
Oct 30, 2009 03:01

For the most part the water in the Hub had stayed perfectly still: a puddle with no place to go, contained by whatever laws of physics the Void had deemed fit to apply, not able to even seep into the ground. It was nothing more than an obstacle to those who got off the train, and certainly not dangerous.

Like anything else in this place, however, it too was subject to change.

Somehow, it seemed that air was slowly seeping up from various places here and there below the lake. Soon, large bubbles, filled with air just as breathable as any other, began to rise through the water - up and up, out of the water and into the sky on an apparently endless journey, to be replaced by more bubbles once they disappeared out of sight.

Would anyone even realise they were a handy air supply, or would it just be another weird addition to this place?


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