
Feb 15, 2009 15:16

The sky here was always changing, so it would not have been a surprise to anyone that coloured spheres were forming within view of the Network. At first, they appeared blurry and indistinct, but before long they appeared clear, solid and very real. These spheres, these six moons of different colours, were just as solid as the Network. The surprising thing was that they simply did not disappear.

Each of the moons could be best seen from a different part of the Network. Green was clearest from the Residential Zone, Blue from the Hub, Purple from the Observatory, Yellow from the Laboratory, Red from the Landing Zone. Silver, however, could be seen clearly from almost anywhere, seeming almost perfectly centred above the Network.

It could not be said how far they were from here, nor could their exact size be identified, but by far the brightest of these moons was the silver one. This moon seemed to possess a strange energy, very similar to the one which had weaved itself into all life here. In comparison, all others seemed somehow quiet, as though dormant. Perhaps they were waiting for something?


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