Characters: Various ratings and pairings Written for P100 challenge 400: Picture Challenge
AN: I was intending on writing more (and better) but sandbanked on other things. YaY for the comm. Thank you, mods, for all your work. Commiserations to the newsletter editor!
Word count: 100 Rating: PG-13 Characters: Abby/Connor Written for P100 challenge 356: Scene of the crime
They must be here somewhere. Abby scrunched her eyes and replayed yesterday’s events. There’d been an incursion and a young phosphatherium had been shot leaving its mother squealing disconsolately.
Word count: 100 Rating: U Characters: Abby, Becker Written for P100 challenge 354: Flu Season
Becker tightened his grip and tried to concentrate more on the warm hide beneath his fingers and less on the prospect of passing out. He was assisting Abby in the treatment of an injured Conchoraptor.