Primeval fic: Fright Night

May 13, 2014 22:29

Title: Fright Night

Word count: 100
Rating: PG-13
Characters: Connor, Abby

Written for P100 challenge 366: Insomnia


“Zombies?” Abby’s expression held slightly cruel amusement.

She, of course, had been totally unmoved by the horrors of Seed of Chucky and managed to eat large quantities of vegetarian pizza washed down by rivers of Diet Coke without ill-effects. Connor was having massive indigestion after a single slice of Pepperoni Hot.

It was definitely the pizza that was responsible. He wasn’t scared to sleep because of some sort of evil possessed doll.

She softened. “D’you want to stay with me tonight?”

Pride demanded a refusal. Need for company won.

“Please,” he said. “And next time can I pick the movie?”


primeval, abby, connor, drabble

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