Mechanist in the house~

Feb 15, 2009 11:01

Who: Tali and anyone else! Completely open. :)
What: The resident mechanist is figuring out what's what. Feel free to nag her, she'll be more than happy to do electronic or mechanical stuff for you.
Where: The lift that goes to the residential zone from the main area of the Hub.
When: Early afternoon.

Tali knelt on one knee in front of the control panel. Her left forearm was encased in bright, steady orange light - her omni-tool which she was using to examine the mechanics of the lift. Thankfully her omni-tool also had the basic tools needed to manipulate electrics, so she removed the cover of the controls and poked around inside with confidence.

She might be stuck here, but there was no reason that meant she had to sit around and mope. Truthfully, this place reminded her somewhat of the flotilla: everything was broken. It was definitely a lot less populated, though.
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