As You Wish [10/?]

Mar 27, 2008 21:52

Title: As You Wish [10/?]
Author: moi! (Midge62680)
Rating: PG-NC-17
Pairing: Vam, possible others
Summary:  "You shall no longer be the one making the wishes, my sweet fallen prince, but rather, the one who grants them."
Disclaimer: Don't own, don't know, don't sue.  This is a fanfic, as in FICTION!
Previous Chapters (follow the links):

Dedication: To my darling

meduusje for being my inspiration; to the lovely
slasher48 for just being mine; and to my dearest 
jezebel1386 because I've owed her an update for far too long!  :-)  ♥

A/N: Yes, I know the wait was too long.  Yes, I know I suck.  :-(  I apologize profusely, and owe to do my best to never let it happen again.  This chapter actually turned out to be one of the harder ones to write for some reason, and I must have written it eight times before finally being happy with this version.  You can thank my swollen herniated disc and the subsequent three compressed nerves for me finding the time to make it right.  So, I hope you enjoy it my lovelies!  Now, sit back, relax, and enjoy! Happy reading sweethearts! ♥

Chapter 10

Ville stirred slightly in Bam’s arms as he slept, snuggling down into the crook of the younger man’s arm in an unconscious effort to melt further into their mutual embrace.  In their post-coital euphoria, both men had given into their exhaustion, and after cleaning themselves up a bit, had happily fallen asleep in a tangle of limbs and bed sheets.  No nightmares haunted their blissful slumber; no thoughts of the world around them disturbed these un-waking moments.  The labels of genie and master had been stripped from each man, and discarded in the same manner as their clothes, which were now scattered around the bedroom floor.  In short, for the first time in as long as both men could remember, their sleep was a peaceful one…that was, until a loud crash from somewhere inside Castle Bam jarred the skater awake.

Bam shot up in bed upon hearing the disturbing sound, and subsequently, woke the sleeping Finn in his arms.  “Bammie…what is it?”  Ville asked, bleary-eyed and still half-asleep.

“I…I think someone’s in the house,” the skater answered as his voice wavered slightly.

The genie untangled himself from Bam’s tense form and sat up.  “Are you positive?  Perhaps it’s one of your friends?  People do seem to come and go as they please around here…I’m sure it’s just Novak or Ryan stumbling around sweetheart, and nothing to fret about,” Ville whispered reassuringly, reaching out to rub his master’s back in a soothing gesture.

The younger man sighed, and slowly but surely began to relax into the Finn’s comforting touch.  “You’re probably right,” Bam mumbled softly as he closed his eyes, the tension leaving his body under his new-found lover’s ministrations.



The disturbing sounds were immediately followed by the sound of someone muttering, the unintelligible words floating up to the ears of the two men that occupied the master bedroom.  Two sets of eyes, one green, one blue, went wide upon hearing the distressing noises, and Bam turned his head slowly towards Ville.

“Did you hear that?”

“Yes…I heard it kulta.”

“What should we do?  I mean, what if it’s some crazy fan that’s broken into my house to pull some shit on me straight out of that movie ‘Misery?!?’” The skater’s voice faltered as he spoke, the low whisper he had used only moments earlier slowly rising to what could only be described as a mousy squeak.  “Willa, I don’t wanna get my ankles broken by some psycho bitch with a sledgehammer-”

“- Bam, get a hold of yourself!”  The genie hissed into the darkness at his master as he threw back the covers and climbed out of bed.  “I have no clue what you’re going on about, but if it will stop you from continuing to panic irrationally, I will go downstairs and investigate what the ruckus is,” the Finn finished as he retrieved his pajama pants from the far corner of the room.

With that, the younger man scrambled out of bed and bounded across the room to where the older man stood.  “No Ville! You can’t!  What if whoever’s down there has a knife, or a gun, or-”

“-a sledgehammer?”  The genie answered with a raised eyebrow as he casually lit himself a cigarette, clearly amused by Bam’s dramatic take on the situation.

The skater scowled at the man in front of him, and crossed his arms over his chest.  “Well, yeah! What if?  I don’t wanna see anything happen to you…”

Smiling down at the blue-eyed boy, Ville reached out and took his face in his hands.  “Kulta, I am a genie; I am immortal; I cannot be fatally injured.  You have no need to fret over such things.  Now,” the Finn continued as he guided his frazzled lover over to the bed and urged him to sit down, “you stay here, and relax.  I’ll be back in a moment.”  Stroking Bam’s cheek lightly, Ville leaned down and kissed the boy softly on the lips before slipping out of the room to head downstairs.

Left alone in the darkened space, the skater sat on his hands, and tried to concentrate on slowly breathing in and out in an attempt to keep from panicking.  He could hear the light footfalls of the genie on the hardwood floor as the green-eyed beauty made his way down the hall to the stairs.  However, once Ville began to descend to the lower level of the house, Bam lost this comforting aural contact, and chewed on his lower lip nervously.

Several moments passed where not a sound could be heard throughout the house, a sign, as the skater took it, that whomever or whatever that had been the cause of all that noise was long gone.  Bam slowly let out a breath that he hadn’t even realized he had been holding in, and closed his eyes as a smile slowly crept across his face.  Willa was right; it was probably Novak or someone who stumbled in here drunk and passed out…


The sudden clamoring coming from downstairs caused Bam to leap off the mattress as his heart once again began to race a mile a minute.  “Fuck! VILLE!!!”  He shrieked, and without a second thought as to his own personal safety, Bam dashed out of the room and bolted down the stairs towards the growing audible commotion unfolding in the living room.

As he descended the staircase, his cerulean orbs squinted into the darkness, desperate to see if Ville was in danger.  He could hear the sounds of a struggle, and could just barely make out the silhouettes of the two forms wrestling on the floor, one clearly belonging to the Finn, the other slightly larger and burlier, obviously belonging to the intruder.

“Get your fucking hands off him!” Bam bellowed as his feet hit the final landing.  However, as he quickly rounded the corner of the staircase to make his way into the living room, a familiar sound filled his ears, causing the skater to stop dead in his tracks as he peered into the moonlit room.

Ville...was laughing.

The Finn’s laughter filled the room, each hiccupping chuckle becoming louder and louder as the seconds ticked by.  Another set of chuckles, which obviously belonged to the intruder, soon joined the genies, and the American stood there baffled, completely lost as to what to make of the situation unfolding around him.

Bam stalked over to the far wall and flipped up the light switch, which caused the room to be flooded with a warm, illuminating glow.  The sight before the blue-eyed boy’s eyes left him completely perplexed.  There, in the middle of the hard wood floor lay his lover, flat on his back, giggling, chest heaving as he tried to catch his breath; next to him, laughing just as hard, lay the “intruder.”

The man looked to be just about Ville’s height, if not a bit shorter, with a husky build, and had long, straight brown hair that hung well past his shoulders.  A bushy beard obscured most of his facial features, but his bright, light blue eyes seemed to twinkle good-naturedly as he laughed.   The skater quickly came to the conclusion that the man was more than likely harmless, but looked as if he could hurt someone or something quite badly if the need arose.

Bam shook his head in disbelief, and looked in bewilderment at the two men on the floor.  Sighing, he raked a hand through his unruly chestnut curls, and placed a hand on his hip in annoyance.  “What…the…fuck?” The boy said as calmly as possible, frustrated that he was no closer to an explanation as to the man’s identity than he had been only moments earlier.

Upon hearing his master’s voice, Ville lifted his head up off the floor to look at the skater.  “Look Bammie!” The genie giggled as he pointed towards the man lying next to him; “It’s Mige!!!” He practically shouted with glee, and the two broke into yet again another fit of laughter.

“And what exactly, is a ‘Mige?’”  Bam asked, trying to make sense of what the green-eyed beauty told him.  However, his question just caused the Finn to burst into a new fit of giggles, and the American threw his hands up in the air out of frustration as he huffed loudly.

“Mige is not a what, Bammie; he is a who!”  Ville said as he tried frantically to calm himself down.

“I’m sorry; I should have come calling at a more logical hour,” the man called Mige apologized as he sat up, all the while motioning for the genie to compose himself.  “Rakohammas, breathe, or you’ll get yourself all worked up and give yourself an attack,” he said sternly as he stood.  “Let me properly introduce myself; my name is Mige, and you must be Ville’s new Master-”

“-Bam,” the skater responded as he took the man’s hand and shook it.  Mige smiled down at the American, and Bam immediately found that the stranger put him at ease, to spite his initial wariness.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you Bam; I truly am sorry for just barging into your home like this.  I had wanted to surprise Rakohammas here seeing as I missed his birthday-”

“-Rakohammas?” The skater queried, having no idea what the odd word meant.

Mige laughed as Ville picked himself up off of the floor and made his way over to the two men.  The genie wrapped his arms around his long-lost friends’ waist and rested his chin on the man’s shoulder. “It is Finnish, and means ‘gap tooth.’  It is a name that I have called Ville here ever since he was a little boy.”

“A…a…a little boy?”  Bam asked quietly.  “How is that possible?  I mean, you obviously know what Ville is…does that mean you’re a genie too?”

The angelic beauty sighed, and with a smile, reached his arm out to take the skater’s now clammy hands in his slender, pale ones.  “Kulta, come here,” Ville beckoned as he guided Bam over to the couch to sit down, with Mige following closely behind.  Once the trio was seated, the jade-eyed beauty took the boy’s face in his hands, leaned forward, and kissed his lover’s lips tenderly.  Out of the corner of his eye, Bam could see a knowing smile creep across Mige’s face, an obvious indication of his recognition that the relationship between the genie and his master was far more than their titles implied.  “Bammie, Mige came here to do more than just wish me a belated happy birthday-he had to come here…you could even say that he had no choice…” Ville’s voice faded away as he hung his head and grasped tightly at the skater’s hands.

Bam reached out and lifted the genie’s gaze to meet his own.  “Willa…it’s okay; I’m not mad,” he said softly, noting the dark, heartrending, far-away look in his lover’s moss-colored orbs.  “Tell me why Mige had to come here…make me understand, just as you helped me understand everything else up to this point,” the boy requested as he cradled the Finn’s face in his hands.

Ville smiled sadly at Bam, and sighed deeply.  “As you wish sweetheart,” he said quietly, and after receiving an encouraging nod from Mige, he cleared his throat and prepared to continue:

“Bammie…are you aware of what an ihmissusi is?”


And there you have it darlings!  Do you know what an ihmissusi is?  ;-)  I'm sure many of you do, and if you don't, google it--I promise you won't be disappointed!  As I'm sure you've figured out, Mige is an ihmissusi, and the details of how and why that came to be, as well as a few other surprises, await you in the next chapter!  Feed my muse with your lovely comments and love (he's a bit skinny as of late! lol!) and chapter 11 (which is mostly done) will be posted sooner rather than later! Love you all!  ♥♥♥
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