Break my heart because you love me?????

Feb 22, 2008 21:27

Author: meduusje
Rating: R-
Pairing: VAM, Bam and Meksie
Summary: Bam and Ville have been best of friends for ages. But Bam gets sick of being the only one that fights!.
Disclaimer: I do not own anyone in this story but the storyline...
Authors Notes: thank not beta'ed by my darling Midge but still thinking about her very much! And well she did make me a better writer so still lots of thanks to her!!!

SORRY its a short chapter but well i'm tired! and i really wont be able to post anything till monday evening i think... Hope you like it...

1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 11 / 12 / 13 / 14 / 15 / 16 / 17 / 18 / 19 / 20 / 21 / 22 / 23

Both Meks and Bam froze, “Did you hear someone calling you?” Meks whispered scared.

“Yeah but it can’t be…”

“Bammie you look like a ghost called you!”

“I think it’s Ville!”

They heard someone come up the stairs and once again calling for Bam.

“What is he doing here?!? How did he get inside?” Bam asked out loud.

“How should I know? Didn’t he ever learn to ring? And are you sure it’s Ville?”

“I’ll go see...”

“Be careful Bammie! I’m kinda scared…”

“I’ll be fine, and I’ll hurry back.” Bam gave Meks a quick kiss on the lips before he went out.

And for sure it was Ville creeping up the stairs and the rest of HIM making apologizing faces at the bottom of the stairs…

God he looks good, almost like when I first met him. No Bam focus you’re mad at him!

“Ville what the hell?!?”

“Surprise Sini!” Ville said with his most seductive smile, holding his arms open.

Bam glared at Ville; did he really expect me in his arms? Is he really that stupid?

“There are 2 rooms on the left, one on the right, where you can crash. We’ll sort it all out better in the morning.” Bam said annoyed and turned around to go back to his room.

“What not even a Hellow?” Ville asked stunned.

“No Ville, you scared my girlfriend!” Bam replied without looking back.

“But Bammie…” Ville pouted.

Be strong Bam, don’t give in, and just walk to your room and not in his arms.

“Ville, let’s get to bed.” Linde said carefully. Bam closed his bedroom door and fell to the floor.

Ville just stood in the hallway completely stunned. He really said no to me, I’m right within his grasp and he said no! Is he really that in love with Meks? Is he so over me?

Linde put a hand on the singers arm and led him to one of the bedrooms.

“Butterstick you ok?” Meks asked worried.

“I just said no to Ville.” Bam said like he didn’t believe his own words.

“Come to bed and tell me what happened.”

Bam got into bed, Meks pulled him into her arms, Bam told about the brief encounter.

“I’m proud of you Bammie. I never thought you would do something like that.”

“Me neither, I wonder what Ville thinks now?”

“I don’t know Bammie, but let’s get some sleep so we can start our little play bright and early tomorrow.”

Bam laid his head down on Meks shoulder. Meks gave the shaken boy a soft kiss on his forehead. Bam looked up in her caring brown eyes, very slowly they both closed the distance between their lips, kissing another very softly.

“Sweet dreams Bambie.” Bam whispered softly.

“You too Butterstick.”

Guess our little game is working, why else would Ville be here already? Both of them thought before falling asleep.

Linde had a lot more troubles getting Ville in bed.

“Ville get into bed, so you look your best tomorrow.” The blond Fin begged, being very tired himself.

“Why should I bother! It’s obvious that the little witch has him under her spell.” He said while pacing around.

“Are you really giving up that quickly? I thought you loved Bam? And well you did play games with him…”

The dark-haired Fin shot the blond one an evil glare, stripped down to his boxers and got into bed.

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