Primeval fic: Safety First

Jun 17, 2014 23:11

Title: Safety First

Word count: 100
Rating: Universal
Characters: Danny, Becker, Connor

Written for P100 challenge 371: Convergence

AN: Ghostbusters was on TV and this just fitted. Dialogue belongs to Columbia Pictures. No money made, no harm intended.


They worked! Connor’s newly-designed proton packs were disabling the future predators.

“Gotcha!” yelled Danny launching a molten stream at his attacker. The beast stilled.

More predators appeared.

Connor watched white-faced as battle raged around him. “There's something very important I forgot to tell you.”

“What?” asked Becker firing steadily.

“Don't cross the streams.”


“It’d be bad.”

“What d’you mean, ‘bad’?”

Connor winced. “Try to imagine all life as you know it stopping instantaneously and every molecule in your body exploding at the speed of light.”

Becker reloaded. “Great,” he snapped. “Important safety tip. Thanks, Connor.”

Danny started to laugh.


primeval, becker, crossover, connor, drabble, danny

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