(no subject)

Feb 13, 2009 12:54

Who: Sheena [AU] (alwaysatraitor) and Zelos [AU] (past_chosen) [CLOSED TO OTHERS]
What: Sheena went to relax. Is a little relaxation so much to ask?
Where: The Hub; Communal Bathhouse.
When: Maybe about a half an hour after the end of this conversation?

Who knew that the appearance of such a small crystal could cause a huge load of stress for her?

Sheena sighed to herself, leaning back in the bath and frowning. As if this place weren't stressful enough as it was .. why did there have to be expheres, of all things? She brought her hand up, level with her face. It was no longer there, but ...

She rested that hand in the water again, and closed her eyes.

"Shit." She murmured, "Relax. Thinking about it isn't relaxing, Sheena."

There she goes, talking to herself again.

"You're taking a bath, damn it! Relax already!" She chided herself, allowing a small smile to cross her lips.

It wasn't working. She frowned again, lowering herself into the water enough so that long, dark hair caught in the water and splayed out about her, the only thing visible above water being her eyes.

This wasn't doing much good.
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