Break my heart because you love me???????

Apr 02, 2008 21:25

Author: meduusje
Rating: R-
Pairing: VAM, Bam and Meksie
Summary: Bam and Ville have been best of friends for ages. But Bam gets sick of being the only one that fights!.
Disclaimer: I do not own anyone in this story but the storyline...
Authors Notes: not beta'ed by my darling Midge but still thinking about her very much! And well she did make me a better writer so still lots of thanks to her!!!
sorry this took so long sweethearts but well its getting to VAM!!!! i'm still feeling like crap...
but well i'm feeing sorry for willa too... so sorry if it seems like a personaltity change for Willa... but well we do want them together don't we??? no vam in this chapter but sooooon i promise!!!

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“I can’t help it Bammie is so like me.” The girl laughed; “but I’ll try and behave.”

The girl got out the top and skirt and started looking for a blouse. She really didn’t have anything fitting, when she went out she didn’t like to cover up and well in every day life blouses weren’t her thing.

“Mmm Bammie used to have this thing about me wearing his shirts and other way around…”

“Hey I’m not stripping in baggy jeans!”

“Why not? It would be a great contrast! You can wear some hot pants or something underneath it, a tight top and that red shirt Bam has! I love that shirt!

“I love it too, on Bam!”

“Come on Meksie I thought you wanted to please Bam?”

Well I would feel more comfortable in Bam’s clothes, the girl thought to herself, and bam would love it.


“By the way are we stripping for Bam? Or the whole party?” Ville asked.

“Euhm I don’t know, I think the whole party why?”

“I thought Bammie didn’t like to share…”

“I hadn’t thought about that, no way I’m going naked in front of everyone!” the girl exclaimed as she picked up her phone.

“Yes sexymeksie?” Bam answered his phone.

“Do I have to strip for everyone or just you?”

“Everyone off course, you are the opener of my party!”

“Bam you can’t expect me to go naked in front of every one!”

“Ow yes I can, bet is made sweetie!” the skater laughed.

“Butterstick please? Either I can keep my underwear on or it’s a private striptease!”

“You found your victim yet?”

“Yes I have, picking out clothes as we speak!”

“Who is crazy enough to join you? Seeing as I have Novak with me?”

“If I tell you, can I keep my underwear on? And that person too?”

“No Bambie, now what’s the fun in that?”

“Mmm I think you’ll want the striptease to be private anyway, once you see who I’m striping with!” the girl smirked.

“What? Which of your hot friends did you invite? Jamie? Wendy? Emma? Which one!!!”

“You know what to say Bammie.”

“Ok fine, keep your underwear on; else Novak would go crazy anyway.” Bam gave in.

“Probably! And if you want to change the striptease to private you still can, deal?"

“Sweet now how is it?!?”


Damn that girl can tease Bammie, poor thing; I really have to hold back not saying anything, so Bam would hear me. Will he change his mind and have a private one? I would love it to be private!

“Bambie please? Male or female?”

“Male Butterstick.”

“What? Tell me you didn’t?” Bam asked franticly.

“Didn’t do what Butterstick?” the girl asked seductively.

“You did, didn’t you? You asked Willah!”

“Why is that a bad thing Bammie?”

“That is so not fair! You two are gonna be way to hot!”

“You can bet your cute ass on it, I told you, you were gonna beg me to stop.”

“Meksie why? You wanna blow this little game?”

“Euhm wait a second going into an other room. I’ll be right back Ville.”

The girl walked into the bathroom and closed the door.

“Bammie don’t you trust me?”

“Off course I do but I want this to work!”

“Butterstick, don’t worry this little striptease is just what our little game needs.”

“Please explain?”

“Well for one I’m spending time with Ville, finding out little things, he’s slowly convincing me he really does love you, and you know he has to do that before I hand you over to him.”

“Yes I know, and he does?”

Bams heart made a little happy jump.

“Yes he does, and well this will be a time where you’ll be able to get closer, and speed things up a bit! Even if only physical.”

“Ok fine I thrust you, have fun and I probably want this to be private.”

“I told you so, see you tonight Butterstick.”

“Yes jummy tonight!”

Ville was sitting on the bed, looking a bit flushed, what happened here?

“Ville you ok?” Meks asked worried.

“I’m fine, I was just dancing around that’s all.”

“Ow ok, you sure you are going to pull this off?”

“Sure a striptease is supposed to be slow!”

“So true, Bam says hi and he can’t wait until tonight.”

“Me neither.” Ville smiled his ever so sweet smile.”

“Ok how about I get changed in the bathroom and you in here?”

“Fine by me.”

They got changed quickly and they might not like each other very much but they did like how the other looked.

“So we really stripping together or each do our own thing?” Meks asked.

What kind of a question is that? I thought this was to tease me, and get me a bit closer to Bammie?

“Together will be more fun, if you think Bam will be able to handle it.”

“Hell no, he won’t be able to handle it either way. So together, starting on the bar…”

“Sounds good to me, let’s just put the music on and start.”

I don’t want to over analyze this, I just want Bammie hot and under me!

The music started and Meks froze, what am I doing? I don’t want him, how am I gonna dance with him?

Ville walked over to the nervous girl, not being exactly calm himself, but he wanted this to work, no not work, look great!

He slid one arm behind her back and pulled her close.

“Just close your eyes, feel the music, feel me, and think its Bam you want to seduce.” Ville whispered in her ear with his bedroom voice.

Ville slowly started dancing; Meks couldn’t do anything else then follow his lead.

God I can still smell Bammie on her! Is this how he seduces Bammie? The thoughts were running through both their minds, but slowly they relaxed in each other arms.

They opened their eyes almost simultaneously, seeing their lover for Bam in them.

Ville let his hands wander over the girl’s body slowly undressing her and encouraging her to do the same. It resulted in one hot dance, with clothes flying around the room.

When they got to their underwear, they stopped, and started laughing!

They lay down on the bed, laughing some more, “Bammie is never gonna survive this!”

“I don’t think so, but well I gave him the option to make it a private one…”

“Really?“ Ville asked stunned.

“Hey I’m not going further then this tonight!”

“Ow Meksie is shy!”

“I just don’t want everyone perving on me!”

“That’s your decision sweetheart, but I’m going commando tonight. Cause really these pants are to tight to wear something.”

“Ville do you really want everyone to see you? I don’t know who Bam’s inviting…”

“Maybe you are right… I’ll wear some tight boxers! I don’t think we need more practice; it needs to be a bit spontaneous! So why don’t we relax with the boys a bit and then get ready?”

“Sure Ville, I wanna see how Bammie is doing!”

They got dressed and went back downstairs, the boys were still just hanging out, but the pirate bar looked even better.

“Butterstick here?” Meks asked no-one in particular.

“Yes I am my little stripper girl!” Bam answered from behind the bar!

“Hey I’m not stripping if you don’t get it done.”

“Then get ready Bambie, mmm that really is a strippers name, because I’m ready for the party.” The skater smirked.

“What? Already? I don’t believe you!”

“Well check… “

Meks walked around, and yes everything was stocked up, the kitchen was filled with food, the bar with booze, when she went down the cellar to see how much they’ve got in reserve, Bam followed her down.

“So you ready for your little show baby?” he asked with a hush voice.

“Yes Butterstick, are you?”

“Hell yeah I can’t wait to see you and Willa strip!”

“Its gonna be fun!”

soooooooooooo comments? please? ducks!
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