
Dec 22, 2008 02:08

This is pretty much vital reading for any new players arriving at BubbleVoid, or even just as a refresher. Due to BubbleVoid's theme of constant change and adaptation, introduced concepts are recorded here for easy access.

The !concepts tag in the main community will bring up the implementation posts, while the !upcoming tag in the OOC community provides an opportunity to discuss what could be done with upcoming concepts. Upcoming concepts will also be listed here on the timeline and edited periodically to reflect their status.

ೂPreexisting: Flying space-fish.
Space would appear to be quite a nice habitat for fish, or at least the kind of space the Void supplies. Occasionally, you might spot one... and who knows, if you catch one it might be quite tasty.
     Introduced by Espio the Chameleon of Sonic the Comic.

ೂPreexisting: Omni-gel.
Omni-gel is a technological material that can be obtained by breaking down unwanted items. Doing so will usually give you 4 omni-gel per item. It is designed to do electronics or decryption work. Omni-gel can also be used to repair vehicles, though doing so requires the vehicle to be temporarily off-line. Omni-gel is composed of common, reusable industrial plastics, ceramics, and light alloys kept in a semi-molten state.
     Introduced by Tali'Zorah of Mass Effect.

ೂJan. 10: Life energy. Narrative Discussion
This is a cumulative change; it will be gradually introduced to the Network. So far it's understood as a combination of mana and the Force. Life energy can be used by those attuned to it in any number of ways: offensively, defensively, psychically, and so on. It is the common denominator in all living beings, sentient or otherwise - that which causes it to be alive.
     Introduced by Revan of Star Wars: KotOR and Sheena Fujibayashi of Tales of Symphonia.

ೂFeb 12: Exspheres. Narrative Discussion
Exspheres are small, gem-like stones which occur naturally in Tethe'alla. To begin with, they are dormant - however, if they come into contact with a life form, they act as something of a parasite. They gradually absorb the life energy (mana) of the holder, and essentially become an extension of them. If removed, the life form's mana whirls out of control and causes a mutation. An exsphere which has already absorbed lives can augment the physical capabilities of another holder. A particularly advanced exsphere is known as a Cruxis Crystal. The parasitic nature of the exsphere can be held back through the use of an item called a "key crest," a dwarven charm engraved in a special ore, which is used as a mount for the exsphere.
     Introduced by Zelos Wilder of Tales of Symphonia.

ೂFeb 15: Moons. Narrative Discussion
In Arcadia, there are six moons - Red, Green, Blue, Yellow, Purple, and Silver - each representing a different source of power. Red magic revolves around fire and strengthens your comrades. Green can both poison and heal. Blue releases floods, quickens your pace, and puts your enemies to sleep. Yellow calls upon lightning and weakens your opponents. Purple attacks with ice and confuses your enemies. And Silver can instantly heal or kill. One may learn the magic associated with any of the moons by obtaining a stone that fell from the respective Moon.

The Moons are essential to Arcadian culture. Around them the Six Nations formed, and they are what enables entire continents to float in a world that only has a sky. But they can be a herald of woe as well - moonstones fall just like asteroids, and can cause massive destruction. Should the power of the Moons be concentrated, immensely powerful weapons could be made. And should the power of all the Moons be combined, something of unimaginable power would emerge.
     Introduced by Fina and Ramirez of Skies of Arcadia.

ೂFeb 16: The Flower. Narrative
This is a small, cumulative change which introduces plantlife into the Network's Residential Zone.
     Special small change.

ೂMarch 23: Fonon Frequency. Narrative Discussion
Fonon Frequency works like finger prints. Everything seems to have a certain frequency, even the sentients of typical fonons. Everyone has a different fonon frequency. There are also complete isotopes when two people have the exact same fonon frequency as each other, although that only works for originals and replicas.

As an additional effect, discussed here, characters who have the same frequency (more specifically, AU and OU duplicates) have been granted the ability to share their thoughts with one another.
     Introduced by Anise Tatlin of Tales of the Abyss.

ೂApril 19: Rose Gardens. Narrative Discussion
This would be an extension of the living things concept. Expansive rose gardens - not the type you'd find in a small garden, but huge lengths of vines covering entire buildings.
     Introduced by Count Dooku of Star Wars.

ೂApril 25: The Dark Hour. Narrative Discussion
When the clock strikes 12:00, the entire void's scenery changes from it's constant daytime atmosphere to a night time atmosphere. However, it's gotten night completely wrong, and models it exactly after the Dark Hour from the Persona 3 universe--all water and liquid will turn into blood (or be blood-colored; this is never specified in-game XD;), the clouds in the sky and the atmosphere (if it exists) turn shades of green, any moons that aren't already a green-yellow and glowing eerily will become so, and random objects will turn into red, crystalline coffins.

While you could turn some already-there objects into coffins, the coffins could also simply appear when the time comes. Once it's 1:01 am, the Void will restore itself back to it's daytime-like atmosphere and lighting.
     Introduced by Ryoji Mochizuki of Persona 3.

ೂJune 5: Butterflies. Narrative Discussion
Now that the Void has flowering plants, the next step is to bring in some butterflies. However, it doesn't seem to know what a normal butterfly looks like, instead making them look like the ones that gave Pretty Cure 5 their powers. They are therefore about the size of an open hand, they come in all the colours of the rainbow, and they sparkle. Unlike the Yes! Precure 5 butterflies, though, they will not actually give you magical powers, nor will they turn into wristwatches, cell phones or any other mechanical device. They're just weird-looking butterflies.
     Introduced by Nozomi Yumehara of Yes! Precure 5.

ೂJune 12: Rain. Narrative
Although the weather usually remained constantly dry, during this period (between the start of this event and the final appearance of the Lake described below) the Network was pelted with heavy rain.
     Special change.

ೂJune 20: Earth Jigsaw. Narrative
For some time, from this event until the Wilderness post, giant lumps of earth could be seen shaping themselves in the sky just beyond the Landing Zone, apparently trying to come up with a suitable design.
     Special change.

ೂJune 22: Floating Forest. Narrative
With incredible speed, a forest randomly grew from the side of the Residential Zone. Nuts and berries are available in abundance - partly due to the Void's current inability to understand time - but care must be taken as, for the most part, only roots and sky will be underfoot for quite some time.
     Special change.

ೂJuly 1: The Lake. Narrative
During the last three days of rain, the Hub was flooded and has since become a lake. While the insides of the buildings, as well as the train station, are dry and somehow protected, getting across the water can be problematic without aid.
     Special change.

ೂJuly 15: Cats. Narrative Discussion
The Void is suddenly populated with a healthy colony of ordinary cats. However, they are all calico, much like the cat Kyon owns.
     Introduced by [AU] Kyon of The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya

ೂJuly 23: Wilderness Narrative
The final product of the shifting earth. Spreading out from the Landing Zone, away from the main Network (and thus, only accessible by train) is a large, rocky and wild desert area. For some unknown reason, this area is warmer than anywhere else. It also came populated by wild animals.
     Special change.

ೂJuly 23: Mole-Pigs. Narrative Discussion
In Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann, all the animals are massively screwed up. Like, you got racoonbirds, grapehippos, sharkcats (no wait, that's just Viral...) like in Avatar with their turtleducks.

Well a mole-pig is this half-mole, half-pig thing (though it really looks nothing like either...? What are you doin', Gainax?) that lives underground and is generally extremely large, big enough for a full grown man and a child to ride on. They're really good at tunneling and seem to live in large groups. They can be domesticated and eaten, too!
     Introduced by Simon of Gurren Lagann: Gurren Gakuenhen

ೂJuly 23: Zubats. Narrative Discussion
Zubat, the eternal scourge of anyone who plays Pokemon games. They haunt caves and other dark places by day, but by night they are everywhere. These blind, blood-sucking, bat-like Pokemon are generally quite weak, but they are sometimes capable of rendering their victims senseless to the extent of harming themselves by way of supersonic waves.

Rather than a danger, these are a severe annoyance. If they weren’t so common, or if they didn’t shriek so obnoxiously loudly, they wouldn’t be a problem. As it is, carry a stick and most people will be able to pass by unhurt. Take care if you are bitten- your blood will serve to heal them and make them stronger.
     Introduced by Mewtwo of Pokémon

ೂJuly 25: Minus Wave. Narrative Discussion
The Minus Wave was created as a side effect of combining magic and science to resurrect the demon king Gyuumaoh. It causes demons to go berserk and hunger for human flesh. Children and those with strong wills can usually hold off the effects of the Wave and ignore the blood lust while those exposed to the Wave for a long enough period can go back to being relatively sane, but with their sense of values mildly warped to believe killing and consuming human flesh all right.

For Bubblevoid I propose the Minus Wave goes into effect during the Dark Hour to help enhance how dangerous it would be. For more interest and variety, I think it shouldn't effect only demons, but any character with some sort of mystical quality such as werewolves, split personalities, latent "dark sides," etc., at the player's discretion.
     Introduced by Ukoku Sanzo of Saiyuki

ೂAugust 30: Underground. Narrative Discussion
In The World Ends With You, the dead Players end up in the UG, the Underground. It's not a separate dimension or anything, but rather it's a slightly higher frequency of existence. People in the UG can observe those in the RG, the Realground, or normal world, perfectly fine, though they cannot interact with them. However, those in the RG cannot see those in the UG.

The proposed change would be the existence of the UG. To tie in with other concepts from other universes, the UG can be the explanation of where ghosts and spirits reside, and those with powers to sense such things would have the ability to see those with a higher frequency.
     Introduced by [AU] Rhyme Minamimoto of The World Ends With You

ೂSeptember 25: Ramen Noodles. Narrative Discussion
You know those lovely bowls of steaming hot noodles in steaming hot broths with any manner of different ingredients thrown in to spruce up the flavor? With it's enticing aroma and its attractive (or not so attractive if you are woefully inept) appearance. It's as much a form of expression and endearment as it is a delicacy to partake in. some might even call it the truest magic of culinary arts. That...is ramen.
     Introduced by [AU] Koki Kariya of The World Ends With You

ೂOctober 10: Rainbow of Light. Narrative Discussion
We have too much darkness, so have the Rainbow of Light! Your average prism, in the Void, can now fight the Darkness and heal those affected by it.
     Introduced by Firefly of My Little Pony

ೂOctober 30: Air Bubbles. Narrative Discussion
In Sonic's world, long passages of water will conveniently possess constantly-replenishing air bubbles big enough to breathe in, enabling even someone who can't swim to survive for long periods of time underwater if they can get to them. So basically, what they say on the tin.
     Introduced by Sonic of Sonic the Hedgehog

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