Primeval fic: Drabbles x 6

Jan 06, 2015 22:47

Title: Challenge 400

Word count: 100 x 6

Characters: Various ratings and pairings
Written for P100 challenge 400: Picture Challenge

AN: I was intending on writing more (and better) but sandbanked on other things. YaY for the comm. Thank you, mods, for all your work. Commiserations to the newsletter editor!


Title: 7. Corporate Image

Word count: 100
Rating: PG-12
Characters: OC, (Lester, Connor, Abby)

Marika sighed. She hated corporate shoots even though they were by far the most lucrative.   This group was more awkward than most. Apparently there was some issue over revealing what actually went on within the ARC so she had been forced into a series of ‘stock’ shots.

The director, James Lester, was the worst. He was clearly a desk jockey with James Bond delusions. Marika sighed again and imagined the money. She posed Lester centre of shot with the spotlight picking up his hideous yellow tie and braces and positioned the young interns like groupies.

They all loved the picture.


Title: 10. Sincerest form of flattery

Word count: 100
Rating: PG-12
Characters: Jess, Matt

“I know what you’re doing,” said Jess.

Matt thought he was being subtle but his attempts at impersonation were blindingly obvious.

“It’s very rude,” she continued, “even if imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. Didn’t anyone ever teach you that?”

“Not really,” replied Matt. “We weren’t very big on etiquette where I’m from. Sometimes I don’t have a clue how I should behave.”

Jess smiled gently. “I understand. It’s ok if you want to copy me. I know everything about manners.”

She galloped from the room pony-style. After a moment she heard the clip-clop sound of Matt following behind.


Title: 11. Time Travellers

Word count: 100
Rating: U
Characters: Emily, Charlotte, Ethan

“Just a few hundred yards further!” Ethan’s breath hung frosty in the air between them.

He didn’t wait for a response but set off over the snow. Emily linked arms more firmly with Charlotte.

“Incorrigible,” said Charlotte, but she meant it as a compliment.

“You mean selfish.” Emily’s boots were leaking and the hem of her skirt was soaked.

The view was pretty but barely altered from the scene half a mile away. Already Ethan was impatient to leave.

“So eager to come, so swift to go,” teased Charlotte. “Will nothing still you?”

Ethan smiled, tender, secretive. “Time will tell.”


Title: 5. Unlocking the secrets of the artefact

Word count: 100
Rating: PG-13
Characters: Sarah/Connor

“Nearly there.” Sarah breathed against Connor’s neck for the pleasure of seeing him jump.

“Stoppit!” He blushed and nearly dropped the delicate slide he was holding. “See, here, you need to loosen that screw.”

Sarah laughed. It was nice in the labs. People popped in but didn’t stay. No one wanted to admit that they were not sure exactly what Sarah and Connor were working on.

Sarah liked teaching. It was the part of her job at the museum that she missed most. But Connor was proving an apt pupil. And she was learning too. The long hours weren’t wasted.


Title: 12. New Beginnings

Word count: 100
Rating: U
Characters: Abby/Connor

Abby hadn’t cared when they got married but Connor wanted it to be on a special day. You couldn’t get much more special than New Year’s Eve. Arranging the wedding hadn’t been easy - apparently most people planned years in advance - but Lester made a phone call and Jess arrived with a stack of wedding magazines and suddenly everything was falling into place.

Midnight saw them on a balcony overlooking the Thames.

“It’s fabulous,” said Abby as Big Ben began to chime the hour and the London Eye blazed fire.

“Totally,” agreed Connor. But he saw nothing but his wife.


Title: 8. Unbroken

Word count: 100
Rating: U
Characters: Abby, Becker, Matt

At this time of night Accident & Emergency was the only option. Becker hoped that they would be able to see someone quickly - before too much damage was done. Abby and Matt followed him through the hospital corridors offering words of sympathy and support.

“I’m sure it’ll be alright,” offered Abby.

“I’ve seen worse,” chipped in Matt.

Becker didn’t bother replying. What did they know?

The doctor put three stiches in the wound.

“You were lucky,” she said.

Becker didn’t feel lucky. She had shaved part of his head, his hair was a mess and he had lost his comb.


lester, emily, becker, matt, abby/connor, sarah, ethan, primeval, jess, abby, drabble, connor

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