Title: Cry
Summary: She sometimes wondered if she had lost the ability to cry. Brief post-ep. for Common Ground.
Type / Pairings: light John/Elizabeth
Main characters: Elizabeth Weir
Rating: PG
Word Count: 300
Warnings: N/a
Spoilers: Season 3 general, esp. Common Ground.
Disclaimer: Not mine at all. Just playing.
Author's Notes: Well, Common Ground's struck again.
Feedback: Yes please!
She sometimes wondered if she had lost the ability to cry. It seemed like so long since she’d shed tears over anything.
She’d confronted the possible deaths of everyone she cared about, the destruction of an alien city that had become home. She’d dealt with bureaucrats who could never hope to understand life out here attempt to sit in judgment over her and her people. She’d faced all of it without flinching, without a hint of despair or weakness.
She’d just spent a day watching someone she cared for ever so much endure what must surely be his worst nightmare. She’d watched him lose years of his life and not even a single tear fell. She’d listened to his screams without screaming along with him.
She wanted to cry. She wanted to scream. She wanted to kill the one responsible. But she could only stand there and stare, silently promising that... man that his time would one day come and that she should only be so lucky to be there and watch it happen.
Now he was coming home. She watched the Jumper come through the Gate and hover just for a moment. Her eyes immediately searched the cockpit. She saw the others, all safe and sound, all looking immensely relieved. Several of them nodded and smiled at her.
And there he was, standing in the back. He looked out towards her. He smiled at her, waving lightheartedly even as Carson stood next to him, watching him intently. Then the Jumper glided up into the bay, the moment gone.
The tears rose up then, even as she smiled and hurried towards the stairs, intent on meeting them, him. They did not fall, but their presence was all the more comforting for that.
She could still cry. She was still human.