Primeval fic: The Morning After

Mar 04, 2014 22:31

Title: The Morning After

Word count: 100
Rating: PG-13
Characters: Abby/Connor
Written for P100 challenge 356: Scene of the crime


They must be here somewhere. Abby scrunched her eyes and replayed yesterday’s events. There’d been an incursion and a young phosphatherium had been shot leaving its mother squealing disconsolately.

She never cried.

But somehow she was sobbing in Connor’s arms and one thing led to another and... She watched him sleeping on the floor of the lab. He’d think it meant something.

She’d worry about that later.

Her face and hair were a mess. She was going to have to do the walk of shame across the central atrium. And she was going to have to do it without knickers.

primeval, abby/connor, abby, connor, drabble

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