I'm not dead yet.

Apr 25, 2008 17:39

Title: What Hides Under Bam's Bed
Chapter: 3
slasher48  /
Rating: R. At the moment. *grin*
Pairing: VAM.
Disclaimer: DK. DO. NH.
Summary: Ryan finds something under Bam's bed that changes Ville and Bam forever.
AN: Cookies to those of you who know where my headline's from. ^^ Oh, and...enjoy. I know it's been away for a long time, but perhaps you can still find happiness in it? ;)

Dedicated as always to
id0ntkn0wwh0iam for her amazing icon that inspired this entire story. That's talent right there, you know. *muah* Love you, dear.

Ch. 1
Ch. 2

Hurried footsteps slammed up the stairs, and Ryan Dunn skidded into the room, nearly flying into a not yet picked up pile of sludge.

"Yeah, dude?"

Bam smirked. "First of all, you and Nudie have to get your asses up here and finish my room."

Ryan rolled his eyes. "Anything else, Master, " he said, the sarcasm obvious in his voice.

"Yeah. I haven't figured out what I'm gonna do to you yet for making me think I was gonna lose my Willa, but I'm warning you now, it's not going to be good."

"Uh huh," said Ryan, sounding unconvinced. He turned to walk out of the room but was stopped by Bam again. "What?"

"How much you got in your bank account?" Ryan's eyebrows shot up even as he bit his lip, trying to remember.

"About five grand, give or take a few hundred. Why?" he snapped suspiciously. The last time Bam had asked him a question like that, he'd...well, it hadn't ended well.

"You're going to pay for our date," Bam said with such conviction Ryan knew he wasn't going to be let out of this.

That didn't mean he wasn't going to go down fighting, though. "WHAT?!"

Bam laughed. "You're. Paying. For. Our. Date."

"Fuck no! That's all I have right now, dude!" In the back of his mind, Ryan knew he deserved to have to do this, but that was all the cash he had!

"I'll cover whatever you need, man, you know that. You practically live here most of the time anyway. Just for the principle of the thing and shit, give me your five thousand to pay for our date. Know what, fuck that, I'll tell you what we want and you can find it for us."

Ryan slumped in defeat, nodding subserviently. "Whatever. What the hell you fairies want then?"

Bam explained to Ryan all that Ville had told him, then shooed the blonde out of the room to go find Novak and finish cleaning his shithole.

Sighing, Bam slugged his way down to the pool and lay out on a chair, stripping off his shirt and yelling till Novak brought him a pair of shades. Settling into the warm cloth of the blanket he'd spread over the frame of the chair, he let his mind drift to how he was going to get his revenge on Random. He closed his eyes with a wicked smirk, evil ideas passing through his mind.

It wasn't long before he fell asleep, lured to relaxation by everything going well.


He woke up at the sensation of eyes on him and met Ville's warm smile with one of his own. Saying nothing, he tackled Ville to the ground and kissed him, holding him tightly.

Ville laughed. "Nice to see you, too, Bammie."

Bam didn't laugh. Instead he bent and kissed Ville hard, cutting off whatever the Finn would've said next.

Ville wrapped his arms around Bam’s back and pulled him harder into his body, kissing back with everything he had and moaning around Bam’s tongue in his mouth.

They didn’t pull apart for a long time, content just to roll around on the deck and make out like there was no tomorrow, but breath eventually became necessary.

“I…you…so much to talk about…” Bam panted when they finally separated, holding his body up on Ville with hands on his chest and breathing hard on Ville’s face.

“I was quite enjoying the silence, actually, but yes, I agree,” Ville said with a smile, gently moving Bam off of him and sitting where Bam had been on the deck chair. He patted his thighs and Bam grinned, crawling onto the chair and into his lap, lying against his shoulder.

“So, let’s get this out of the way right now, so we both know we’re serious. I really, truly love you, Vil.” Bam smiled at Ville, resting his hand on the older man’s strong chest above his heart and cuddling just that small bit closer.

Ville kissed Bam’s forehead, stroking his hair back as he murmured, “And I love you, Bammie.”

“And um, did you, did you, um, mean everything you said about the beach and everything?” Bam bit his lip, turning his face down.

“Of course, love. Why do you ask?”

“Uh…Ryan’s working on setting that up for us tonight.” Bam said quietly, and Ville smiled, laying his head almost on top of Bam’s.

“What about…” Bam started, and Ville cut him off with a finger to his lips, smiling fondly at all Bam’s insecurities.

“I meant everything I said, sweetheart, and especially about loving you and wanting to make love with you. Does that answer your question?”

Bam nodded, placing a kiss to Ville’s finger and curling up next to him. “I meant it, too.”

Ville shifted down so they could look into each other’s eyes, staring into blue swirling with love and joy and smiling at the fact that he knew those were reflected in his own green. “I know.”

And lulled by the soft, sweet connection their eyes made and the comfort of lying together without pretense, they slept.


Hours later found the two in Bam’s bedroom, bustling around to get dressed and ready for their date at Shell, the seaside café Ryan had found for them, right on the beach.

Bam stuck his foot in a shoe and swore loudly as his toe was nearly popped right off. He realized it was Ville’s and tossed it at Ville as he came out of the bathroom, searching wildly for his scarf.

“RYAN!” he yelled. That was the only problem with having his friends clean his room; without the mess, he had no idea where anything was.

Dunn flew into the room, nearly knocking over a lamp before he righted himself. “Yeah, dude?”

“Where the hell is my glittery burgundy scarf?” Bam demanded, hand on his hip.

Ryan rolled his eyes and walked over to the closet, reaching to the top shelf and grabbing the item in question to throw it at Bam. “Jesus, a glittery burgundy scarf. I can’t imagine how the hell we didn’t know you were gay.”

Bam flipped him off and wound the scarf around his neck. It complimented perfectly the black sweater and jeans he wore, and it had been Ville’s, so all the better.

Ville slipped his shoe on and walked back into the bathroom to line his eyes, leaving the room before Bam could figure out what he was dressed in, and coming back too fast for Bam to get a glimpse.

Bam ran one hand through his curls and pronounced himself ready in his mirror, slipping his feet into black Adios and flopping down onto his bed to wait for Ville.


“Do I look alright?” Ville asked nervously, in response to the silence from Bam over the last five minutes.

Bam swallowed hard, suddenly feeling like a sweater and a scarf were bad choices of clothing as he started to sweat.

“Maybe…uh, maybe we should just…stay home,” he rasped.


Ville's gonna get it...*singsongs*...Will he wait until their romantic moment on the beach? Or is Bammie just too damn impatient?

Who knows? Not even I do yet. Leave me some love and we'll figure it out together! ^^
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