Welcome to
ftm! Please read the
tags and
memories before posting questions, as your question may well have been answered already.
(This post is a permanent work in progress.)
Thanks to
danielray for
originally compiling these! (Please comment to add new ones. Once they've been added, in an effort to keep things clean and not have a huge nro-longer-relevant list to scroll through, your comment will be deleted.)
___passing___ Passing advice.
_ftm_ Alternate general FTM community.
_hmm "Celebrating gender difference in all its forms."
ftm This community!
ftm_meets_world A place for transguys to talk about guy issues (as opposed to passing issues).
ftmgaragesale Sell clothes or items you no longer need to other FTMs.
ftmresources FTM resources.
genderqueer For genderqueer and non-binary-identified folks.
genderswapshop Exchange clothes or items you no longer need with other Trans folks.
mtf General community for MTFs and allies.
newtrans For Trans people who are newly out or new to Trans communities.
non_binary For non-binary-identified folks who are beyond the initial stages of identity questioning.
tranny_please General advice.
tranny_rage For raging/venting on Trans-related topics.
trans_201 For discussion of Trans issues beyond the basic 101 stuff.
trans_studies For people to post requests for help with research projects regarding Trans or gender issues.
transgender General Trans community.
transmentors To match up people who identify as Transgender, genderqueer, etc. with others who can act as mentors.
trueselves For Trans folks who are part of generation X or subsequent generations.
tssupport General Trans community.
underworks_swap Exchange of Underworks binders
Various identities under Trans umbrellas
alternatrans For people who identify outside the mainstream in addition to being Trans.
androgynes Androgyne: A person whose biological sex is not readily apparent, whether owing to chance or choice.
androgyny_ru Russian androgynes community
any_bodied_men Community for Transmen and cismen who are attracted to men
bigender Bigendered (n.) One who has a significant gender identity that encompasses both genders, masculine and feminine.
birls For androgynous/boyish/masculine females and those who don't let their sex define who they are
birlzine An online zine for birls
boisfemmesinbed For boi-identified individuals who like femme-identified individuals and vice versa.
boy2boitrans For masculine MTFs
butchfemme Discussion relating to the Butch/Femme dynamic
crossdressing For folks who crossdress
drag_kings For drag kings
dragkingfags For drag kings attracted to other drag kings and/or other masculine people
dragkingtips For drag kings to exchange tips on passing and performance
dragqueens For drag queens
dyke_androgyny For androgynous lesbian-identified folks
femboysfrmvenus For gay men who regard themselves as genderqueer, girly boy, androgynous, non-manly and fem males.
femme_ftm For femme-identified FTMs
ftm_leather_bar An online Leather Bar for FTMs and their admirers.
ftmen For transitioned (FTM) men to discuss issues they specifically face
genderfuck To discuss gender in general, and to question and make observations about gender
genderoutlaws For those who identify as transsexual, Transgender, gender variant, intersex, genderqueer, etc. (and allies) who are committed to radical politics, action, thinking and a global perspective.
genderqueer For those who don't fit into one or the other of the binary genders
gender_fucked Hate-free community to express one's self, gender, and sexuality.
girlfags For female-bodied folks who are attracted to and/or identify as gay men
intergender Between, around, over, under, and through gender
leather_outlaws For kinky and leather Trans/genderqueer/etc.-identified folk and allies.
leatherftms For FTMs in the leather community.
maletomale For FTM individuals who feel that, even if they are undergoing/underwent a physical transition, they have always been male
non_binary For non-binary-identified folks who are beyond the initial stages of identity questioning.
normal_guys For FTMs who are straight-identified and stealth.
queer_ftm For FTMs who identify as queer.
queerdammit For queer-identified folks in straight-appearing relationships.
str8_cds For straight-identified crossdressers.
trans_bdsm For Trans-identified folks into BDSM.
trans_kink For Trans-identified kinky folks.
transgays For gay/bi/queer-identified FTMs, partners, and friends.
trannyfags For gay/bi/queer-identified FTMs, partners, and friends.
transenough Community to discuss when we feel as though we are not Trans enough, man enough, woman enough, androgynous enough, or gendered enough
transexualmen For transsexual men
ts4change For men and women of transsexual experience to discuss issues related to identifying within the gender binary and navigating the Transgender community
Issues relating to transition or not transitioning
almost_trans For people considering or on the verge of entering physical transition
closeted_ftm For FTMs who are out to themselves but not others.
ftmsurgeryinfo Info about various surgeries related to FTM transition.
herbal_t For discussing herbs, foods, etc. that support or boost T (testosterone) levels.
honesttrans For Trans/genderqueer/etc.-identified people who are out and open about their Trans/genderqueer/etc. status.
our_own_path For Trans+ folks who are struggling with, have decided against, or have started and stopped medical transition.
queeredbodies For genderqueer-identified folks who are modifying or considering modifying their bodies
startingt To discuss the first few months to a year of being on testosterone.
stopping_t To discuss stopping testosterone.
testosterone For FTMs to discuss T-related issues.
trans_coverage Discussing getting insurance coverage for various parts of medical transition
trans_stealth For Trans-identified people who prefer, would like to be, or are currently stealth in some or all parts of their lives.
Specific identities, affiliations, and situations not specifically related to gender identity or sexual orientation
aspie_trans For Trans-identified people who are also dealing with Asperger's or autism (anywhere on the spectrum).
disabledtrans For Trans-identified people who are also disabled.
ftm_in_the_arts For FTM-spectrum folk who are artists of any sort.
ftm_youth For FTM youth (generally taken to mean early 20s or younger)
ftms_of_color For FTM-identified people of colour
ftmstudents For FTMs who are currently students
glbtq_disabled For GLBT-etc. people who are also disabled.
gq_survivors For genderqueer-identified survivors of abuse, be it mental, emotional, physical, or sexual.
gqwriters For writers who are members of the genderqueer/queer communities, who may identify (among other things) as genderqueer, Trans, queer, allied or something else entirely.
kicked_out For Trans and genderqueer people who have lost or who anticipate losing parental support (emotional, housing, financial)
musicaltrans For Trans people who are musicians or aspiring musicians.
poly_queer For people who identify as both polyamorous and queer, wherever their attractions lie.
queer_ldr For GLBT-etc. identified folks in long distance relationships.
queerandsober For GLBT-etc. identified folks who are living drink/drug free or want to limit their drink/drug intake.
queersurvivors For GLBT-etc. identified survivors of any sort of abuse or assault
sapphos_ed For queers with eating disorders.
studs_of_color For stud/butch lesbians of colour to post pics and show off what they have and communicate with each other.
tgpos For Transgender people of size. Pro-Trans and pro-size.
trans_academics For academic discussions of Trans stuff, gender, etc.
trans_artist For Trans-identified folk who are artists of any sort.
trans_comicgeek For Trans-identified folk who are into comics.
trans_ed For Trans-identified folk with eating disorders.
trans_espanol For Spanish-speaking Trans-identified people. (Para hispanohablantes quien son transgéneros o transexuales.)
trans_fibro_cfs For Trans-identified folk who have fibromyalgia or chronic fatigue syndrome.
trans_healing For Trans and genderqueer people who have experienced or are experiencing abusive and/or toxic families or other authority figures
trans_m_arts For Trans people into martial arts
trans_poc For Trans-identified people of colour
trans_skinart For the decorated FTMs and MTFs of the Trans community.
transabusevic For Trans-identified survivors of any sort of abuse or assault
transacademics For Trans people in the world of academia
transconsole For Trans people who are console gamers
transdads For FTM-spectrum folks who are already parents and already in transition - focused on being a Trans dad, not becoming one.
transfats For fat Trans people who don't apologise for their size.
transfurry For Trans folk who are involved in the furry community
transgamers For Trans people who are into MMORPGs
transmultiple For Trans people who are also on the multiple spectrum.
transparents Trans people and their partners who are or are tying to become parents
transpauper To discuss financial challenges in relation to being Trans
transradicals For anarchists, socialists, communists, and other radicals that identify as transsexual, Transgender, or genderqueer. Allies are welcome.
transteachers For people who are Trans-identified and work in a school system, whether as teachers, administrators, bus drivers, counsellors, janitorial staff, secretaries, etc.
transyouth For Trans youth (generally taken to mean early 20s or younger)
tranzsexworkers For Trans/genderqueer/intersex folks who work in any part of the sex trade, be it as an escort, erotic masseuse/masseur, porn star, etc.
youngtranswomen For younger MTF-spectrum folk, generally under 30 but not super-strict about the age limit.
For discussing specific topics
_rememberthem_ Based on the
Remembering Our Dead website.
abolishgender Conspiring to abolish gendered dress codes, gendered language, gendered career segregation, gendered behavioural patterns, gendered sexual preferences, and the gender salary gap.
aged_ftm For older Trans guys who want to discuss issues pertaining to being not-so-young.
birl_style A place where "birls" can rant, rave and post pictures of anything and everything to do with clothing and how it relates to gender
camptrans For supporters to discuss
Camp Trans and work together to make CT an even better space.
couples_like_us For people whose gender roles are often the opposite of what people would expect, who happen to like their partners the same way.
dot_trans_snark Oriented to snark in response to Transphobic comments.
fem_tg_bklist A forum for the discussion of Feminist and Gender Theory literature
ftm_in_bed To discuss issues of sex and sexuality in relation to being FTM
ftm_lateryears Beyond transition - "Now what?" (FTM only)
ftm_pcos For FTMs with PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome)
ftmfit Discussion of health and fitness as an FTM person
ftmsurgeryinfo To discuss FTM-related surgeries
gender_petition Join to add your name to a petition to allow more than two options for sex when joining LJ.
genderotica Porn-posting community (stories and pictures) for Transfolk and friends. (18+ only)
hirstory Writing an informal textbook for/about gender-different people, who seldom find representation in mainstream education.
mtf_fashion for transwomen and MTF-spectrum folks (at any stage of transition) to discuss clothing, makeup and fashion
mtfinbed To discuss issues of sex and sexuality in relation to being MTF
namechange Discuss the hows and the whys of name changes
packersnpacking For discussions of packers and packing, particularly making your own packer.
queeractivism For GLBT-etc. folks to discuss activism.
queerconference Spread the word and get news about assorted queer conferences around the world.
small_victories Trans-specific version of
share_good_news - a place to share the little Trans-related positive things that happen in our lives.
tg_sex For talking about sex between both Trans people and partners in a pro-sex manner. To help people get through sexual problems when they arise. (18+)
this_blows Community for LGBTIQQ people dealing with grief, loss, or crisis.
trans_psych For Trans people living with emotional and/or mental health problems, whether their own or their partner's.
trans_si For Trans-identified people who want to discuss self-injury.
transfeminism To discuss the personal, social, political and academic intersections of gender diverse identities with that of the feminist movements. All gender identities are welcome.
transfeminismuk UK-specific branch of
transfinance For Trans-identified people to discuss how to reach financial goals, whether to aid in their current transition plans or not.
transhealth Discussion of issues related to the health of Trans people: physically, mentally, emotionally, etc.
transnews News relevant to Trans people
transletters Coming out letters, letters from therapists and surgeons, name change forms, and other correspondence related to coming out and transition
transparents For Trans people who are parents.
transrcyclist For Trans cyclists.
transvoice For Trans people who want help with voice modification techniques
tsa For Trans people into fandoms and/or slash.
wrongbathroom Stories and support around passing as one's correct or incorrect gender or not visually fitting into people's gendered expectations
For partners, friends, and allies
actgp Adult children of Trans parents
allybootcamp For members of the community as well, helping everyone to become better allies to each other
any_bodied_men Community for Transmen and cismen who are attracted to men
couples_like_us For people whose gender roles are often the opposite of what people would expect, who happen to like their partners the same way.
ftm_partners For partners of FTMs
joinedbylove For GLBT, queer, etc. families, à la
m2fandpartners For MTFs and their partners
mtf_partners For partners of MTFs
mygirlyman For people who love boys dressed as girls
mykidistrans For parents of Trans folk
partners_of_ftm For partners of FTMs
partners_of_tg For partners of Trans people
partnersoftsmen For partners of transsexual men
pflag For GLBT, queer, etc. families. See also
philasoffas For SOFFAs of Trans folks in the Philadelphia area in the United States.
poly_queer For people who identify as both polyamorous and queer, wherever their attractions lie.
str8tmenandftms For straight cismen partnered to FTMs and FTMs partnered to straight cismen
tg_sex For talking about sex between both Trans people and partners in a pro-sex manner. To help people get through sexual problems when they arise. (18+)
tlovest For Trans people who are attracted to, seeking, or partnered to other Trans people
tomboy4transguy For tomboys, studs, butches, TG butches, Transguys, etc. who love Transguys and the Transguys who love them
trannydykes For Trans women who love other Trans women.
trans_marriage For Trans people and their partners who are married, engaged, thinking of getting married or want information on Trans marriage.
trans_relshps For Trans people and their partners, regardless of gender identity or sexual orientation
trans_sensual Transgender love in all forms
transpartners For partners of Trans people
women_w_ftms For women partnered with FTMs
Religious/spiritual groups
glbt_pagan For GLBT, queer, etc. Pagans
modern_gallae For modern gallae, and other Trans folk who feel that their Transgender experience is, above all, a spiritual thing.
one_in_a_minyan For GLBT, queer, etc. Jews
queer_atheists For queer-identified people who are also atheists or agnostics
queer_spiritual For queer-identified people to discuss religion and spirituality.
tgpaganzine Trans/Pagan ezine. Submit your writing, photos, or anything else creative.
trans_jews For Trans-identified people who are also Jewish or interested in Judaism
trans_magic For Trans Pagans
transchristian For Christian Trans people
transmuslims For Muslim Trans people
transuu For Unitarian Universalist Trans people
x_ftm For Christian FTMs
Regional groups
aussie_tg Australia
australian_ftm Australia (FTM only)
baltiwash_trans Baltimore/Washington, DC area, United States
bayarea_ftm San Francisco Bay area, United States (FTM only)
bc_genderqueer British Columbia, Canada
chicagotransmen Chicago area, United States (FTM only)
florida_boi_b_q South Florida, United States (FTM only)
floridaftm Florida, United States (FTM specific)
floridatrans Florida, United States
ftm_asia For those anywhere in Asia or who are of Asian descent (FTM only)
ftm_boston Boston, Massachusetts, United States (FTM only)
ftm_nw Northwest region of the United States (FTM only)
ftm_ny New York state, United States (FTM only)
ftmhookupne Northeast United States. Primarily for dating.
ftmwesternmass Western Massachusetts, United States (FTM only)
glbt_longisland Long Island, New York, United States (GLBT generally, not just Trans)
longislandftm Long Island, New York, United States (FTM only)
maine_ftm Maine, United States (FTM only)
melbourne_tg Melbourne, Australia
mississippi_tg Mississippi, United States
nc_ftm North Carolina, United States (FTM only)
njftm New Jersey, United States (FTM only)
nola_trans New Orleans, Louisiana, United States
ozarks_tg Ozarks region, United States
paftm Pennsylvania, United States (FTM only)
philly_ftm Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States (FTM only)
phillytrans Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States
queermalaysians Malaysia. For all GLBTQetc. folks, not just Trans folks.
rtrans University of Rochester Counseling Centre Gender Identity Group, Rochester, New York, United States
ru_ftm Russia (FTM only)
ru_trans Russia
ru_transgender Russia: "Сообщество трансгендеров"
socal_trans Southern California, United States
taugammabeta Tallahassee, Florida, United States
tguk United Kingdom
tmgp Melbourne, Australia
trans_atlanta Atlanta, Georgia, United States
trans_davis Davis Square, Somerville, Massachusetts, United States
trans_indiana Indiana, United States
trans_ne New England, United States
trans_portland Portland, Oregon, United States
trans_youth_ott Ottawa, Canada. For youth.
transcanada Canada
transdc District of Columbia, United States
transdurham Durham area, Ontario, Canada
transfeminismuk UK-specific branch of
transgender_ok Oklahoma, United States
transireland Ireland
transmichigan Michigan, United States
transohio Ohio, United States
transseattle Seattle, Washington, United States
transstudents United Kingdom. For students.
transtexas Texas, United States
transtoronto Toronto, Canada
uk_trans_men United Kingdom (FTM only)
voltrans Istanbul, Turkey (FTM only)
western_ma_m4m Western Massachusetts, United States. For gay, bisexual, bi-curious, and Transgender men.
wimnill_trans For Trans-identified people and SOFFAs in or from Wisconsin, Minnesota, and/or Illinois, United States
Photo posting communities (non-rating)
boysboisboyz Sexually explicit self-portraits of Trans people who identify as male, masculine, FTM, genderqueer, boy, boi, butch, etc. (18+)
ftm_pre_2_post For FTMs to share stories and pictures of being pre-hormones/surgery and those of post-hormones/surgery.
ftmundressed Sexually explicit self-portraits of (usually transitioned) FTMs (18+)
ftmvanity Non-sexually explicit self-portraits of FTMs
genderotica Sexually explicit self-portraits of Trans-identified people of all flavours (18+)
genderqrvanity Non-sexually explicit self-portraits of genderqueer folk
glamour_bois For boys who wear make-up, guys who cross-dress, or girls who have tips!
mtf_undressed Sexually explicit self-portraits of (usually transitioned) MTFs (18+)
mygirlyman For folks who love boys who dress like girls, whether you're just an admirer or you're in a relationship with a lovely boi.
pretty_bois Photos of boi-identified people
trans_skinart For the decorated FTMs and MTFs of the Trans community.
transphoto Transition and other photos of Trans-identified people
turtlecocks For men who are growers, not showers. Sexually explicit. (18+)
Syndicated Feeds (
What's a syndicated feed?)
dykestwofstrip News about Alison Bechdel's comic strip Dykes to Watch Out For, and her graphic novel Fun Home.
ethan_stpierre FTM activist Ethan St Pierre's blog.
femmeguy_feed Blog about non-masculine/effeminate/femme guys.
glblvoices_glbt Blogs from around the world, translated into English, on GLBT issues.
katebornstein Kate Bornstein's Blog for Teens, Freaks and Other Outlaws.
pressforchange Press For Change's news updates.
q_transphobia Questioning Transphobia
trans_political Blog of Vanessa Edwards Foster, Former President & Co-Founder of National Transgender Advocacy Coalition (NTAC) and President of the Texas Gender Advocacy & Information Network (TGAIN)
transadvocate2 Transadvocate.com exists to give a voice for Transgender advocates in the ever growing blogosphere. Similar to
transgriot A blog by Monica Roberts, a Black MTF writer who transitioned in 1994, award winning activist, native Houstonian and Texan who migrated to Kentucky.
transgroupblog A working group of writers who have written about Trans topics. Intended to give voice to a diversity of voices within the Trans community.
transworkfeed For HR and Diversity professionals who are faced with issues of "Transgender workplace diversity".
venusenvy_daily Alerts you when a new
Venus Envy comic is up.
Organisations/groups/resource sites
http://t-vox.org/http://antijen.org/http://transfamily.org/http://ftm.org.uk/ - FTM UK
http://ganimede.transboys.info/links.htmlhttp://ftmichael.transboys.info/links.htmlhttp://www.pfc.org.uk/ - Press for change (UK)
http://t-vox.org/index.php?title=Online_Supporthttp://ganimede.transboys.info/resources.html (UK)
http://community.pflag.org/NETCOMMUNITY/Page.aspx?pid=266 - PFLAG's TNET (Transgender Network)
Places to chat/connect
http://tgboards.com/http://ftmmentors.org/http://transmentors.org/http://forum.trueselves.com/http://t-vox.org/index.php?title=Chathttp://ftmichael.transboys.info/yayforqueers.htmlhttp://t-vox.org/index.php?title=Online_Support#Chatshttp://butch-femme.co.uk/ - For butches, femmes, and Transguys
http://lgbtyouth.org/community/ - The UK's National LGBT Youth Organisation
FTM Passing Tips
http://t-vox.org/index.php?title=FTM_passing_tips MTF Passing Tips
http://t-vox.org/index.php?title=MTF_passing_tips Surgery Information
http://transbucket.com/http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ftmsurgeryinfo/ Personals/Dating/Partners Groups
http://t-vox.org/index.php?title=Online_Support#Partnershttp://t-vox.org/index.php?title=Online_Support#Partners_2http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ftm_cupids_arrow/ - personals list for FTMs and those who want to date them.
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/anybodiedmenaz/ - for guys, whether Trans or cisgender, in Arizona, United States, who are looking for guys (whether Trans or cis) to date.
Special Interest Groups
http://antijen.org/ - for youth
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/gqtgparenting/ - for potential or current parents
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/teentransman/ - for FTM-spectrum folk 25 and under
http://tech.groups.yahoo.com/group/genderphotography/ - for photographers of any skill level who have explored or want to explore gender concepts in their photography.
Regional Groups
http://morf.org.uk/ - Manchester, England (FTM only)
http://forge-forward.org/ - Wisconsin, United States
http://ftmlondon.co.uk/ - London, England (FTM only)
http://westernboys.co.uk/ - Western England (FTM only)
http://t-vox.org/index.php?title=Online_Support#Local_Groupshttp://t-vox.org/index.php?title=Online_Support#Local_Groups_2http://compassftm.org/ - Massachusetts, United States (FTM only)
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ftm-uk/ - United Kingdom (FTM only)
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/transfolk/ - St Louis area, Missouri, United States
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/coqsure/ - Portland, Oregon, United States (FTM only)
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/pdx_ftm/ - Portland, Oregon, United States (FTM only)
http://groups.google.com/group/trans_genderqueer_pnw - Pacific Northwest United States
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/vanguys/ - Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada (FTM only)