Title: Here and There
Rating: PG
Pairing(s): Hints to John/Elizabeth and Daniel/Vala
Summary: Five times John Sheppard hung out with SG-1 during The Return, Part 1.
Author's Notes: For
jazmin22. :)
This wasn’t the first time he’d gone toe-to-toe with Teal’c. During the first trip back to Earth after the siege, many of the marines that had volunteered to join the Expedition had been with the SGC. Wanting to judge their physical combat skills for himself, he’d observed many of them in the training room with Teal’c.
The Jaffa had beaten the tar out of all of them, but there had been quite a few that had given a good showing of themselves, earning them an approving nod from the big guy. Once he’d finished, Teal’c had inquired about the stick-fighting skills Teyla had been teaching him for the better part of the year. Against his better judgment, John had imitated one of Teyla’s lessons for him.
Since being assigned to command SG-4, John had found himself with an extra bit of free time on his hands, something that was rather a novelty. He attributed it to having his paperwork being cut in half. No longer being a head military commander did have a few minor perks.
Deciding to put that free time to use, he arranged to work with Teal’c in the training room as regularly as possible when they were both not off-world.
“You are improving,” Teal’c commented as they circled one another on the mats.
John raised an eyebrow. “Teyla says that to me,” he said, ignoring the internal stab of pain at the mention of his friend, “usually right before I end up flat on my back.”
The Jaffa merely raised an eyebrow of his own and continued to circle him patiently.
John landed hard on his back within a minute.
Sam Carter
It was strangely painful hanging around Colonel Carter, mainly because he was constantly reminded of Rodney’s obvious absence. The man had practically waxed poetry over this woman on more occasions than John could recall.
Contrary to popular legend, John wasn’t uncomfortable around intelligent people. Enduring two years of Rodney on his team was proof of that. Hell, Elizabeth was probably one of the most intelligent people he knew, and the sudden lack of company was still driving him crazy.
Still, listening to Colonel Carter go on and on about her latest project or some piece of alien technology while he sat with her and a few others in the briefing room only reminded him of other meetings like that, in a much larger room with people who knew him as well as he knew himself.
“So if we can reconfigure the engines on the Daedalus, we can cut off the transport time…”
Also, listening to her talk about the Daedalus made him miss Colonel Caldwell too, though he’d sooner shoot himself in the foot than make that admission to anyone.
Daniel and Vala
Dr. Jackson and Vala scared him sometimes. They bickered so much that John sometimes thought that they were only a second away from pulling each other’s hair like a pair of six-year-olds. They reminded him of Rodney and himself, actually. Though, on the upside, that wasn’t really unexpected. He’d seen firsthand of what the two of them could be like together when they and the rest of SG-1 had visited Atlantis a few months back, on the search for Merlin’s weapon and a way to block the Supergate.
For all that, though, there was something else John saw between them. There was a bond there, something not unlike what he and Elizabeth experienced. While Jackson and Vala may have poked and prodded at each other like little kids with sticks, they always backed each other up and looked out for one another. There was also a kind of intensity in their eyes whenever they looked at one another.
It was eerie. He and Elizabeth had done the same for each other so often that it was second nature to them. Or at least, it had been. Given that she seemed to be avoiding him, John wasn’t totally certain about anything regarding Elizabeth anymore.
But he did know that Jackson and Vala really reminded him of himself and Elizabeth.
“Daniel, hurry up! It’s meatloof night!”
“That’s meatloaf, Vala. Meatloaf.”
“Details, details!”
Well, when they weren’t reminding him of Rodney and himself, that is.
“It’s like my granny used to say, Sheppard,” Mitchell said, leaning back against the couch and sipping his beer, “If at first you don’t succeed, give the ones responsible what-for.”
John gave Cameron Mitchell points for being even weirder than him.
He liked the guy. His sense of humor was similar to his own, though a lot more outgoing than his own. He pretty much seemed to say whatever was on his mind, at least, as long as General Landry wasn’t in the vicinity.
Not that there was much chance of that, being at his apartment.
“It’s not like I can go back to P5C-662 and punish the landslide, Mitchell,” he replied, taking a swig of his own bottle.
The other man paused, clearly considering that. “Good point,” he said at last.
He got along with them all pretty well, though some better than others. Teal’c, at first glance, was a lot like Ronon, strong and quiet. But when John looked closer, he could see a lot of Teyla’s intelligence and thoughtfulness. Mitchell was quite a bit like John himself, cracking jokes left in right so much that he just knew there had to be something else lying beneath the surface. Colonel Carter’s intelligence was more than Rodney’s match, even if she didn’t have his more abrasive qualities.
Jackson and Vala both had qualities that reminded him so much of Elizabeth that it was nearly painful to watch sometimes. Jackson’s sheer intelligence was a dead ringer, but sometimes, just for a brief moment, John saw a flash of wisdom in her eyes that reminded him of times standing on a balcony watching the ocean waves roll up against ancient piers.
John sat listening to the team quietly. They’d all made an effort to include him in the conversation, but he wasn’t in the most talkative moods. As a result, he listened as they settled into a discussion of some past case of SG-1’s from several years ago involving time loops.
“So General O’Neill still won’t say what he got up to during those time loops?” Mitchell asked.
Jackson shook his head, dipping a spoon into his mashed potatoes. “No, he just gets this little smirk on his face whenever someone asks about it.” He looked over at Teal’c. “You’ve never exactly been forthcoming either.”
The Jaffa merely smiled enigmatically and continued to dig into his enormous pile of food. Colonel Carter rolled her eyes while Vala looked between Jackson and Teal’c, obviously confused.
They were all so close. They were a team.
John suddenly felt unbearably homesick.