Primeval fic: Space Hardware

Aug 18, 2015 22:52

Title: Space Hardware

Word count: 100

Characters: Abby, Connor

Rating: U
Written for P100 challenge 432: Asteroids, meteors and stuff from space.

AN: Be careful what you wish for.


Night had fallen while the SF team loaded trucks and cleared post-anomaly detritus. Connor leaned against a tree and picked out constellations. Abby sat cross-legged on the ground nearby.

Wait, was that star moving? It was!

“Look, Abby! A shooting star! Make a wish.”

“Really, Connor?”

“Go on!”

“There,” she said. “Happy now?”


All at once she seemed impatient. “You finished here?”

“Nearly,” said Connor. “One last check.”

“I really want to get going. Listen, Conn, d’you mind swapping rides home? You go with the SF guys and I’ll take Stephen.” She sprang up, “Smashing! I knew you’d understand.”


primeval, abby, connor, drabble

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