year."
Allison followed Henry's gaze and found herself looking at Carter as he danced with his daughter. The man looked seriously uncomfortable out on the dance floor, but the look in his eyes as he laughed at something Zoe said was one she knew all too well. She found herself smiling softly, a feeling of understanding spreading through her. Allison was willing to bet that she had a similar look in her own eyes when she spent time with Kevin.
"Looks like those two are finally getting it together," Henry commented from beside her, having been momentarily forgotten.
Allison turned back to him. "True, they're a lot closer than they were when they first came here," she replied. Carter and Zoe were closer than they were even a few weeks ago, during the whole Callister incident, when Zoe had run off. Everyone involved had been rather reluctant to give her any real details and she'd finally stopped asking out of sheer frustration.
"Though," Henry added, a hint of mischief entering into his voice, "I don't know if Zoe was particularly pleased at the little show you and Carter put on today."
Allison's head shot up and she stared at him in shock. She could feel a flush creeping up her throat as her mind was suddenly assaulted with memories of Carter dancing with her, saying just how amazing she was, kissing her -
She shook her head, cutting the memory off. She opened her mouth to retort, only to have Henry excuse himself when Spencer waved him over from his corner of the ballroom. Allison stared after him, the familiar feeling of being infuriated rising up in her, much as she often did with Nathan. There was *nothing* going on between her and Carter, damn it! They'd, well, he, had just been play acting to get Nathan angry. They -
A low little moan at her knees, interrupting her thoughts of denial. Allison looked down to find Lojak looking mournfully up at her. The town dog turned his head towards the dance floor, in Carter's direction, and then back up at her.
She sighed and rolled her eyes. "You too?" She murmured, patting his head absently. She just couldn't catch a break, could she?