Break my heart because you love me????? ~16~

Feb 10, 2008 10:58

Author: meduusje 
Rating: R-
Pairing: VAM, Bam and Meks
Summary: Bam and Ville have been best of friends for ages. But Bam gets sick of being the only one that fights!.
Disclaimer: I do not own anyone in this story but the storyline...
Authors Notes: thank you very very veryyyyyyy much dear Midge for being my beta :-) ! i know you are going through some tough times so really thank you love!!!! huggles and luvvles!

1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 11 / 12 / 13 / 14 / 15

Meks woke up first; she was curled up against Bam’s back with an arm around his waist. Turning over, she laid on her back, and thought about how good she slept, to spite the fact it was in a strange bed.

Bam moaned and turned around, missing Meks’ body against him. He laid his head on her shoulder, an arm and leg possessively wrapped around her.

Meks looked at the time, well 5 minutes off cuddling is ok. A girl could get used to this; he’s so cute while he sleeps, why does Ville take pleasure out of hurting him?

“Bammie, wake up” she whispered while running a finger over his nose.

Bam wiggled his nose, fighting against waking up.

“Ow so cute, come on Butterstick everyone will be here soon.”

“No Willa, I don’t wanna.” Bam muttered.

Meks swallowed hard, don’t be hurt, you are here to get him together with that Finnish excuses for a man.

“Bam wake up, Ville isn’t here.” She said a bit louder this time.

Bam cracked open one eye “Meksie?”

“Yes Bam?”

“Damn, I’m sorry.”

“You’re sorry? What for?”

“Just now, you are being so sweet and then I had to go and ruin things by calling you Ville.”

“Bammie, you were still asleep, don’t worry. But I think you can use a cold shower.” she added with a smirk.

“I thought I could come to you with everything.” Bam smiled devilishly.

Meks slapped Bam on the ass “Well if you didn’t call me Ville, then maybe you could… Breakfast in bed would help too. But for now a cold shower it is!”

Bam lifted his head to take a closer look at Meks, “DEAL!” he smiled once again.

They both wondered if they were being serious or joking around…

“Come on Bam we need to get up. It’s a busy few days.”

The pair quickly freshened up and got dressed; however, as soon as they sat down for breakfast the doorbell rang. Meks opened it up and there were the boys.

“You guys smelled breakfast?” she smiled.

“We’re always hungry Meksie!”

“Well pancakes in the kitchen but watch out, Bam is a bit grumpy.”

“What?” Knoxville exclaimed “Bam’s up already? Damn girl what’s your secret? We wanted to lift him out of bed!”

“Sex.” She smirked as she walked to the kitchen, not noticing the hurt look in Knoxville's eyes.

The boys settled down and pigged out on pancakes. When Bam was finished he yelled: “Ok we’re leaving! Everyone in the hummer now!” and headed for the door.

“Ow Butterstick?” Meks asked sweetly.

“Yes Bambie?”

“Aren’t you forgetting something?” She said with a hand on her hip.

“Euhm?” Bam looked at her questioningly.

Knoxville shoved Bam towards his “girlfriend.” “Kiss her goodbye idiot! Or I will!”

“Ow sorry Meksie, Come here.”

Bam walked over to Meks, put a hand on her lower back and dipped her before kissing her hard on the lips. Meks gasped and Bam took advantage and slipped his tongue inside her mouth. Too surprised to push him away, Meks’ mind raced a mile a minute; before she knew it, the kiss was over. Bam moved her back on her feet but kept her close.

He whispered against her lips “Something like that sweetie?”

“Uhu” was the only thing coming out of her mouth.

“You two get a room!” Dunn laughed.

“We have enough rooms, but they are getting painted!”

“Excuses! Excuses!”

“Not really but hey we have work to do! See you tonight Sexymeksie.”

“Have fun Butterstick.”

The boys left and let the work guys in on their way out.

“Hellow miss, your boyfriend let us in, where do you want us to start?”

“Well downstairs please, that’s most important.”

“Ok we’ll get cracking!”

short and mean i know ;-)

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