Break my heart because you love me?????

Apr 25, 2008 20:43

Author: meduusje
Rating: R-
Pairing: VAM, Bam and Meksie, Meksie and Johnny
Summary: Bam and Ville have been best of friends for ages. But Bam gets sick of being the only one that fights!.
Disclaimer: I do not own anyone in this story but the storyline...
Authors Notes: not beta'ed by my darling Midge but still thinking about her very much! And well she did make me a better writer so still lots of thanks to her!!!
next chapter will be wel euhm intresting...
it will be beta'ed again by my darling Midge! thanks a lot for that!!! and well euhm i hope you at least like this little chapter!

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When everyone woke up the next morning, they really didn’t want to get up. Not wanting to face Bam and Ville, not wanting the tension, this was supposed to be a relaxing holiday and video shoot!

“Bammie let go of me!”

“Come on Kulta get up.”

“It’s my house I’m staying in bed and so are you!”

“It’s my vacation so if I want to spend it in bed I can.
And you have to keep me company!”

Meks and Linde sighed “This is going to be a very long day!”

“Fine you can stay in bed but alone!” the both of them said as they fought loose.

They saw each other in the hallway.

“Good morning Linde.”

“Morning Meks.”

“Ville up already?”

“No, refusing to come out, Bam?”

“Same, those two really are a handful together!”

“Always have been, always will be.”

“So how do you usually handle this?”

“They ignore each other a few weeks till one of them caves.”

“That’s no option now, they have to work together!”

“Guess the video will get cancelled,” Linde sighed.

“Over my dead body it will! You get Ville out of his room, and I’ll get Bam, we’ll see from there.”

“I tried Meks!”

“But did you use manpower? Four band mates should be able to carry him downstairs…”

“Then you don’t know Ville! But we can try….”

When they got down, they explained the situation to the others.

“That gets Ville down, how about Bam?” Burton asked.

“I’ll call up the rest of the jackass crew.”

As soon as she was finished wit the calls she yelled “Breakfast, Bam and Ville et your asses down here or starve!”

Half an hour later everyone was in the kitchen except Bam and Ville. So they all went up to get them.

Soon Bam and Ville were kicking and screaming, holding on to the bed like their lives depended on it. Meks had locked all the rooms, so even when Ville or Bam got loose they couldn’t lock themselves up.

When they were both in the hallway catching their breath, they looked each other in the eyes.

Bammie please, Ville’s eyes begged.

Fuck you, Bam’s replied when he got up and stormed downstairs.

“One down, one to go.” Meks smiled. “Come on Willa get your skinny ass down.”

“Meks please, you saw how he looked at me…”

“Don’t care we have to go shopping today, I want this video to be great.”

“They boys know my sizes…”

“Willa you are coming with us!”

“Can I dress first then?” Ville asked in defeat.

“Linde keep an eye on him?”

“Sure more then an eye if he wants.” Linde smirked.

Meks shot Linde an evil glare “I expect you to be down in 10 minutes.”

Meks quickly got some clothes for Bam and went down; he was in the kitchen downing some coffee.

“Come on Butterstick, get dressed, we are going shopping.”

Meks caught Bam’s credit card but threw it right back.

“Bam stop being a spoiled brat, it was your idea, it’s your video, so you are going to dress us.”

“Anyway I want?” he asked hesitant.

“Yes Bammie.” Meks replied wrapping her arms around his waist, laying her head on his shoulder. “So you can pay back Willa by looking extremely hot in the video.”

“What don’t I always look extremely hot?” Bam pouted.

“If that gets you dressed and out, yes Bammie you always look hot.” She gave him a sloppy kiss on his neck.

Bam turned around in his girlfriend’s arms “I love you.” Meks just stared at him, so he slowly closed the little distance between them and kissed her.

Their lips softly caressing, Bam’s tongue sweetly asking for entrance, Meks giving in, their tongues slowly dancing, Bam’s hands wandering lower and then Meks screaming out!

“That’s cold! You are so dead!”

“Hey I’m innocent!” Bam exclaimed.

Meks turned around and saw Johnny with a big smile on his face.

“You looked hot!” he smirked.

Was that a glint of jealousy in his eyes?

“He was kissing me and I need him happy!” she said angry. Why am I explaining myself?

“You didn’t seem to mind much, and if I kiss you, you would let me?”

“He’s my boyfriend, Johnny you are not.”

Johnny pulled Meks closer and whispered “you are not his girlfriend, well not really, so can I?”

Meks looked back at Bam, he was just looking at them, a soft smile on his lips as his eyes met Meks’.

Johnny softly grabbed her chin, turned her face back to him, and smiled nervously before closing the distance between them. Their lips barely touched as Ville walked in.

“What the hell?!?” Ville yelled.

Meks jolted and slapped Johnny as a result.


“Well don’t try to kiss me then!”

Ville grabbed a cup of coffee and left the kitchen, mumbling something.

“Was that really necessary?” Johnny pouted.

“I’m sorry” Meks smiled seductively as she closed the distance between them again, softly kissing Johnny’s cheek.

Johnny softly moaned and tilted his head so Meks had full access to his cheek and neck.

“Oh no you don’t, I just slapped your cheek.” The girl smirked; Johnny quickly shut her up with his lips on hers.

“Ok cut it out you two.” Bam laughed, “we have some shopping to do! And she still is mine.”

“Please not for long Bam?” Johnny almost begged.

“That depends on the Finnish cunt.”

“Ow is he a Finnish cunt again?” Johnny asked.

“Come on Knoxville, you were here yesterday; would you be fine with that?”

“Bam, I’m not getting mixed into this, but I don’t think Ville meant any harm with it…”

“Then don’t get mixed in!” Bam replied angry before jolting to the living room to get everyone ready for shopping.

“Sorry to piss him off again…” Johnny whispered to Meks.

“That’s ok; he needs to get of his high horse, take some risks, and make a decision…”

“Yes because I want more of those lips.”

“Lips like morphineeeeeeee.” Meks sang while leaving to join the boys.

“Bam, I presume you want to take the lambo out?”


“Fine, so Ville and you in the lambo, I’ll drive the hummer with the HIM boys and who ever wants to come shopping too…”

“”Let someone else drive the hummer, you ride with me.” Bam replied.

“Oh don’t try to be the Alpha-male Butterstick, you and Ville better be talking when you arrive at the store.” Meks warned “Don’t make me threaten you!”

“But I wanted to go shopping in NY City!” Bam pouted.

“Then I want you two talking before we board the plane. Come on guys, ow and Bam, no speeding tickets!”

Bam and Ville looked warily at Meks, then at each other.

“You ready Valo?”

“Yes Margera!”

Everyone got in the car and left for the airport.

“Meks do you really think that was smart?” Burton asked a bit annoyed.

“Hey leave Meks alone!” Johnny said “She must have thought this through.”

“Well what else were we gonna do? Tiptoe around them? I don’t think so!”

“Then you don’t know Ville.” Burton shrugged.

“It’s not up to Ville; it’s Bam that needs to give in…and I know Bam; he will give in if he has too…”

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