Primeval fic: Deadly Service: A Sir James Lester Mystery

Jun 24, 2014 23:17

Title: Deadly Service: A Sir James Lester Mystery

Word count: 100
Rating: PG-13
Characters: Lester, Connor, Abby

Written for P100 challenge 372: A sporting chance

AN: Further unsolved mysteries from Sir James’s casebook


Leek’s body was discovered by Lady Christine when she unlocked the tennis shed for the new season. He’d been dead for some time.

Sir James Lester surveyed the scene with his assistants. “See, here, he tried to break out using racquets.”

“Poor bloke.” Connor surreptitiously wiped his eyes. “If only someone had heard him.”

“Not likely, no one visits in winter,” said Lester.

Abby continued to photograph the scene without comment.

“Why not kill him outright?” asked Connor.

“Clearly whoever didn’t care if Leek lived or died,” observed Lester, his expression suddenly bleak. “So they gave him a sporting chance.”


lester, sir james lester mystery, primeval, abby, connor, drabble

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