Episode Notes: Due South "Heaven and Earth"

Apr 08, 2007 15:29

I know *nothing* about this episode except that aingeal8c said that it's good. I don't recognize the title or anything.

All I know is that it's the last buffer between me and Victoria's Secret. ::whimper::

On with the show....

After-watching note: Wow! That was a really very satisfying episode, quite enjoyable, with engaging characters and slashy like woah. Even Frannie didn't annoy me this time. Well not much!

Very nice!

spikedluv has an excellent collection of quotes from Heaven and Earth. You should definitely go check those out!

Notes on watching Heaven and Earth:

--So is this Frasers dream or is it from one of these girls? I was going along just fine with it being from one of these girls, except that we keep seeing Fraser there.

--Oh wait, neither. It's this scraggly looking guy's. And he's got the girl's locket.

--Hmmm...this is an interesting setup. Very interesting indeed. :D

--Oh, I just saw the name Ramona Milano go by...that means Frannie's going to be in this one doesn't it? ::sigh::

--Heee!! I love that Fraser's there in the station confessing to Ray again. :D Heee! And Ray, as usual, doesn't want to hear it. :D

--Poor Ray's obviously having a crappy day (or days) and he's not pleased that Fraser just won't leave him alone.

--So what is it that Fraser feels a need to confess?

--Fraser had absolutely no idea that Frannie was interested in him until she showed up at his apartment in "less than requisite attire"??? SO GAY!!

--And Ray suddenly realizes what Fraser just said. :D

--So wait, was Fraser only confessing this because he thought Frannie'd mentioned it? Because as soon as it's clear that Frannie hadn't mentioned it, Fraser, literally, bolted.

--Heee!! Frannie to Elaine: "You know how a squirrel looks, just before you hit him?" Heeee!!

--So this time Ray's taking Fraser into the closet to talk. And Dief's already there? HEee!

--Heee!! Love Elaine finding them in the closet again. :D

--What the hell are the FBI doing here again? And FBI 1 and FBI 2, the same guys from Chinatown again!! :D

--Is this Scraggly-looking Guy played by George Carlin or is that just a hell of a resemblance?

--Nice shot of exhausted and exasperated Ray.

--Oooo!! So very pretty!!

--So what's Scraggly Guy accusing Fraser of? Being the one apparently but the one what? Because even the bits of scraggly dream we're getting from this guy show Fraser trying to help.

--Oh, dear!! Is this going to be one of those horrible "our heroes suspected by the authorities of something they didn't do" stories? I hate those. ::wibble::

--And it's not just any authorities, it's the uber-moronic FBI guys, who are incapable of reason or sense. Sigh.

--Heee, Ray's not giving FBI 1 an inch is he?

--Oh, yay, FBI 1 remembers Fraser. "Apparently embarrassing senior officials isn't your only talent."

--I really love how much Fraser gets from one brief encounter with Scraggly Guy! Nice!!

--Frannie's totally making shit up, isn't she? I get that Fraser's protecting Frannie's honor by not kissing and telling. But how is it damaging to her honor to *not* kiss and tell. I mean it's not like they did anything, though I'd still like to know how he got her out of his room, so why doesn't he protect her honor by saying that.

--Are they going from soup kitchen to soup kitchen looking for the right chili? Apparently they are.

--OH, and hey, they found the Scraggly Guy, now going after Fraser with a knife.

--Okay how is it that FBI 1 isn't mad at Fraser and Ray for finding Scraggly GUy? I guess because they found a guy he couldn't find. And they're letting him handle the interrogation.

--Is this the same public defender who was defending Willie in "Free Willie"? She sure looks awfully familiar.

--Oh, well that's surprisingly competent of FBI 1 to have realized that the photo in the paper didn't have the locket. Cool! Is he maybe less of a boob in this episode than he was in Chinatown?

--Oh, yay and FBI 1 realizes that Scraggly Guy was lying about Fraser. Yay!!

--Okay so scraggly guy's talking about having visions or something. Interesting. He didn't see anything, he's just having visions.

--Woah, and apparently Fraser's sharing them, because he's instantly getting that she's alive. Muy interesting.

--Wait, wait. So FBI 1 is mad that Fraser and Vecchio were watching the interrogation...why?? I mean they weren't interfering they were just watching. And who does he think found Scraggly Guy? It's obvious that they're still involved in the case, despite his warnings.

--Lordy pie, Frannie's talking to freakin' *everyone* isn't she? Like Welsh gives a shit about your fantasy life, Frannie!

--Oh, I love Fraser and Ray leading FBI 1 and FBI 2 around on a big old wild goose chase and then winding out back in the interrogation room so Fraser could talk to Scraggly Guy.

--Once again I am deeply in love with how gently and sensitively and sweetly Fraser handles people who are...well, people who live in subjective realities substantially different from the norm. He's just so kind and accepting about it.

--Love love love that Fraser's accepting that Scraggly Guy has visions. Also love that Ray isn't. Though, wait, Ray also talks to his dead father, right? So he ought to be a little bit accepting at least.

--This is such a perfect episode for Dead!Bob, does he show up?

--Fraser: "Well, Hamlet sees his father's ghost." Ray: "Yeah, and he also kills his uncle and spends entirely way too much time talking to skeletons." Fraser: "Well, I suppose that would follow." Heeeee!!

--Oh, I do love Elaine! "I can't vouch for Hamlet, but I'd watch out for Rosenkrantz and Guildenstern, if I were you." Heee!!

--I totally love Ray arguing with the FBI guys about whether Scraggly Guy's innocent.

--Okay, FBI 1's up to something nasty, because he's pretending to agree with Ray and I trust him about as far as I could throw the Riv.

--So pretty!

--Wait is FBI 1 *really* listening to them?? That can't be right.

--So wait, does Ray have his own swooning lady? Someone with eyes for him rather than Fraser?? Coolest!! He certainly deserves one, since Fraser has nearly every woman on the planet going moo-eyed over him. :D Anyway, this blonde who's smuggling him evidence is very nice.

--Wow!! Somehow Fraser's managed to convince Ray of the validity of Scraggly Guy's visions, and is here with the ransom note to try and engineer another one. Interesting.

--I still think FBI 1's just watching them and going to ride on their coattails. Or going to try and pin something on them because they have knowledge they're not supposed to have.

--Hmmm, the girl in the pit is shades of Silence of the Lambs. Hmmm....poor Scraggly Guy seeing all of that.

--Wait FBI 1 didn't make an ass of himself when he came in on that? Oh, he's just got FBI 2, Huey and Gardino following Scraggly Guy. Well, that's a waste of effort.

--Are Fraser and Vecchio at the drop site? Oh, yeah, there they are.

--Oh, there's the guy that Scraggly Guy saw. Pretty reliable vision there.

--Do they have a wire on Mr. Madison? If not, why not?

--Oh, FBI 1's a big horrible moron and convinced that Scraggly Guy's going after the girl? D'oh!!

--I didn't think scruffy, unshaven Ray was doing anything for me, but I'm starting to change my mind here. :D

--And I love that Ray immediately knows what's under the plaza they're looking at but the FBI bozos have no idea.

--Does FBI one have a wire on Fraser and Ray again? How did he figure out the parking garage.

--Oh, yay!! They actually clued into the right guy!! Though I do love that's Chicago PD and not the FBI who clued into suspecting this guy.

--Oh, I love this song!!

--And they managed not to be completely obsessive about Scraggly Guy, yay!

--Oh, and yay, the Riv is part of the chase. That's awesome!!

--I bet the kidnapper is going to be killed or badly injured in this chase and they're going to have to find the girl on their own. (What with there being 15 minutes left in the episode.)

--Is that FBI 1 with the light on *top of his car? (The Riv has it in the dash.

--Oh yeah, I was right. Here's the bad guy all blown up.

--Oh, I love Fraser trying to run up and save the guy, hopeless as it is! Of course, watching Fraser run is always one of my great pleasures. :D

--Love Ray running to Fraser!

--And making sure he's okay...::swoon::

--I keep expecting the other shoe to drop with FBI 1.

--I realize this isn't a great screencap, but I love Ray in this shot. :D

--Eeeee!! How much do I love that FBI 1's turning to the Mountie for help??!!! Enough that I'm squeaking about it here in the Starbucks. :D

--But the Mountie isn't there....nice.

--Ray's so cute stressing about Frannie here. He really doesn't want to have to wonder for the rest of forever whether or not Fraser slept with her. :D

--Ray: "It's stupid, right? I mean if I want anybody to sleep with my sister, and I'm not encouraging this, then I'd want it to be you." Fraser: "That's very generous of you, Ray." OMG, Ray looked like that admission was dragged out of him by main force and Fraser touched by the trust but doesn't quite seem to know what to make of it and OMG I'm just going to squeak a little in the happy place here because the rest of this conversation. ("But if you wound up with any of the Vecchios I hoped it would be me") is so freaking *obvious*.

--Oh, so they're looking for Scraggly Guy back at the soup kitchen they found him at. Good.

--Poor Scraggly Guy, he's been suffering from these visions for how long?? That sucks!


--And Fraser's so *sympathetic* to him. Sympathetic to the pain he goes through, but Fraser won't let him run away from helping them find the missing girl either. ::hugs Fraser, and Scraggly GUy::

--Oh, I love Fraser telling Scraggly Guy (whose name I finally heard, but it's too late now, he's Scraggly Guy forever more in my mind) that he has to look at and listen to his visions.

--Is Fraser going to put the whammy on him??

--Apparently so. Yay for Scraggly Guy being willing to help.

--What the hell is FBI 1 up to?? They don't even begin to know where to look, do they?? Are they just going to fly over the city randomly looking for the Riv or something?

--Good lord that's FBI 1's whole plan? Seriously?? Isn't Chicago a big city?

--Okay, there are Fraser and Scraggly Guy, where's Ray?

--Oh, okay, apparently he was hiding in a shadow.

--Yay! They found her! Good Diefenbaker! :D

--Oh, I love that Fraser's hearing the approaching helicopter! (Though how improbable is it that FBI 1's supid lousy plan is actually working and has him over the right part of the large city.)

--Oh, the helicopter is destabilizing the sand at the edges of the pit!!

--Oh, So much yay for Scraggly Guy jumping down there to help her out of the pit!! And I love the way Ray's holding onto Fraser while Fraser's helping the girl out.

--Oh, no!! Please tell me that Scraggly Guy doesn't get buried!!

--OH, I love Ray hooking the chain onto Fraser so he can pull them both up by it!! Yay!! That's so awesome! Such a brilliant idea

--And the FBI guys get there just *after* the nick of time. Sigh!!

--OH, I Like the girl giving her locket to Scraggly Guy, as thanks for saving her!! So nice!

--And Fraser offering him a ride. Sweet!

--And Scraggly Guy's all cleared now. That's super nice!

--Oh, I love that sweet sweet smile Ray's giving Fraser! So cool!

--Oh, they're so cute!

--Eeeee!! OMGOMGOMG I love love love Ray warning Frannie away from Fraser!! Eeee!! ::swoonflail:: And I love that he's doing it for her own good. "Guys like him don't marry girls like you, that's a fairy tale. And girls like you get hurt and guys like him don't even know it, and that's life." And I love that Fraser's watching them talking. And is sad. And is there any other way short of coming out and saying it for Ray to tell Frannie that Fraser's gay?

--Okay, Frannie's reasonably cute and not trashy looking in this shot. And she may be right, that Ray's afraid to dream. But sometimes getting invested in a dream really is the short route to getting hurt.

--OMGOMGOMG PLease please please tell me that someone has written the post-ep story for this where Ray decided to take a chance and reach out for Fraser rather than being afraid to reach for what he wants. Please please. This deserves a dozen fics, but I'll take just one. :D

--Oh, God and I love that it would matter to Ray if she had slept with Fraser!! (And even in my slashy imaginings here it's obvious that Ray's concerned for her, as well as for his own hopes with Fraser.)

--But she still doesn't tell him. Poor Ray.

--Oh, yeah, if there was the slightest bit of doubt about whether Fraser had sex with her at the end of "The Deal" it's gone now. Look at how uncomfortable he is.

--Though, Lordy, I can see why she'd want to...

--Though why is he encouraging her hopes by offering to walk her home?? I'm not sure I get this at all.

--Love him ending by kicking the busted water fountain though. that's cute. :D

All screencaps are my own, feel free to use them however you like. Unless you like to use screencaps by hotlinking. That's not nice, so please don't do that.

due South Episode Notes

Free Willie
Diefenbaker's Day Off
They Eat Horses, Don't They?
Pizza and Promises
Chicago Holiday, part 1
Chicago Holiday, part 2
A Cop, A Mountie and A Baby
The Gift of the Wheel Man
You Must Remember This
Hawk & Handsaw
An Eye for An Eye
The Man Who Knew Too Little
The Wild Bunch
The Blue Line
The Deal
An Invitation to Romance

due south, screencaps, episode notes

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