Getting this up, too....

Nov 04, 2009 13:53

Who: Itsuki and Kyonko
What: They get together to discuss what's been going on in the Void lately. Namely, Kyonko being sick of lying to Haruhi, the disappearance of Kyon (again) and Yuki, and the fact the Kyons had been hearing one another's thoughts for a good long while....
Where: The observatory!
When: Shortly after THIS BBS post.

'You know, for all the times I wind up here I may as well move in. I go here for privacy, when I need to talk to someone, when I need to be alone.... Sigh. When did I start getting spots of my own here, anyway? When did I start asking girl-Itsuko to talk and.... well, when did I ever ask Itsuko to talk about anything? She usually just invited herself into everything!'

Kyonko sighed, wearing the frilly monstrosity again and not caring for once, hands in her pockets while she headed for the Observatory. She'd thought if she'd put it on of her own free will Haruhi would cheer up somewhat. Or at least be less annoyed with her. It hadn't worked at all and now here Kyonko was completely humiliated and about to face another humiliation. She hated to admit it, but Koizumi made her nervous and not in either the "schoolgirl-with-a-crush" or "goddammit-it's-Itsuko-as-a-guy" way.

'Then again, when I was hurt....'

Her face burned for a moment before she continued on. 'No need to think about that now, y'hear?'

That in mind she entered the observatory and checked to see if anyone else was there, or if girl-Itsuko had gotten there first.
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