Break my heart because you love me?????

Mar 28, 2008 07:47

Author: meduusje
Rating: R-
Pairing: VAM, Bam and Meksie
Summary: Bam and Ville have been best of friends for ages. But Bam gets sick of being the only one that fights!.
Disclaimer: I do not own anyone in this story but the storyline...
Authors Notes: not beta'ed by my darling Midge but still thinking about her very much! And well she did make me a better writer so still lots of thanks to her!!!
well i have a feeling the strip scene will take some time
so thats why the quick update ;)
that and i love comments ;)

1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 11 / 12 / 13 / 14 / 15 / 16 / 17 / 18 / 19 / 20 / 21 / 22 / 23 / 24 / 25 / 26 / 27 / 28 / 29 / 30 / 31

“Well they are throwing a party tonight, so that might be your chance!”

“Yeah get her drunk, hit on her, make Bammie see she’s just a deceiving little tramp!”

“Euhm maybe something a little less negative? It’s not because Meks and Bam break up, he knows you love him…”

“No but it gives me a chance to comfort him.”

“I’m not gonna keep picking up the pieces kulta.” The keyboard player said while shaking his head.

“You won’t have to, I promise.” Ville replied with a smile while getting up to go to the other guestroom to get his bags. “I need to pick out my clothes for the party tonight!”

As he runs out, he bumps into Meks. “Hey watch it!” she yells

“Watch it yourself! Why do you keep running in here?”

“Well I had to ask you something?” the girl said a bit calmer “Got a second?”

“Sure, come in.” This will be good, what does she need?

“So Bam and Novak are throwing a party because you are back here. And well I dared Bam to do it himself instead of let Ape do it. But if he succeeds I have to strip…”

Where is this going to? What do I have to do with their little bet!

“But I don’t want to do it alone…”

No she isn’t asking me to strip with her, is she?

“So what do you think?” Come on Ville don’t make this hard please?

“And why would I help you?” Ville asked sarcastically.

“Well I love Bam, so do you, Bammie wants us to get along, so why not make him happy?” she replied nervously. Damn I thought he would jump at the chance!

I love Bammie? How does she know? Is it that obvious? It can’t be? And why is she ok with it? How do I react to this? Well it is THE opportunity to mess around with her, and start my little plan…

“Ok, fine, for Bam.” Ville acted like he didn’t really want to do it.

“So I wanted to do it on it’s all in tears if you don’t think its too freaky?”

“Fine with me.”

“Great! Well lets hope Bam doesn’t pull it off.”

“Why? Am I not good enough to strip with?” Ville pouted.

“No Willa, I just can’t strip.” She smiled sweetly God what is it with me and not being able to resist puppy faces!

Why is she using Bammie’s term for me? Ow yeah puppy face, irresistible. Should I suggest to practice? We would be more comfortable around each other tonight, because I do think Bammie will be motivated to see her strip. Maybe I should let him know I’m stripping with her? Make sure he succeeds?

“Want me to give you some tips?” the singer asked. “We do wanna look good tonight?”

“You ok with that?” the girl asked stunned.

“Sure, why don’t we check out what we are gonna wear first, and then start practicing?”

“You do really love this don’t you?” Meks smirked.

“I like to look good yeah, and well I love to tease.”

“That I already figured out from Bam’s stories.” She sneered.

“Meksie the guy just offered to help you out, be nice!” Burton defended his lead singer.

“Burton its fine, she’s right, I did tease Bam, but well he did the same.”

Did he really just admit this? Maybe we are getting somewhere with this, spending some time with him will be good.

“Ok whose clothes first?” Meks asked not wanting to start a fight.

“Well I haven’t unpacked so what if I just take my suitcase to your room, so we can see what we have that matches.”

“Ok let’s get started.”

Ville got his suitcase, Meks walked into her closet, god what am I gonna wear! A skirt and a top, and what else?

The wrapped up girl froze when she fell a pair of arms around her.

“Sweetheart if we are gonna strip together, you are gonna have to loosen up towards me, and we will have to touch each other.” Ville smirked. I’m gonna love this, playing with Meks and Bam at the same time.

“You just startled me that’s all, like Novak wouldn’t try and sneak in and have a piece of me.” The girl joked back.

“True, but well who wouldn’t want a piece of you? Especially after tonight.” Ville used his bedroom voice. Just think it’s Bam in your arms, you will do just fine.

“You haven’t seen me move or naked Ville, so don’t be too sure of that.”

“Hey Bammie loves you, there has to be something cute about you.”

“So you really think Bam is that shallow?”

“I thought you were going to play nice?”

“Well then play nice yourself.”

“So why were you nice in the first place?” Ville asked while turning to his suitcase to open it up.

“Bammie missed you, and despite everything he loves you, so don’t want to mess up your time together. Who knows when you turn up again?”

Damn why is she so sweet! Bammie is lucky to finally won her heart over. Do I really want to mess this up? Do I really love him? Enough to make him happier then he is with Meks?

“Well I hope to be a better friend again to Bam, I know I haven’t been there for him, but well I had a though time too.”

“Friends are there for each other Ville, so let him be there for you, don’t run.” Meks said heartfelt.

“I know.” Ville’s heart dropped, she was right, even if they weren’t together, he should give bam the chance to be there as a friend. Hasn’t he always been?

“Come on Willa, we need to pick out clothes, and start practicing!” Meks tried to lighten up the atmosphere.

“Do you think he’ll ever forgive me?”

“Ville do you think you would be here if he hadn’t forgiven you? It’s not like you are my favourite person.”


“what do you want me to lie to you? Sorry I don’t want be caught up in games.” If only you knew how much he loves you!

“I guess not, so Bammie still thinks of me as a friend?”

“Yes Ville, one of his best friends.” Better not ruin this for Bammie.

“that’s good, ok then lets make the best of this for Bammie. So I know Bammie loves me in leather, so do you have any?”

‘Do you get out of those leather pants quick?”

“Euhm with a little help I can, and well we are supposed to tease Bammie.”

“True, ok I have leather, the top is really easy to get off if you’re helping and skirt is always easy..”

“And a blouse over it? We need to fill up the song you know.”

“We’ll fill it up with getting your pants off!” Meks smirked.

“hey its not that hard!”

“if you say so!” she winked.

“Stop being like Bammie!” Ville pouted.

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